
ジョセフ・コンラッド闇の奥』Hart of Darkness


1857 Joseph Conrad(-1924)生まれる。

1858 Frans Boas(-1942)生まれる。

1864 Robert Ezla Park生まれる。

1871 E.B.タイラー『原始文化』誠信書房

1871 ヘンリー・スタンレー、ディビッド・リビングス トンを「発見」

1874 スタンレーは、ザンジバル、コンゴ上流を通り大 西洋に抜ける

1985  David Lan ; preface by Maurice Bloch, Guns & rain : guerrillas & spirit mediums in Zimbabwe, University of California Press

"Almost every anti-colonial struggle this century has been led by an army of guerrillas. No such struggle has succeeded without a very high degree of cooperation between guerrillas and the local peasantry. But what does 'cooperation' between peasants and guerrillas really consist of? What effect does it have on the way they view the world for which they fight? In the struggle for Zimbabwe (1966-80), hundreds of thousands of peasants provided the guerrillas with practical help and support. But they went a good deal further. Throughout the country scores of spirit mediums, the religious leaders of Shona, gave active support to resistance. With their participation, the scale of the war expanded into an astonishing act of collaboration between ancestors and their descendants, the past and the present, the living and the dead. This book is a detailed study of one key 'operational zone' in the Zambezi valley. It shows that to understand the meaning the war and independence have for the people of Zimbabwe themselves, we must take into account not only the nationalist guerrillas and politicians, the bearers of guns, but also the mediums of the spirits of the Shona royal ancestors, the bringers of rain." -Nielsen BookData.

List of Figures, Maps and Plates Acknowledgments Preface

Introduction Part I. The Operational Zone

1. Guerrillas and Mediums

2. The People and the Land

Part II. The Lions of Rain

3. The Land and the Dead

4. The Great Spectacle of the Past

5. The Valley of Affines

6. The Country of Kin

Part III. The Sons of the Soil

7. The Coming of the Guerrillas

8. The Legitimacy of Resistance

9. From Chiefs to Guerrillas

10. The Politics of Tradition

Part IV. To Zimbabwe and Beyond

11. The Ancestors and the Party

12. The Ancestors and the State


Appendix: Methodology and Sources Bibliography Index


 Lord Jim 『ロード・ジム』新潮文庫(1965)ほか

 「LORD JIM」1925(米) 監督:ヴィクター・フレミング

 「ロード・ジム LORD JIM」1965(英) 監督・脚本:リチャード・ブルックス 出演:ピーター・オトゥール,ジェームズ・メイスン,伊丹十三

 An Outcase of the Islands 『文化果つるところ』角川文庫(1953)ほか

 「文化果つるところ Outcast of the Islands」1951(英) 監督:キャロル・リード


■ 愛の新世界 ■

■ 地獄の黙示録 ■

■ コンラッドとマリノフスキー ■

By Joseph Conrad

The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide..... (Heart of Darkness).....

Marlow ceased, and sat apart, indistinct and silent, in the pose of a meditating Buddha. Nobody moved for a time. "We have lost the first of the ebb," said the Director suddenly. I raised my head. The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky—seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.

