


にほんこく = 日本国

けんぽう = 憲法




"We Japanese have just now undergone the most painful of hardships, that of being defeated in war. Our houses were burned down, and many of our fellow countrymen have died. As a result, we have been granted something precious. This time for certain, no matter what happens, we the citizens of Japan with all our might must protect it and defend it against violation.- A woman with 憲法 (Kenpō) [Constitution] written on her clothing holds a baby labeled 基本的人権 (Kihonteki jinken) [basic human rights]. The mother and child resemble medieval Christian representations of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus in their dress, facial features, and halos around their heads. This symbolizes the constitution protecting basic human rights for Japanese citizens." -Hidezo Kondo.(近藤日出造).

Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099


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