Religion in Wilfred Cantwell Smiths
ウィルフレッド・キャントウェル・スミスにおける宗教(Religion)の概念を検討する のがこのページの目標である。ウィルフレッド・キャントウェル・スミスは『宗教の意味と終焉』において、「宗教」という言葉が「定義不可能」であり、その 理由は詞形(形容詞形の「宗教的(religious)」に対して「宗教(religion)」)が、現実を歪めるからだと主張する。さらに、この言葉は 西洋 文明に特有のものであり、他の文明の言語にはこれに対応する言葉はない、という。スミスはまた、この用語が「偏見を生み」「敬虔さを殺す」ことができると 指摘し ている。彼はつまりこの用語「宗教(religion)」がその目的を終えたとみなしている。
人物評:"Wilfred Cantwell Smith OC FRSC[15] (1916–2000) was a Canadian Islamicist, comparative religion scholar,[16] and Presbyterian minister.[17] He was the founder of the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University in Quebec and later the director of Harvard University's Center for the Study of World Religions. The Harvard University Gazette said he was one of the field's most influential figures of the past century.[18] In his 1962 work The Meaning and End of Religion he notably questioned the modern sectarian concept of religion.[19]"- Wilfred Cantwell Smith.
● The Meaning and End of Religion, by Wilfred Cantwell Smith, 1991.[1963]
Foreword (pp.
v-xii), by John Hick |
Wilfred Cantwell
Smith’s The Meaning and End of Religion has already become a modern
classic of religious studies. Such a work should be continuously
available, both to students and the general public, and its reissue now
is to be warmly welcomed. Although I can add nothing whatever to the
book itself, I am happy to have the privilege of pointing out its very
great significance for some of our most lively current discussions and
debates. | ウィルフレッド・キャントウェル・スミス著『宗教の意味と終焉』
する特権を得ることができたことを嬉しく思っている。 |
Introduction (pp. 1-14) WHAT IS RELIGION? What is religious faith? |
Such questions,
asked either from the outside or from within, must nowadays be set in a
wide context, and a rather exacting one. The modern student may look
upon religion as something that other people do, or he may see and feel
it as something in which also he himself is involved. In either case he
approaches any attempt to understand it conscious not only of many
traditional problems but also of new complications. Sensitive men have
ever known that they are dealing here with a mystery. Some modern
investigators have thought to... | こ
者の中には、このようなことを考えた人もいるが…… |
‘Religion’ in the West (pp. 15-50) |
nowadays to hold that there is in human life and society something
distinctive called ‘religion’; and that this phenomenon is found on
earth at present in a variety of minor forms, chiefly among outlying or
eccentric peoples, and in a half-dozen or so major forms. Each of these
major forms is also called ‘a religion’, and each one has a name:
Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on.
I suggest that we might investigate our custom here, scrutinizing our
practice of giving religious names and indeed of calling them
religions. So firmly fixed in our minds has this... | 今
のである。私たちの心の中には、このようにしっかりと固定されている... |
Other Cultures. ‘The Religions’ (pp. 51-79) |
‘RELIGION’, then, in the West has evolved. Its evolution has included a
long-range development that we may term a process of reification:
mentally making religion into a thing, gradually coming to conceive it
as an objective systematic entity. In this development one factor has
been the rise into Western consciousness in relatively recently times
of several so conceived entities, constituting a series: the religions
of the world. This point has in our day become of dominating
importance. Inquiry in this realm no longer concerns itself with only
one tradition; our understanding of man’s religious situation, our
meanings for... | 西
ない。人間の宗教的状況に対する理解、宗教的意味に対する理解、そして、宗教的価値観に対する理解もまた、重要である。 |
Special Case of Islam (pp. 80-118) |
SO FAR we have
not dealt with the Islamic situation. This particular case has been
reserved for separate treatment because it is both unusual and
intricate. It is in some ways different from the others, and in some
ways similar. On both scores it is illuminating.
We may take the differences first, since they lie closer to the
surface. The first observation is that of all the world’s religious
traditions the Islamic would seem to be the one with a built-in name.
