Life Time
Table of Charles Wright Mills, 1916-1962
チャールズ・ライト・ミルズ; C. Wright Mills(1916
務める。The Sociological
エル・ギアリーは、ミルズの著作が "1960年代の新左翼の社会運動に特に大きな影響を与えた
1916 8月28日テキサス生まれ
1934 He graduated
from Dallas Technical High School in 1934
1937 While
studying at Texas, Mills met his first wife, Dorothy
Helen Smith,[24] who was also a student there seeking a master's degree
in sociology. She had previously attended Oklahoma College for Women,
where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in commerce.[25] They were
married in October 1937.
1939 Mills initially attended Texas A&M University but left after his first year. He subsequently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1939 with a bachelor's degree in sociology and a master's degree in philosophy.
1940-1941 In August 1940, Freya divorced Mills, but the couple remarried in March 1941
During his work as an Associate Professor of Sociology from 1941
until 1945 at the University of Maryland, College Park, Mills's
awareness and involvement in American politics grew. During World War
II, Mills became friends with historians Richard Hofstadter, Frank
Freidel, and Ken Stampp. The four academics collaborated on many
topics, and so each wrote about many contemporary issues surrounding
the war and how it affected American society.[29] In the mid-1940s
while he was still at Maryland, Mills began contributing "journalistic
sociology" and opinion pieces to intellectual journals such as The New
Republic, The New Leader, and Politics, the journal established by his
friend Dwight Macdonald in 1944.[30][31]
Mills received his PhD in sociology from the University of
Wisconsin–Madison in 1942. His dissertation was entitled A Sociological Account of Pragmatism: An
Essay on the Sociology of Knowledge.[27]
Mills refused to revise his dissertation while it was reviewed by his
committee. It was later accepted without approval from the review
committee.[28][verification needed] Mills left Wisconsin in early 1942,
after he had been appointed Professor of Sociology at the University of
Maryland, College Park.
1943 Their daughter, Pamela, was born on 15 January 1943
1945 In 1945,
Mills moved to New York after securing a research
associate position at Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Social
Research. He separated from Freya with this move, and the couple
divorced in 1947.[32]
1946 From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1946) was edited and translated in collaboration with Gerth.
In 1947, Mills married his second wife, Ruth Harper, a
statistician at the Bureau of Applied Social Research. She worked with
Mills on New Men of Power (1948), White Collar (1951), and The Power
Elite (1956). In 1949, Mills and Harper went to Chicago so that Mills
could serve as a visiting professor at the University of Chicago. Mills
returned to teaching at Columbia University after a semester at the
University of Chicago and was promoted to Associate Professor of
Sociology on 1 July 1950. Their daughter, Kathryn, was born on 14 July
1948 The New Men of Power: America's Labor Leaders (1948)
1950 The Puerto Rican Journey (1950) was written in collaboration with Clarence Senior and Rose Kohn Goldsen.
1953 Character and
Social Structure (1953) was co-authored with
1956 The Power Elite (1956)
1957 杉政孝訳『ホワイト・カラー ――中流階級の生活探究』東京創元社、1957年
1958 The Causes of World War Three (1958)
1958 鵜飼信成・綿貫譲治訳『パ ワー・エリート〔上・下〕』東京大学出版会、1958年
1959 村上光彦訳『第三次世界大戦の 原因』みすず書房、1959年
1959 The Sociological Imagination (1959)
Mills married his third wife, Yaroslava Surmach, an American
artist of Ukrainian descent, and settled in Rockland County, New York,
in 1959. Their son, Nicholas Charles, was born on 19 June
1960.[17][page needed]
1960 Listen, Yankee (1960)
In August 1960, Mills spent time in Cuba, where he worked on
developing his text Listen, Yankee. He spent some of his time in Cuba
interviewing President Fidel Castro, who claimed having read and
studied Mills's The Power Elite.[35]
1960 Images of Man: The Classic Tradition in Sociological Thinking (1960)
1961 鶴見俊輔訳『キューバの声』み
1962 The Marxists
1962 3月20日死去
Mills suffered from a series of heart attacks throughout his
life and his fourth[36] attack led to his death on 20 March 1962 in
West Nyack, New York.[38]
1962 山口和男・犬伏宣宏訳『マック
1964 陸井四郎訳『マルクス主義者た
1966 Sociology and pragmatism : higher learning in America (1966) - 学位論文
1966 鈴木広訳『社会学的想像力』紀
1967 Power, Politics and People the Collected Essays of C. Wright Mills (1967)
1969 本間康平訳『社会学とプラグマ ティズム――アメリカ思想研究』紀伊國屋書店、1969年
1971 青井和夫・本間康平監訳『権 力・政治・民衆』みすず書房、1971年
1970 古城利明・杉森創吉訳『性格と
1975 河村望・長沼秀世訳『新しい権 力者――労働組合幹部論』青木書店、1975年
1991 奥田憲昭・吉原直樹・堀田泉訳
2017 伊奈正人・中村好孝訳『社会学
CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099
Do not paste, but [re]think this message for all undergraduate students!!!