アウエルバッハ[Erich Auerbach]『ミメーシス』 上:84からの引用——時間概念の脱臼
「たとえばイサクの生贄のような事件がキリストの受難を予兆するものとして解釈され、したがって、 前者において後者が告知され約束され、後者が前者を充足するならば、時間的 にも因果関係のうえからもつながりのない二つの出来事のあいだにひとつの関係が 確立されることになる。この関係は水平的次元では理性によって確立することができな い」(pp.42-43:アンダーソンの頁:1997年邦訳版、 p.48)
1 |
Odysseus' Scar |
Odyssey by Homer
and Genesis 22 |
2 |
Fortunata |
Satyricon by
Petronius, Annals Book 1 by Tacitus and Mark ch. 14 |
3 |
The Arrest of
Peter Valvomeres |
Res Gestae by
Ammianus Marcellinus |
4 |
Sicharius and
Chramnesindus |
History of the
Franks by Gregory of Tours |
5 |
Roland Against Ganelon |
Chanson de Roland |
![]() |
6 |
The Knight Sets
Forth |
Yvain by Chrétien
de Troyes |
7 |
Adam and Eve |
The medieval
mystery play Mystère d'Adam; St. Bernard of Clairvaux; St. Francis of
Assisi |
8 |
Farinata and
Cavalcante |
Inferno, The
Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri |
9 |
Frate Alberto |
The Decameron by
Giovanni Boccaccio |
10 |
Madame Du Chastel |
Le Réconfort de
Madame du Fresne by Antoine de la Sale |
11 |
The World in
Pantagruel's Mouth |
Gargantua and
Pantagruel by François Rabelais |
12 |
L'Humaine Condition |
Essays by Michel
de Montaigne |
13 |
The Weary Prince |
Henry IV, Parts 1
and 2 by William Shakespeare |
14 |
The Enchanted
Dulcinea |
Don Quixote by
Miguel de Cervantes |
15 |
The Faux Dévot |
Tartuffe by Molière |
16 |
The Interrupted
Supper |
Manon Lescaut by
Abbé Prévost; Candide by Voltaire; Mémoires by Louis de Rouvroy, duc de
Saint-Simon |
17 |
Miller the Musician |
Luise Miller by
Friedrich Schiller |
18 |
In the Hôtel de la
Mole |
The Red and the
Black by Stendhal and Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert |
19 |
Germinie Lacerteux |
Germinie Lacerteux
by Edmond and Jules de Goncourt and Germinal by Émile Zola |
20 |
The Brown Stocking |
To the Lighthouse
by Virginia Woolf and In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust |
『ミメーシス(Mimesis: Dargestellte Wirklichkeit in der abendländischen Literatur)』は、エーリッヒ・アウエルバッハによる文学評論集であり、彼の最も有名な著作である。1935年にナチスによってマールブルク大学 のロマンス言語学の教授職を追われ、逃亡先のトルコのイスタンブールで教鞭を取っていた時に書かれ[1]、1946年にA・フランケ出版から初めて出版さ れた。『ミメーシス』は、ホメロスの『オデュッセイア』における世界の表象と、聖書における世界の表象との比較で始まる。この二つの西洋の代表的なテキス トから、アウエルバッハは西洋文学の全歴史にまたがる統一的な表現論の基礎を築き、アウエルバッハが研究を始めた当時に書かれたモダニズム小説家たちも含 めて、この理論の対象とする。
Position and
evaluation of rhetoric To the consternation of his colleague Ernst Curtius,[citation needed] Auerbach's work is marked by an openly anti-rhetorical position. Auerbach criticizes classical writers such as Homer, Tacitus and Petronius, as well as medieval theologians (except St. Augustine) and writers of the seventeenth century, like Racine, for their adherence to the rhetorical doctrine of "styles" with their corresponding subject matters: the low style's association with the comedic and the popular classes, and the elevated style's association with the tragic, the historic and the heroic. Auerbach sees the Bible as opposing this rhetorical doctrine in its serious and poignant portrayals of common folk and their encounter with the divine. As Auerbach notes in Chapter 2 when discussing the New Testament: But the spirit of rhetoric — a spirit which classified subjects in genera and invested every subject with a specific form of style as one garment becoming it in virtue of its nature [i.e. lower classes with the farcical low-style, upper classes with the tragic, the historic and the sublime elevated-style] — could not extend its dominion to them [the Bible writers] for the simple reason that their subject would not fit into any of the known genres. A scene like Peter's denial fits into no antique genre. It is too serious for comedy, too contemporary and everyday for tragedy, politically too insignificant for history — and the form which was given it is one of such immediacy that its like does not exist in the literature of antiquity.