Substance related disorders and addictive disorders
まずはじめに、OEDにみる、嗜癖(addiction)と依存(dependence)の 語用論から
[ad. L. addictiōn-em, n. of action f. addīc-ĕre; see addict.]
1.1 Rom. Law. A formal giving over or delivery by sentence of court.
Hence, A surrender, or dedication, of any one to a master.
1625 T. Godwin Rom. Antiq. 170 The forme of Addiction was
thus‥the party which preuailed, laid his hand on the thing or the
person against which sentence was pronounced vsing this forme of words,
Hunc ego hominem siue hanc rem ex iure Quiritium meam esse
dico. 1735 Bp. Patrick On Exodus xx. 6 Look upon it
only as a solemn Addiction of him to his Master's
Service. 1751 Chambers Cycl., Adjudication is more
particularly used for the addiction, or consigning a thing sold by
auction, or the like, to the highest bidder. 1880
Muirhead Gaius iii. §189 Whether this addiction made him a slave‥was a
point of controversy with the old lawyers.
2. a.2.a The state of being (self-)addicted or given to a habit or
pursuit; devotion.
1641 Vind. Smectym. ii. 43 The peoples‥more willing
addiction to hearing. 1675 E. Phillips in Shaks.
Cent. Praise 360 His own proper Industry and Addiction to
Books. 1789 T. Jefferson Writings (1859) II. 585 Such
an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral
agent. 1858 Gladstone Stud. Homer I. 237 Their
addiction to agricultural pursuits. 1859 Mill Liberty
146 A man who causes grief to his family by addiction to bad habits.
b.2.b The, or a, state of being addicted to a drug (see addicted ppl.
a. 3 b); a compulsion and need to continue taking a drug as a result of
taking it in the past. Cf. drug-addiction s.v. drug n.1 1 b.
[1779 Johnson L.P., Philips Wks. II. 291 His addiction to
tobacco is mentioned by one of his biographers.] 1906
Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 3 Mar. 643/2 It matters little whether one
speaks of the opium habit, the opium disease or the opium
addiction. 1951 A. Grollman Pharmacol. &
Therapeutics iv. 97 Addiction refers to that condition induced by a
drug which necessitates the continuation of the drug and without which
physical and mental derangements result. 1960 P.
Goodman Growing up Absurd ix. 180 In taking drugs for the new
experience, they largely steer clear of being hooked by an
addiction. 1965 New Statesman 3 Dec. 868/1 Addiction
units tend not to be aware of the addict's tremendous need for moral
support when the drug is taken from him. 1975 Nature
18 Sept. 188/2 Most people consider opiate addiction to comprise three
major elements: tolerance, physical dependence, and compulsive craving.
†3.3 The way in which one is addicted; inclination, bent, leaning,
penchant. Also in pl. Obs.
1604 Shakes. Oth. ii. ii. 6 Each man to what sport and
revels his addiction leads him. 1634 Peacham Compl.
Gentlem. iv. 34/2 For every man to search into the addiction of his
Genius, and not to wrest nature. 1675 in Phil. Trans.
X. 255 The genius, faculties, addictions, and humors of men of all ages.
Forms: 6 -aunce, 6–9 -ance, 7– -ence.
[a. F. dépendance (15th c. in Littré, in 14th c. despendence, Oresme),
f. dependant: see prec. and -ance. Like dependent a., subseq.
assimilated to the L. type, the form in -ance being rare after 1800.]
†1.1 The action of hanging down; concr. something that hangs down. Obs.
1697 Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 806 Like a large Cluster of
black Grapes they show, And make a large dependance from the Bough.
2.2 The relation of having existence hanging upon, or conditioned by,
the existence of something else; the fact of depending upon something
1605 Verstegan Dec. Intell. ii. (1628) 27 Words‥that seeme
to haue dependance on the Latin. 1613 J. Salkeld
Treat. Angels 5 Without beginning or dependence of any other
cause. 1646 Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. xi. 45 There
was no naturall dependance of the event upon the
signe. 1677 Plot Oxfordsh. 196, I dare not suppose
there was any dependence between the medicin and
disease. 1754 Edwards Freed. Will i. iv. 23 The
Dependence and Connection between Acts of Volition or Choice, and their
Causes. 1860 Tyndall Glac. i. xxvii. 199 The chain of
dependence which runs throughout creation. 1864 Bowen
Logic x. 348 That which comes next it in the order of dependence.
†b.2.b Connexion of successively dependent parts; logical sequence.
Obs. (or merged in prec.).
a 1535 More Wks. 611 (R.) Hys woordes‥be so dark and so
intriked of purpose withoute any dependence or order.
1638 Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 236 The Father next, and as they are
in blood the other follow in a just dependance; the rest
promiscuously. 1681–6 J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III.
252 The Discourse‥from Verse to Verse runs all along in a close and
continued Dependance.
