かならずよんで ね!


How to moralize your techonology or Hocus-pocusing your discussion?

Pelagius, 354-ca.430


Peter-Paul Verbeek, 1970- の紹介:

"Verbeek's theory of technological mediation builds on the postphenomenological approach that was firstly stipulated by Don Ihde. This approach finds its origins in a synthesis between classical phenomenology and American pragmatism, with as one of its major premises the thesis that "technology only bears meaning in a use context".[5] From a critique of classical philosophy of technology, in which Verbeek explicitly elaborates on the existentialist philosophy of Karl Jaspers and the hermeneutic philosophy of technology of Martin Heidegger./ Verbeek presents as the purpose of his theory of technological mediation to systematically analyzing the influence of technology on human behavior in terms of the role technology plays in human-world relations.[6] In his original theory, a number of different human-technology-world relations are stipulated (the first four based on the philosophy of Donald Idhe):[7][8]"- Peter-Paul Verbeek.


第1章 媒介された道徳

第2章 ヒューマニズム的でない技術倫理

第3章 人工物は道徳性を持つか

第4章 技術と道徳的主体

第5章 設計における道徳

第6章 道徳的環境―具体的応用事例

第7章 媒介を超えた道徳

第8章 結論―技術に同行する






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