[5]: 45 The Bible will ultimately be responsible for the "mixed style" of Christian rhetoric, a style that is described by Auerbach in Chapter 7 as the "antithetical fusion" or "merging" of the high and low style. The model is Christ's Incarnation as both sublimitas and humilitas. This mixture ultimately leads to a "popular realism" seen in the religious plays and sermons of the 12th century. Auerbach also discusses the development of an intermediate or middle style due to medieval influences from the Bible and courtly love (see chapters 9 and 15 on Boccaccio and Molière). This development of an intermediate and then ultimately another "mixed style" (Shakespeare, Hugo) leads to what Auerbach calls the "modern realism" of the nineteenth-century (see Chapter 18 on Flaubert). Auerbach champions[clarification needed] writers like Gregory of Tours and St. Francis of Assisi, whose Latin was poor and whose rhetorical education was minimal, but who were still able to convey vivid expression and feeling. He also champions the diarist Saint-Simon who wrote about the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century French court. Completely free of the absolute constraints of style found in Racine or the superficial use of reality found in Prévost or Voltaire, Saint-Simon's portraits of court life are considered by Auerbach, somewhat surprisingly, to be the precursor of Proust (an admirer of Saint-Simon) and Zola. |
レトリックの位置づけと評価 アウエルバッハの著作は、同僚のエルンスト・クルティウスが困惑したように、公然と反レトリックの立場をとっていることが特徴である[citation needed]。アウアーバッハは、ホーマー、タキトゥス、ペトロニウスといった古典作家や、聖アウグスティヌスを除く中世の神学者、ラシーヌのような 17世紀の作家が、「様式」という修辞学の教義に固執し、その主題が喜劇や大衆階級と関連し、高等様式が悲劇、歴史、英雄と関連するとして批判している。 アウエルバッハは、聖書が庶民と神との出会いを真剣かつ切々と描くことで、この修辞学的教義に対抗していると見ている。アウエルバッハは第2章で新約聖書 を論じる際、次のように記している。 しかし、レトリックの精神は、主題を属人的に分類し、その性質上、一つの衣服がそれになるように、すべての主題に特定の形式のスタイルを与える精神(すな わち、下層階級には茶番の低姿勢、上層階級には悲劇、歴史、崇高な高姿勢)であるが、彼らの主題が既知のどのジャンルにも適合しないという単純な理由から 彼ら(聖書作家)に支配を及ぼすことができなかったのである。ペテロの否認のような場面は、古代のどのジャンルにも当てはまらない。喜劇には深刻すぎる し、悲劇には現代的で日常的すぎるし、歴史には政治的に取るに足らないものである-そして、これに与えられた形式は、古代の文学には存在しないような即時 性のあるものである[5]。 45 聖書は最終的に、キリスト教修辞学の「混合様式」を担うことになる。この様式は、アウアーバッハが第7章において、高位様式と低位様式の「反語的融合」あ るいは「融合」として表現したものである。そのモデルは、sublimitasとhumilitasの両方としてのキリストの受肉である。この混合は、最 終的に12世紀の宗教劇や説教に見られる「民衆的リアリズム」へとつながっていく。さらにアウエルバッハは、中世における聖書や宮廷恋愛の影響による中間 的なスタイルの発展についても論じている(ボッカチオとモリエールについては第9章と第15章を参照)。この中間的な、そして最終的には別の「混合様式」 (シェイクスピア、ユーゴー)の発展は、アウエルバッハが19世紀の「近代リアリズム」と呼ぶものにつながっている(フローベールについては第18章参 照)。 アウエルバッハは、トゥールのグレゴリウスやアッシジの聖フランチェスコのように、ラテン語が拙く修辞学的教育も最低限でありながら、生き生きとした表現 と感情を伝えることができた作家を支持する[clarification needed]。また、17世紀末から18世紀初頭のフランス宮廷について書いた日記作家サン=シモンも支持する。ラシーヌに見られる絶対的な文体の制約 や、プレヴォストやヴォルテールに見られる表面的な現実の利用から完全に自由なサン=シモンの宮廷生活の肖像は、やや意外にも、アウエルバッハによって、 サン=シモンを崇拝するプルーストやゾラの先駆けであると考えられているのである。 |
Critical reception Mimesis is a sprawling, wide-ranging work. It has been praised for its insights on the particular works it addresses, and for the way the author revels in the complexities of each work and epoch without resorting to reductive generalities. At the same time, it has been criticized for its lack of a single overarching theme or claim. For this reason, individual chapters of the book are often read independently. By far the most frequently reprinted chapter is Chapter 1, "Odysseus' Scar," in which Auerbach compares the scene in book 19 of Homer’s Odyssey, when Odysseus