On Walter Benjamin's Surgical Operation comparative with Pictorial Portrait
映 画 |
絵 画 |
外科医/撮影技師/カメラマン |
呪術師/画家 |
病人に体内に介入する | 病人の体の上に手をおく |
患者の距離を大きく縮める | 患者と自然な距離をおく |
内臓の間の手の動きの慎重さによって 病人との距離を少し拡大する | 権威によって病人と距離 をとる |
病人との人間的な関係において向き合 うことを瞬間的に断念し、手術 によって患者の中に侵入する | (病人との人間的な関係 において向き合 う) |
(カメラマンは)事象の組織構造に深 く侵入する | (画家は)その仕事にお いて、対象との 自然な距離を観察する |
(カメラマンによる)イメージはばら ばらに寸断されたものでああ り、その諸部分は、のちにある新しい法則にしたがって集められる。 | (画家による)イメージ は全体的なもの |
(ベンヤミン「複製技術 時代の芸術作品」pp.615-6) | (ベンヤミン「複製技術 時代の芸術作品」pp.615-6) |
The shooting of a film, especially of a sound film, affords a spectacle unimaginable anywhere at any time before this. It presents a process in which it is impossible to assign to a spectator a viewpoint which would exclude from the actual scene such extraneous accessories as camera equipment, lighting machinery, staff assistants, etc. – unless his eye were on a line parallel with the lens. This circumstance, more than any other, renders superficial and insignificant any possible similarity between a scene in the studio and one on the stage. In the theater one is well aware of the place from which the play cannot immediately be detected as illusionary. There is no such place for the movie scene that is being shot. Its illusionary nature is that of the second degree, the result of cutting. That is to say, in the studio the mechanical equipment has penetrated so deeply into reality that its pure aspect freed from the foreign substance of equipment is the result of a special procedure, namely, the shooting by the specially adjusted camera and the mounting of the shot together with other similar ones. The equipment-free aspect of reality here has become the height of artifice; the sight of immediate reality has become an orchid in the land of technology. | 映画の撮影、特にサウンド・フィルムの撮影は、それ以前には想像もでき
ことの結果なのである。ここでは、機材のない現実の様相は作為の極みとなり、即時的な現実の光景はテクノロジーの国の蘭の花となっている。 |
Even more revealing is the comparison of these circumstances, which differ so much from those of the theater, with the situation in painting. Here the question is: How does the cameraman compare with the painter? To answer this we take recourse to an analogy with a surgical operation. The surgeon represents the polar opposite of the magician. The magician heals a sick person by the laying on of hands; the surgeon cuts into the patient’s body. The magician maintains the natural distance between the patient and himself; though he reduces it very slightly by the laying on of hands, he greatly increases it by virtue of his authority. The surgeon does exactly the reverse; he greatly diminishes the distance between himself and the patient by penetrating into the patient’s body, and increases it but little by the caution with which his hand moves among the organs. In short, in contrast to the magician - who is still hidden in the medical practitioner – the surgeon at the decisive moment abstains from facing the patient man to man; rather, it is through the operation that he penetrates into him. | さらに明らかになるのは、劇場の状況とは大きく異なるこれらの状況を、
とは対照的に、外科医は決定的な瞬間に患者と向き合うことを避け、むしろ手術を通して患者の中に入り込むのである。 |
Magician and surgeon compare to painter and cameraman. The painter maintains in his work a natural distance from reality, the cameraman penetrates deeply into its web. There is a tremendous difference between the pictures they obtain. That of the painter is a total one, that of the cameraman consists of multiple fragments which are assembled under a new law. Thus, for contemporary man the representation of reality by the film is incomparably more significant than that of the painter, since it offers, precisely because of the thoroughgoing permeation of reality with mechanical equipment, an aspect of reality which is free of all equipment. And that is what one is entitled to ask from a work of art." | 手品師と外科医は画家とカメラマンに例えられる。画家は現実から自然な
が、人が芸術作品に求める資格のあるものなのだ。" |
Walter Benjamin (1936), The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Reproduction, XI https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm |