
みにくいアヒルの子 は本当に救済の物語なのか?

Is "The Ugly Duckling" really a story of salvation?


Den grimme ælling
I eventyret følges en svaneunge, der klækkes i en andegård ved en herregård. I første del af historien ved hverken svaneungen selv eller de omgivende dyr, at den ikke er en and, og på grund af dens anderledes udseendende behandles svaneungen dårligt. Nogle ænder siger "ham [svaneungen] ville vi ikke tåle", at "han er for stor og for aparte", "så skal han nøfles" og andre omtaler svaneungen som "inderlig styg" og "fæle spektakel". Svaneungen bliver bidt, puffet, gjort nar af, hugget og sparket af eventyrets forskellige figurer. Først til sidst i eventyret afslører H.C. Andersen, at "den grimme ælling" er en svaneunge. Det sker hvor svaneungen selv opdager sin egen identitet, da den nærmer sig nogle andre svaner og tror den vil blive dræbt. Den bøjer hovedet og ser sit eget spejlbillede.
The Ugly Duckling
When the story begins, a mother duck's eggs hatch. One of the little birds is perceived by the other birds and animals on the farm as an ugly little creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse from them. He wanders sadly from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. He finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly and once again he sets off alone.

The duckling sees a flock of migrating wild swans. He is delighted and excited, but he cannot join them, for he is too young and cannot fly. Winter arrives. A farmer finds and carries the freezing little duckling home, but the foundling is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. He spends a miserable winter alone in the outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over. When spring arrives, a flock of swans descends on the lake.

The ugly duckling, now having fully grown and matured, is unable to endure a life of solitude and hardship any more and decides to throw himself at the flock of swans deciding that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness and misery. He is shocked when the swans welcome and accept him, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that he had been, not a duckling, but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and the now beautiful swan spreads his gorgeous large wings and takes flight with the rest of his new family.
アヒルの群の中で、他アヒルと異なった 姿のひなが生まれた。アヒルの親は、七面鳥のひなかもしれないと思う。周りのアヒルから、あまりに辛く当たられることに耐えられなくなったひな鳥は家族の 元から逃げ出すが、他の群れでもやはり醜いといじめられながら一冬を過ごす。生きることに疲れ切ったひな鳥は、殺してもらおうと白鳥の住む水地に行く。し かし、白鳥たちの意外な反応にひな鳥は水面に映る自分の姿を見る。いつの間にか大人になっていたひな鳥は、自分がアヒルではなく美しい白鳥であったことに 気付くと、それまでの悲しみから解放される。




















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