finally returns home from his two decades of warring and journeying, to Genesis 22, the story of The Binding of Isaac. Highlighting the rhetorically determined simplicity of characters in the Odyssey (what he calls the "external") against what he regards as the psychological depth of the figures in the Old Testament, Auerbach suggests that the Old Testament gives a more powerful and historical impression than the Odyssey, which he classifies as closer to "legend" in which all details are leisurely fleshed out and all actions occur in a simple present – indeed even flashbacks are narrated in the present tense. Auerbach summarizes his comparison of the texts as follows: The two styles, in their opposition, represent basic types: on the one hand [The Odyssey's] fully externalized description, uniform illustration, uninterrupted connection, free expression, all events in the foreground, displaying unmistakable meanings, few elements of historical development and of psychological perspective; on the other hand [in the Old Testament], certain parts brought into high relief, others left obscure, abruptness, suggestive influence of the unexpressed, "background" quality, multiplicity of meanings and the need for interpretation, universal-historical claims, development of the concept of the historically becoming, and preoccupation with the problematic. Auerbach concludes by arguing that the "full development" of these two styles, the rhetorical tradition with its constraints on representing reality and the Biblical or "realist" tradition with its engagement of everyday experience, exercised a "determining influence upon the representation of reality in European literature." It is in the context of this comparison between the Biblical and the Homeric that Auerbach draws his famous conclusion that the Bible's claim to truth is "tyrannical," since What he [the writer of the Old Testament] produced then, was not primarily oriented towards "realism" (if he succeeded in being realistic, it was merely a means, not an end): it was oriented to truth. By the time Auerbach treats the work of Flaubert, he has come full circle. Like the Biblical writers whose faith in the so-called "tyrannical" truth of God produces an authentic expression of reality, Flaubert's "faith in the truth of language" (ch. 18) represents "an entire human experience."[6] |
批評家の評価 ミメーシス』は、広範で幅広い著作である。特定の作品に対する洞察や、還元的な一般論に頼ることなく各作品や時代の複雑さを楽しんでいる点が評価されてい る。しかし、その一方で、包括的なテーマや主張がないとの批判もある。そのため、本書の各章は独立して読まれることが多い。 第1章「オデュッセウスの傷跡」は、ホメロスの『オデュッセイア』第19巻で、オデュッセウスが20年にわたる戦乱と旅からようやく故郷に帰る場面を、創 世記22章「イサクの束縛」の物語と比較して、アウエルバッハが圧倒的に頻繁に再掲載している章である。旧約聖書の人物の心理的な深さに対して、『オ デュッセイア』の登場人物の修辞的な単純さ(彼が「外的」と呼ぶもの)を強調し、旧約聖書が『オデュッセイア』よりも強力で歴史的な印象を与えることを示 唆している。彼は、すべての詳細がゆったりと描かれ、すべての行動が単純な現在形で起こる、実際フラッシュバックでさえ現在形で語られている、「伝説」に 近いと分類しているのである。 アウエルバッハは、このテキストの比較を次のようにまとめている。 二つの様式は、その対立において、基本的な型を表している。一方[『オデュッセイア』では]完全に外在化された描写、均一な図解、中断されない接続、自由 な表現、すべての出来事が前景にあり、明白な意味を示し、歴史的展開や心理的展望の要素はほとんどない。一方、(旧約聖書では)ある部分は浮き彫りにさ れ、他の部分は不明瞭なまま、唐突さ、表現されないものの暗示的影響、「背景」の質、意味の多様性と解釈の必要性、普遍的・歴史的主張、歴史的になるもの の概念の発展、問題への没頭が見られる。 アウアーバッハは、現実の表現に制約のある修辞学の伝統と、日常的な経験に関与する聖書的あるいは「現実主義」の伝統、これら二つのスタイルの「完全な発 展」が、「ヨーロッパ文学における現実の表現に決定的影響を及ぼした」と論じて、結論を述べている。 アウエルバッハが、聖書の真理に対する主張は「専制的」であるという有名な結論を導き出したのは、この聖書とホメロスとの比較の文脈のなかでのことであっ た。 そのとき、彼(旧約聖書の作者)が生み出したものは、主として「リアリズム」を指向したものではなく(彼がリアリズムに成功したとしても、それは単なる手 段であって目的ではない)、真理を指向したものであった。 アウエルバッハがフローベールの作品を扱うころには、一巡している。聖書の作家たちが、いわゆる「専制的」な神の真理への信仰によって現実の真正な表現を 生み出したように、フローベールの「言語の真理への信仰」(第18章)は「人間の経験全体」を表している[6]。 |
Erich. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature.
