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Notes of Walter J. Ong's work, "Orality and Literacy," Methuen, 1982.


イエズス会の神父だったWalter J. Ong (1912-2003)の主著が『口承性と読み書き能力(邦訳:声の文化と文字の文化)』である。

彼のこの著は、エリック・ハヴェロック(Eric A. Havelock, 1903-1988)が、古代ギリシャにおいて文字の発明が彼らの意識を根本的に変えたというアイディアを引き継いでいる。

"In Ong's most widely known work, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word (1982), he attempts to identify the distinguishing characteristics of orality by examining thought and its verbal expression in societies where the technologies of literacy (especially writing and print) are unfamiliar to most of the population./ Ong drew heavily on the work of Eric A. Havelock, who suggested a fundamental shift in the form of thought coinciding with the transition from orality to literacy in Ancient Greece. Ong describes writing as a technology that must be laboriously learned, and which effects the first transformation of human thought from the world of sound to the world of sight. This transition has implications for structuralism, deconstruction, speech-act and reader-response theory, the teaching of reading and writing skills to males and females, social studies, biblical studies, philosophy, and cultural history generally." - Walter J. Ong.





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