War and mental
illness under colonial and post-colonial stuations
以下ファノン『地に呪われたる者』日本語翻訳からの 引用(p.244)です
「植民地主義は他者の系統だった否定であり、他者に対して人類のいかなる属性をも拒絶しようとする狂暴な決意であるゆえに、それは被支配民 族を追いつめて、「ほんとうのところおれは何者か」という問いをたえず自分に提起させることになる」。
「反応性精神病:原則として臨床精神医学は、患者が呈するさまざまな障害を 「反応性精神病」なる項目のもとに整理するものだ。こうすることによって、たとえ土壌の役割(被験者の心理的・感情的・生物学的歴史)や環境の役割があち こちで言及されていようとも、とりわけ発病の直接原因となった体験を重視することになる」。
Case No. 5 -Puerperal psychoses in refugees(Pp.206-207, In English
translation version)
Puerperal psychosis refers to those mental disorders which occur in
women during maternity. Such disorders can occur immediately before or
several weeks after childbirth. Their psychological determinism is
highly complex. The two major causes are thought to be a disruption to
the endocrine glands and the occurrence of a "psychological shock"
-aterm that, although vague, corresponds roughly to what is commonly
known as a "bad fright."
Ever since the French government's decision to apply their scorched
earth policy and establish a buffer zone over hundreds ofkilometers
there are almost 300,000 refugees along the Tunisian and Moroccan
borders. TIle state of dire poverty they live in is no sec.ret.
International Red Cross commissions have paid them a number ofvisits
and on ascertaining their extreme poverty and precarious living
conditions, they recommended increased aid by international
organizations. Given the malnutrition that is rampant in these camps it
is therefore inevitable that the pregnant women are particularly prone
to developing puerperal psychoses.
These refugees live in an atmosphere of permanent insecurity, the
combined effects of frequent raids by French troops applying the "right
to hunt and pursue," aerial bombardments-there is no end to the bombing
of Moroccan and Tunisian territories by the French army, and
Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef, the martyred village in Tunisia is the bloodiest
example-machine gun raids as well as the breakup of the family unit as
a result of flight. In truth, there are few Algerian women refugees who
do not suffer from mental disorders following childbirth.
There are various symptoms: agitation sometimes accompanied by furor;
deep asthenic depression coupled with multiple suicide attempts;
symptoms of anxiety accompanied by tears, lamentations, and appeals for
mercy, etc. Likewise, the delusional disorders present many different
characteristics: a delusion of vague persecution, aimed at anyone; a
delirious aggressivity aimed at the French, who want to kill the unborn
or newborn child; an impression of imminent death in which the mothers
beg the invisible killers to spare their children.
Once again we must point out that the underlying problem is not solved
by sedation or a reversal of the symptoms. Even after the patient has
been cured, her predicament maintains and nurtures these pathological
The increasing occurrence of mental illness and the rampant development
of specific pathological conditions are not the only legacy of the
colonial war in Algeria. Apart from the pathology of torture, the
pathology of the tortured and that of the perpetrator, there is a
pathology of the entire atmosphere in Algeria, a condition which leads
the attending physician to say when confronted with a case they cannot
understand: "This will all be cleared up once the damned war is over."
We propose grouping in this fourth series the illnesses encountered in
Algerians some of whom were sent to internment camps. They can all be
characterized as being psychosomatic.
The name psychosomatic pathology is given to the general body of
organic disorders developed in response to a situation of
conflict.[35]Psychosomatic, because its determinism is psychic in
origin. This pathology is considered a way the organism can respond, in
other words how it adapts to the conflict, the disorder being both a
symptom and a cure. More exactly it is generally agreed that the
organism (here again it is the former psychosomatic, corti co-visceral
body) outwits the conflict using the wrong, but nevertheless economic,
channels. The organism chooses the lesser evil in order to avoid a
complete breakdown.
35 - This term which expresses an idealist notion is being used less and less. The cortico-visceral terminology, in fact a legacy of Soviet research-especially Pavlov-has at least the advantage of putting the brain back in its place, of considering it the matrix where precisely the psyche is elaborated.
On the whole this pathology is widely accepted today, although the various therapeutic methods such as relaxation and suggestion are highly uncertain. During the Second World War air raids on England and the siege of Stalingrad, for example, in the Soviet Union, the number of disorders reported increased dramatically. We now know perfectly well that there is no need to be wounded by a bullet to suffer from the effects of war in body and soul. Like any war, the war in Algeria has created its contingent of cortico-visceral illnesses. Except for group g below all the disorders encountered in Algeria have been reported during"conventional" wars. We found group g specific to the colonial war in Algeria. This particular form of pathology (systemic muscular contraction) already caught our attention before the revolution began. But the doctors who described it turned it into a congenital stigma of the "native," an original feature of his nervous system, manifest proof of a predominant extrapyramidal system in the colonized.[36] This contraction, in fact, is quite simply a postural concurrence and evidence in the colonized's muscles of their rigidity, their reticence and refusal in the face of the colonial authorities.
36 - The higher one is on the neurological scale, the less one is extrapyramidal. Manifestly everything seems to tally.
(Pp.216-217, In English translation version)