Fiftieth Anniversary Edition. Trans. Willard Trask. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2003. Bakker, Egbert. "Mimesis as Performance: Rereading Auerbach’s First Chapter." Poetics Today 20.1 (1999): 11–26. Baldick, Chris. “Realism.” Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. 184. Bremmer, Jan. "Erich Auerbach and His Mimesis." Poetics Today 20.1 (1999): 3–10. Calin, William. "Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis – ’Tis Fifty Years Since: A Reassessment." Style 33.3 (1999): 463–74. Doran, Robert. "Literary History and the Sublime in Erich Auerbach's Mimesis." New Literary History 38.2 (2007): 353–69. Green, Geoffrey. "Erich Auerbach." Literary Criticism & the Structures of History: Erich Auerbach & Leo Spitzer. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. Holmes, Jonathan, and Streete, Adrian, eds. Refiguring Mimesis: Representation in Early Modern Literature. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2005. Holquist, Michael. “Erich Auerbach and the Fate of Philology Today.” Poetics Today 20.1 (1999): 77-91. Landauer, Carl. "Mimesis and Erich Auerbach’s Self-Mythologizing." German Studies Review 11.1 (1988): 83-96. Lerer, Seth. Literary History and the Challenge of Philology: The Legacy of Erich Auerbach. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. Nuttall, A. D. "New Impressions V: Auerbach’s Mimesis." Essays in Criticism 54.1 (2004): 60-74. Said, Edward W. Introduction to Auerbach, Erich. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. First Princeton Classic edition. Trans. Willard Trask. ISBN 978-0-691-16022-1. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. |
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western
"Erich Auerbach (November 9, 1892 – October 13, 1957) was a German philologist and comparative scholar and critic of literature. His best-known work is Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, a history of representation in Western literature from ancient to modern times and frequently cited as a classic in the study of realism in literature.[1]" - Erich Auerbach. | エーリッヒ・アウエルバッハ(1892年11月9日 -
文学における表象の歴史であり、文学におけるリアリズム研究の古典としてしばしば引用されている。 |
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, "Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (German: Mimesis: Dargestellte Wirklichkeit in der abendländischen Literatur) is a book of literary criticism by Erich Auerbach, and his most well known work. Written while Auerbach was teaching in Istanbul, Turkey, where he fled after being ousted from his professorship in Romance Philology at the University of Marburg by the Nazis in 1935,[1] it was first published in 1946 by A. Francke Verlag. Mimesis famously opens with a comparison between the way the world is represented in Homer’s Odyssey and the way it appears in the Bible. From these two seminal Western texts, Auerbach builds the foundation for a unified theory of representation that spans the entire history of Western literature, including even the Modernist novelists writing at the time Auerbach began his study." | 『ミメーシス 西洋文学における現実の表象』(Mimesis:
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western
て、であると言える。 |
"Mimesis gives an
account of the way in which everyday life in its seriousness has been
represented by many Western writers, from ancient Greek and Roman
writers such as Petronius and Tacitus, early Christian writers such as
Augustine, Medieval writers such as Chretien de Troyes, Dante, and
Boccaccio, Renaissance writers such as Montaigne, Rabelais, Shakespeare
and Cervantes, seventeenth-century writers such as Molière and Racine,
Enlightenment writers such as Voltaire, nineteenth-century writers such
as Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, and Zola, all the way up to
twentieth-century writers such as Proust, and Woolf. Despite his
treatment of the many major works, Auerbach apparently did not think he
was comprehensive enough, and apologized in the original publication in
1946 explaining that he had access only to the 'insufficient' resources
available in the library at Istanbul University where he worked;[2]
Auerbach did not know Turkish and so could not use locally available
sources, and did not have access to non-Turkish secondary sources.[3]
The mode of literary criticism in which Mimesis operates is often
referred to among contemporary critics as historicism, since Auerbach
largely regarded the way reality was represented in the literature of
various periods to be intimately bound up with social and intellectual
conventions of the time in which they were written. Auerbach considered
himself a historical perspectivist in the German tradition (he
mentioned Hegel in this respect) exploring specific features of style,
grammar, syntax, and diction claims about much broader cultural and
historical questions. Of Mimesis, Auerbach wrote that his "purpose is
always to write history."
