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Leslie Marmon Silko


Leslie Marmon Silko (born Leslie Marmon; born March 5, 1948) is a Laguna Pueblo writer and one of the key figures in the First Wave of what literary critic Kenneth Lincoln has called the Native American Renaissance. - "Leslie Marmon Silko"

The follwing informations are cited from Wikipedia article on "Leslie Marmon Silko"


"The main plot line of Ceremony follows the trials of a half-Pueblo, half-white Laguna Pueblo man named Tayo upon returning from World War II. His white doctors say he is suffering from "battle fatigue," or what would today be called post-traumatic stress disorder. However, the novel interweaves several different timelines around Tayo, from both before and after the war, as well as a spiritual timeline where the Thought Woman (also known as Spider Woman), Corn Woman and Reed Woman, the three main Pueblo spiritual entities, create the world and then Hummingbird and Green Bottle Fly must go down to the Fourth World to retrieve Reed Woman to stop a drought. Also in this spiritual timeline is the introduction of the "witchery" and the "destroyers," who are like anti-medicine men, sewing evil and destruction which the medicine men work to fight against through Ceremony. By the end of the novel, all of these timelines converge in the ceremony of Tayo."

Almanac of the Dead

"Almanac of the Dead takes place against the backdrop of the American Southwest and Central America. It follows the stories of dozens of major characters in a somewhat non-linear narrative format. Much of the story takes place in the present day, although lengthy flashbacks and occasional mythological storytelling are also woven into the plot./ The novel's numerous characters are often separated by both time and space, and many seemingly have little to do with one another at first. A majority of these characters are involved in criminal or revolutionary organizations - the extended cast includes arms dealers, drug kingpins, an elite assassin, communist revolutionaries, corrupt politicians and a black market organ dealer./ Driving many of these individual storylines is a general theme of total reclamation of Native American lands. " -Almanac of the Dead.



"Almanac of the Dead begins with a map before the reader actually engages with any sentences. The map is a simplified version of the borderlands of the American Southwest with various cities marked, yet Tucson is designed as being a sort of center of the region. There are all kinds of names and arrows on the outlined territories, but their meaning only begins to make sense as the reader moves forward in the novel. Silko's narrative takes place within this landscape, but Colombia also becomes a country where characters end up and others like Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, and Honduras are alluded to. It depicts the lives of many characters throughout six parts that contain various numbers of "books", embedded with short chapters that almost function as interconnected short stories. The story does away with normative constructs of time, as the reader is usually placed or "dumped" into various scenarios or moments which come into sharper view as the book moves along. Much of the story takes place in the "present", although lengthy flashbacks and mythos tied to indigenous knowledge, are also woven into the plot."- Almanac of the Dead

Six parts that contain various numbers of "books"


Part Two: MEXICO

Part Three: AFRICA





・杉山直子「正しいインディアンのやり方と『母なる 大地・母なる神』(第4章)」『アメリカ・マイノリティ女性文学と母性 』彩流社 , 2007年

・『儀式』(1977)が受け入れられなかった理由 は、「男を主人公にしたことを罰せられたような気がした」と表明(1994年のインタビュー, p.142)


ラグーナ人のタヨ(Tayo)は、太平洋戦争に従軍 し、フィリピンのジャングルで日本兵と戦い捕虜になる。いとこのロッキーは戦闘中に日本軍に殺されるが、それは米軍の上官の日本兵狙撃の命令に発砲するこ とができなかったことによる。そのため戦争神経症になり、戦後米国に帰還する。物語は、タヨがロスアンゼルスの病院の意識が混濁している状況からはじま る。西洋医学はタヨを癒すことができず、ロッキーの母であるおばさんの家に寄寓することになる。

タヨの心の悩みは、母親にもおばさんにも見捨てられ たにも関わらず、彼を可愛がっていた叔父のジョサイア(Josiah)のまだらの牛を、育種のため委ねられたにも関わらず逃してしまったことだ。タヨは、 その自責の念を、自分の血の中に白人の血が混じっていることであるとし、それがコミュニティからも十全に受け入れられていないことであると思い悩む。

"The Tayo we find at the beginning of the novel is struggling with the death of his cousin, Rocky, whom he saw die during the Bataan Death March of 1942, and the death of his uncle Josiah, whom he believes he saw in the face of a Japanese soldier killed by firing squad during the war. " - Ceremony (Silko novel).


タヨの儀礼の最後は、最初の原爆実験がかつて行なわ れた「トリニティ・サイト」の近くの坑口から地下に入り鉱石を拾う。タヨは、自分の心の不安を、みずからの混血のせいにして、白人を破壊者としてしかみな かったことだと自覚する。自分たちは、白人社会と折り合っていかねばならぬ、みずからの先住民の責任を引き受けることをタヨは自覚する。

●より細かい詳細はウィキペディア(英語)Ceremony (Silko novel)にある。

・彼女は自分がフェミニストであることを自覚しなが らも、先住民に押し付けられる地母神として母親の概念は、西洋から齎されたものだと強く主張する。

・このことが、彼女をして、さまざまな伝統的規範か ら外れた先住民女性を描き、伝統的な女性役割に回帰する女性を物語(とりわけ『死者の暦』)で批判しようとしているのか?

・ラグーナ・プエブロ先住民の老人スターリング:幼 少の頃、インディアン学校におくられ先住民の言語を話せられなくなる(199)→『悲しきインディアン(儀式)』におけるタヨを癒す、シャーマン・ベ トニーと境遇が似ている。


・「世界癒し系大会」というエコロジー/癒し系の先 住民かぶれの人たちのパロディ

■ Almanac of the dead, 1991.




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