A Change of Plans
良男は、 1、2 学期のうちにPhD を終えることができるという確信を得て、短い夏休みから戻ってきた。彼は、春以来、助言者や論文審査委員会のほかのメンバーと議論していなかったが、早く 学位論文を仕上げることにかれらが同意してくれると確信していた。実際、彼は研究職に応募する予定をしている企業のリストをすでにつくり始めていた。
しかしながら、助言者はその計画を聞くやいなや、即座に反対した。彼女(=助言者)は、彼が行った測定は論文審査委員会を満足させるに十分ではなさそうであ るというのだ。彼女は、彼が少なくともあと2 学期間以上はキャンパスに留まり、追加の測定を行ってから学位論文を完成させるよう計画を変更すべきだと主張した。
良男は助言者といつも良好な仕事上の関係を維持してきたし、彼女の助言は過去において非常に役立ってきた。そのうえ、彼は、自分が望んで いる職に就くためには彼女から好意的な推薦書を書いてもらう必要があることも知っていた。 しかし彼は、今回の助言は彼女の利己的な欲望からではないかと疑問を感じずにはおれなかった。追加する測定によって彼女自身の研究に大きな利益があるから だ。
うか? 2.良男は論文審査委員会のほかのメンバーと話して意見を求めるべきだろうか? 3.問題を回避するために、前もって良男がとれる行動は何だろうか? 4.将来、失望しないように、いま良男がとれる行動は何だろうか? |
A Change of Plans
Yoshio came back from a brief summer vacation convinced that he would be able to finish up his Ph.D. in one more semester. Though he had not discussed the status of his thesis with his adviser or any other member of his thesis committee since the spring, he was sure they would agree that he could finish up quickly. In fact, he had already begun drawing up a list of companies to which he planned to apply for a research position.
However, when his research adviser heard about his plans, she immediately objected. She told him that the measurements he had made were not going to be enough to satisfy his dissertation committee. She said that he should plan to spend at least two more semesters on campus doing additional measurements and finishing his dissertation.
Yoshio had always had a good working relationship with his adviser, and her advice had been very helpful in the past. Plus, he knew that he would need a good recommendation from her to get the jobs that he wanted. But he couldn’t help but wonder if her advice this time might be self-serving, since her own research would benefit greatly from the additional set of measurements.
1.Should Yoshio try to change his adviser’s mind? For example, should he review what his measurements already show and compare that with what the new measurements would add and then ask his adviser to reconsider?
2.Should Yoshio talk with other members of his thesis committee to get their opinions?
3.What actions could Yoshio have taken earlier to avoid the problem?
4.What actions can Yoshio take now to avoid future disappointment?
● 出典:(教科書)
On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edition Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine ISBN: 0-309-11971-5, 82 pages, 6 x 9, (2009) This free PDF was downloaded from:
● 考え方のヒント
米国科学アカデミー編『科学者をめざす君たちへ』池内了訳、化学同人、2010年(原著はインターネットで講読できます:下記のリンク参 照)
On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edition
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1997-2099