He is in the same German tradition of philology as Ernst Curtius, Leo
Spitzer, and Karl Vossler, having a mastery of many languages and
epochs and all-inclusive in its approach, incorporating just about any
intellectual endeavor into the discipline of literary criticism.
Auerbach was a Romance language specialist, which explains his admitted
bias towards treating texts from French compared to other languages.
Chaucer and Wordsworth are not mentioned even in passing, though
Shakespeare and Virginia Woolf are given full chapters and Dickens and
Henry Fielding make appearances." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimesis:_The_Representation_of_Reality_in_Western_Literature |
る。 https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator |
Auerbach, who was Jewish and
born in Berlin, was trained in the German philological tradition and
would eventually become, along with Leo Spitzer, one of its best-known
scholars.[6] After participating as a combatant in World War I, he
earned a doctorate in 1921 at University of Greifswald, served as
librarian at the Prussian State Library for some years,[7] and in 1929
became a member of the philology faculty at the University of Marburg,
publishing a well-received study entitled Dante: Poet of the Secular
World. With the rise of National Socialism Auerbach was forced to vacate his position in 1935. Exiled from Nazi Germany, he took up residence in Istanbul, Turkey, where he wrote Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (1946), generally considered his masterwork.[8]: 4 He was chair of the faculty for Western languages and literatures at Istanbul University from 1936 to 1947.[9] Auerbach's life and work in Turkey is detailed and placed in historical and sociological context by Kader Konuk, East West Mimesis: Auerbach in Turkey (2010).[9] He moved to the United States in 1947, teaching at Pennsylvania State University and then working at the Institute for Advanced Study. He was appointed professor of Romance philology at Yale University in 1950, a position he held until his death in 1957 in Wallingford, Connecticut.[10] While at Yale, Auerbach supervised Fredric Jameson's doctoral work.[11] |
詩人』という研究書を発表し、好評を博した[8]。 1935年、国家社会主義の台頭により、アウエルバッハはその職を追われることになった。ナチス・ドイツから追放された彼は、トルコのイスタンブールに居 を構え、『ミメーシス』を執筆した。一般に彼の代表作とされる『ミメーシス:西洋文学における現実の表象』(1946年)を執筆した[8]。 4 1936年から1947年までイスタンブール大学西洋語・文学部教授を務めた[9] トルコにおけるアウアーバッハの生涯と仕事については、カデル・コヌク著『East West Mimesis: トルコのアウアーバッハ』(2010年)[9]。 1947年に渡米し、ペンシルベニア州立大学で教鞭をとり、その後高等研究所に勤務する。1950年にイェール大学のロマンス言語学の教授に任命され、 1957年にコネチカット州ウォーリングフォードで亡くなるまでその職を務めた[10]。 エール大学在学中、アウエルバッハはフレドリック・ジェイムソンの博士課程を指導していた[11]。 |
In the fifty year commemoration
reprinting of Auerbach's Mimesis, Edward Said of Columbia University
included an extended introduction to Auerbach and mentioned the book's
debt to Giambattista Vico stating: "As one can immediately judge by its
subtitle, Auerbach's book is by far the largest in scope and ambition
out of all the other important critical works of the past half century.
Its range covers literary masterpieces from Homer and the Old Testament
right through to Virginia Woolf and Marcel Proust, although as Auerbach
says apologetically at the end of the book, for reasons of space he had
to leave out a great deal of medieval literature as well as some
crucial modern writers like Pascal and Baudelaire."[12] |
うに、スペース上の理由から、多くの中世文学や、パスカルやボードレールといった重要な近代作家の名前を省かざるを得なかった」と。 |