かならずよんで ね!

Welcome to our Collaboration Office!!!


知のイノベーション基盤とは、「創造的な知」とそれらの知のあいだ の組み合わせ(コンビネーション)にあります。大学から発進する「新たな」を社会の多様な担い手と協働(コラボレーション)することで、知 は音楽を奏でる ように協奏し、またさまざまな技芸(アート)のごとく共創(Co-Creation)してゆくことを目的とします。

1 What are your Educational Activities at the Center for the Study of Co*Design?

--My main teaching activities cover Dialogic Methods in Qualitative Study and Ethnography, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) for Post-Graduate Students, Theory and Practice in Action Research, and Research Ethics.

2 What Research are you involved in?

--My specialization is cultural anthropology. My research interests include medical ethnography, Central America regional studies, human-animal relationships, comparative study of harm reduction policies for drug users and addicts, history of anthropological sciences, and political anthropology of indigenous people.

3 What are your activities with institutions and people outside the center?

--I have published extensively online on a variety of themes over the past twenty-five years. As a result, I am frequently invited to speak on a range of topics, e.g. cinematographic analysis of films, ecotourism in Central America and Mexico, research ethics, and the nature of infanticide and gerontophobia. My outreach activities include the organization of collaborative workshops for young professionals from various businesses in the Kansai area.

Source: https://www.cscd.osaka-u.ac.jp/co/english/
Our seminars, for examples, are mentioned as below...
1. Art of Field Research A: Qualitative Study and Ethnography, 2018
2. Literacy G: Research Ethics for Students of Humanities, 2018

On Critical Thinking! (in Japanese)





Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099

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