†c.2.c In wider sense: Relation, connexion (cf. depend 2 b). Obs.
a 1633 Austin Medit. (1635) 226 As their [St. Philip and
St. Bartholomew] being of that Society of the Twelve hindred them not
from being of the great Societie the Church; so their other
Dependances, as being of the Church, or being of the seventy, or being
married men‥hindred them not from being of the Twelve.
3.3 The relation of anything subordinate to that from which it holds,
or derives support, etc.; the condition of a dependant; subjection,
subordination. (Opp. to independence.)
1614 Raleigh Hist. World iii. 72 Those two great Cities,
Athens and Sparta, upon which all the rest had most
dependance. 1660 R. Coke Power & Subj. 147 How
far the Britanick Churches were from any dependence upon the Church of
Rome. 1699 Bentley Phal. 488 A dependance upon the
most Brutal of Tyrants. 1751 Johnson Rambler No. 101
⁋4, I lived in all the luxury of affluence without expence or
dependence. 1765 Blackstone Comm. Introd. §4. 101
Dependence being very little else, but an obligation to conform to the
will or law of that superior person or state, upon which the inferior
depends. 1874 Green Short Hist. viii. §2. 469 To free
the Crown from its dependence on the Parliament. 1886
Stevenson Kidnapped xviii. 172 The other four were equally in the
Duke's dependance.
†4.4 concr. That which is subordinate to, connected with, or belonging
to, something else; an appurtenance, connexion, dependency. Obs.
1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 25 To committe the state of his
said mariage, with all the circumstances and dependaunce thereof vnto
the prelates. 1581 Savile Tacitus' Hist. iii. xiii.
(1591) 122 As though eight Legions were to be the dependance of one
nauy. 1601 Holland Pliny I. 127 The great riuer
Indus‥issueth out of a part or dependance of the hill
Caucasus. 1794 Hist. in Ann. Reg. 54 Coblentz, a
dependence of the electorate of Mentz.
†b.4.b A body of dependants or subordinates; a retinue. (Usually
-ance.) Obs.
1606 Ford Honor Tri. 10 Deseruing to be beloued; of whome?
Of popular opinion or unstable vulgar dependances?
1631 Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 273 He feasted‥two kings, two Queenes, with
their dependances, 700. messe of meate scarce seruing for the first
dinner. 1638 Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death
(1650) 19 A numerous Family, a great Retinue, and
Dependance. 1692 South Serm. (1697) I. 33 Encumbred
with Dependances, throng'd and surrounded with Petitioners.
5.5 The condition of resting in faith or expectation (upon something);
reliance; assured confidence or trust.
1627 Sanderson 12 Serm. (1632) 530 Faithful dependance
vpon the providence‥of God. 1754 Hist. Yng. Lady
Distinction II. 10 Thoroughly sensible what little dependence I ought
to make on my own strength. 1763 E. Carter Mem. etc.
(1816) I. 295 The waters, I shall continue drinking, without much
dependance of getting better. 1801 Gabrielli Myst.
Husb. II. 205 There was no dependance to be placed in the word of a
woman who [etc.]. 1841 Lane Arab. Nts. I. 68 It is
the only branch of divination worthy of dependance.
1875 Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 19 Living‥in dependence on the will of God.
b.5.b transf. That on which one relies or may rely; object of reliance
or trust; resource. ? Obs.
1754 Richardson Grandison IV. v. 44 Your honour, your
piety, are my just dependence. 1803 Wellington in
Owen Desp. 784 The seamen from the East India fleet were the only or
principal dependence for manning the navy. 1827 J. F.
Cooper Prairie II. iv. 59 Take the Lord for your dependance.
†c.5.c Reliableness, trustworthiness. Obs. rare.
1752 Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 22 So little
dependance has this affair. 1790–1811 W. Combe Devil
on Two Sticks (1817) VI. 44 The philosophy of poets‥is not of very
sterling dependence.
6.6 The condition of waiting for settlement; pending, suspense. (Now
only in legal use.)
1605 Burgh Rec. Aberdeen 4 Dec. (Jam. Suppl.), That anes
the actioune may be put under dependance befoir onie
parliament. 1679–1714 Burnet Hist. Ref., After a long
dependance it might end as the former had done. 1816
Shelley Let. in Dowden Life II. 8 Engagements contracted during the
dependence of the late negotiation. 1861 W. Bell
Dict. Law Scot., Depending Action, an action is held to be in
dependence from the moment of the citation, until the final decision of
the House of Lords. 1874 Act 37–8 Vict. c. 94 §68
Nothing herein contained shall affect any action now in dependence.
†b.6.b A quarrel or affair of honour ‘depending’ or awaiting
settlement. Obs.
1598 B. Jonson Ev. Man in Hum. i. v, The bastinado! a most
proper, and sufficient dependance, warranted by the great
Caranza. 1616 ― Devil an Ass iv. vii, H' is friend to
him, with whom I ha' the dependance. 1820 Scott
Monast. xxi, Let us pause for the space of one venue, until I give you
my opinion on this dependence. [Note. Dependence, a phrase among the
brethren of the sword for an existing quarrel.]
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