On Walter Mignolo's Border Gnosis
「境域を超える(Crossing- Borders)」という意味の限りなく個人的な秘技的特質のことである。それを「境界越境のグノーシス」と呼ぼう。「境界越境のグノーシス」は、実際に それを行った人/行っているひとには、きわめて多義的な意味をもつ。この意味によき意味しかもたない人は、不法な労働移民や難民(経済および政 治)が無理にでも禁じられた国境を越境して領域侵犯(transgression)のイメージを抱くことができない、哀れな人たちである。他方で、審査官 に取り調べをうける、賄賂を要求される、軍人から銃を向けられる、などなど、領域侵 犯(transgression)のある経験者は、ビジネスエリートが、境域を超えた(Crossing-Borders)を能天気に称揚する際に、「な んて幸 せな人なのだろうか!」と感慨を新たにするだろう。それぐらい価値の広がりがあるのである(→「グノーシズム」「フィールドワークの時空間」)
left, Silko's Map on "Almanac of the dead"; right, Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamayhua (Virreinato del Perú, fines del siglo XVI - siglo XVII) fue un cronista indígena peruano, autor de la obra Relación de las antigüedades deste Reyno del Pirú, de breve extensión pero de gran valor por la información de tipo etnohistórico que proporciona. (see Mignolo 2000:158)- Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua, by Wiki.
Closeup of the Gutiérrez 1562 New World
map. The town of Chicana is listed in the upper left of the map, which
is the earliest recorded usage of Chicana/o.[Rodriguez, Roberto (June
7, 2017). "Rodriguez:
The X in LatinX". Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. Cox,
Matthews, and Associates. Retrieved August 4, 2019.]
Walter Mignolo (1941- ) はアルゼンチン生まれの記号学者・歴史家・思想家。Local Histories / Global Designs : Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking, 2000において、「境界のグノーシス(border )」を提唱している。
図 書の解説によると「帝国/植民地の国境地において住まうことによる感じとられ、そして 知りえること」が、この境界のグノーシスということだ。
"Local Histories/Global Designs is an extended argument about the "coloniality" of power by one of the most innovative Latin American and Latino scholars. In a shrinking world where sharp dichotomies, such as East/West and developing/developed, blur and shift, Walter Mignolo points to the inadequacy of current practices in the social sciences and area studies. He explores the crucial notion of "colonial difference" in the study of the modern colonial world and traces the emergence of an epistemic shift, which he calls "border thinking." Further, he expands the horizons of those debates already under way in postcolonial studies of Asia and Africa by dwelling in the genealogy of thoughts of South/Central America, the Caribbean, and Latino/as in the United States. His concept of "border gnosis," or sensing and knowing by dwelling in imperial/colonial borderlands, counters the tendency of occidentalist perspectives to manage, and thus limit, understanding. In a new preface that discusses Local Histories/Global Designs as a dialogue with Hegel's Philosophy of History, Mignolo connects his argument with the unfolding of history in the first decade of the twenty-first century. "
”Explores the crucial notion of "colonial difference" in the study of the modern colonial world and traces the emergence of an epistemic shift, which author calls "border thinking". This title expands the horizons of debates under way in postcolonial studies of Asia and Africa by dwelling in the genealogy of thoughts of South/Central America.”
".., I will use gnoseology as the discourse about
gnosis and I will understand
by gnosis knowledge in general, including doxa and episteme. Border
gnosis as knowledge from a subaltern perspective is knowledge conceived
from the exterior borders of the modern/colonial world system, and
border gnoseology as a discourse about colonial knowledge is conceived
the conflictive intersection of the knowledge produced from the
of modern colonialisms (rhetoric, philosophy, science) and knowledge
from the perspective of colonial modernities in Asia, Africa, and the
Americas/Caribbean. Border
gnoseology is a critical reflection on knowledge
production from both the interior borders of the modern/colonial world
system (imperial conflicts, hegemonic languages, directionality of
etc) and its exterior borders (imperial conflicts with cultures being
colonized, as well as the subsequent stages of independence or
decolonization)." (Mignolo 2000:11)
こ のグノーシスのアイディアは、最初、バレンティン・ムディンベ(1988)"The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Oder of Knowledge,"による「アフリカン・グノーシス(African gnosis)」から得られたことを、序文の6ページで示唆している(ミグノーロの本書の序文はインターネットで公開されている)。
"Mudimbe introduced the word gnosis to capture a wide range of forms of knowledge that “philosophy” and “epistemology” contributed to cast away. To seize the complexity of knowledge about Africa, by those who lived there for centuries and by those who went to Westernize it, the knowledge produced by travelers in the past and by the media in the present, underlining at the same time the crucial relevance of the “African traditional system of thought,” needed to conceptualize knowledge production beyond the two cultures" (pp.10-11).
こ こでの2つの文化とは、謂うまでもないが西洋とアフリカの2つの文化的対立のことを指 している。しかし同様に、C.P.スノーの人文系と(自然)科学系の2つの学問領域の対 立の寓意をひいており、西洋の思考様式がつねに自己と他者峻別し、みずからの権力装置を経由して、そのような境界を警邏する(サイードのオリエンタリズム を想起されたい)ように他者表象するものとして描いている。
き、その独特の知識の位置(とりわけ神学的=道徳的な側面)に着目している (Mignolo 2000:11-12)。
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other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate
someone to thoughts of his own," - Ludwig Wittgenstein