日本のイノベーションのジレンマ : 破壊的イノベーターになるための7つのステップ / 玉田俊平太著、翔泳社 , 2015、の第10章の研究ノート
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トメント ・顧客のニーズ(必要)を探す:What to do in Need Finding (pdf) by Institute of Design at Stanford ・2 Needfinding, by MIT (pdf) "Needfinding is one process through which we can understand our user needs better. Understanding needs are important as they are often overarching while solutions can constantly change. Additionally, needs can be addressed immediately and accurately whereas predictions about the future are not. Understanding needs leads to better development of the product. There are two types of needs: expressed and latent. Expressed needs are those that the user directly states, such as “I need a system to keep track of when to take which medication” or “I need a way to communicate with my family when we are apart”. Latent needs are those that users themselves do not know exist. People are very good at work-arounds. We can perform most activities with our existing tools, even if a new product may simplify the task. The Swiffer was created when the designer saw his friend mop up a spilled drink with his sock-covered foot, and proceed to toss the sock out. The mop, which required water and reusing was not as efficient as tossing out a cheap sock.︎"- 2 Needfinding, by MIT (pdf) ・ ニーズ・ステートメント:"A needs statement establishes the rationale for a project by clearly identifying the gap or problem within a specific community. A needs statement should determine the focus an organization will take by addressing the particular needs of a specific target audience through a very distinct project"- https://www.grantsedge.com/ ・このサイトでは、ポストイトと使ってKJ法的なアプローチをしてる;"Needs Statements" ・ビジネスにおける「参与観察」 ・OJT(→「プリセプターとプリセプティー」) ・行動観察とマーケティング. ・pain point : "a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers" - Merriam Webster. ・tention pont: "Luke William’s book, “Disrupt: Think The Unthinkable To Spark Transformation In Your Business,” says that customer awareness alone is an amazing game-changer when it comes to spotting a marketing ripe for disruption."- OV Blog. |
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のケース ・tention pont: "Luke William’s book, “Disrupt: Think The Unthinkable To Spark Transformation In Your Business,” says that customer awareness alone is an amazing game-changer when it comes to spotting a marketing ripe for disruption."- OV Blog. ・この論理があるから、玉田は、ウーバーはタクシー業界の「持続的イノベーション」と喝破する。 |
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なサービス |
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イノベーション ・ウーバーの労働者は、潜在的プレカリアートだということが指摘されている(p.214)。私(池田)は、この本の余白に「猫の手も労働者にするネオリベ(ラリズム)万歳!」と記載した。 |
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ノン・コンシューマーを探せ ・無消費=製品やサービスの消費がなんらかの制約によって妨げられている状況。 ・無消費者=無消費にある潜在顧客 |
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スキルによる制約とは 1)スキル 2)資力 3)アクセス 4)時間 |
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資力による制約とは |
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アクセスによる制約とは |
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過剰満足の顧客を探せ! |
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仮説設定能力が鍵になる パースの人間の思考 1)演繹 2)帰納 3)創発 |
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