The word ‘Islam’ occurs in the Qur’an itself, and Muslims are
insistent on using this term to designate... | こ
を使うことに固執している... |
the Concept Adequate? (pp. 119-153) |
IF WE LOOK at the
development of mankind’s religious life in some sort of total
historical perspective, then, we recognize that an understanding of it
may involve new terms of understanding. As the content of our human
awareness grows in this realm in modern times, so also the forms of our
awareness are undergoing, and should undergo, evolution. In particular,
my argument so far has been devoted to bring into consciousness the
fact that a use of the concept religion, the religions, and the
specific named religions, has been one part of the whole process, and a
particular, limited, and... | 人
に専念してきたのである。 |
Cumulative Tradition (pp. 154-169) |
religious faith lives in this world. He is subject to its pressures,
limited within its imperfections, particularized within one or another
of its always varying contexts of time and place, and he is observable.
At the same time and because of his faith or through it, he is or
claims to be in touch with another world transcending this. The duality
of this position some would say is the greatness and some the very
meaning of human life; the heart of its distinctive quality, its
tragedy and its glory. Others would dismiss the claim as false,
though... | 信
と言うだろう。しかし、そのような主張は誤りであると断じる人もいる…… |
Faith (pp. 170-192) |
THE ONE HAND, great religious minds have regularly affirmed that faith
cannot be precisely delineated or verbalized; that it is something too
profound, too personal, and too divine for public exposition. And I
myself have been at pains to stress throughout this study that men’s
faith lies beyond that sector of their religious life that can be
imparted to an outsider for his inspection.
On the other hand, different men, at differing times and places,
adherents of differing traditions, have differed conspicuously in
whatever they have had to say on the subject. Again, our own study has
not failed... | 一
していない......。 |
Conclusion (pp. 193-202) |
WE SEE the world through a pattern of concepts that we have inherited.
Sometimes these windows need cleaning: so much so that almost we may be
seeing the windows that we have constructed rather than the world
outside. Sometimes too on thoughtful examination we may come to
recognize that by rearranging the windows as well as by cleaning them
we could get a better view of the real world beyond. Certainly we may
be grateful to our ancestors who have built these windows through which
we see. Without them we should still be walled up within the confines
of... | 通
い。確かに、私たちは、この窓を作った先人たちに感謝しなければならない。この窓がなかったら、私たちはまだ...... |
Wilfred Cantwell Smithの単純なテーゼ | ・
か?」「宗教が誤りであると言った場合、それには(そのような前提条件とした場合)どのような言明が可能か?」それらについて探究すべきだろう。 ・キリスト教(仏教でもいい)を可能なものにする条件は、それを自分のものとして我有し、実践している限り「真理」になることができる。 ・宗教的生活は、抽象的なものではなく、具体的なものだ。つまり、宇宙大の宗教(例えばキリスト教)というものなどない。 ・宗教に真理があるとすれば、それは各人の信仰の中にある。 ・キャントウェル・スミスの宗教真理観は、アリストテレスの可能態のような議論であるともいえる——つまり未来に向かって拓いている。アリストテレス命題 の真理を含むとまで言う(スミス 1971: 82)。 ・「神は人間を見ている」という主張は、無謬論として退けられている。 ・宗教を人間生活の外側に外在化して研究するという態度ではなく、宗教を内在化した人間( "personalist" by C. Geertz)が、宗教をどのように考えるのかということが重要(葛西 1971:146-147)。 ・人間は変化を伴侶として生きていかねばならない(=宗教に普遍性を信じない立場をこのように表現できる) |
●クリフォード・ギアーツの、スミスの"On Understanding Islam: Selected Studies"
の書評 On Understanding Islam: Selected Studies, by Wilfred Cantwell
Smith, Mouton (Hawthorne, New York), 351 pp., DM 105(approx. $52.50)
The "personalist" theme appears,
indeed virtually explodes, as part of the analysis of comparative
religion in Wilfred Cantwell Smith's provocative new collection of
Arabist essays, On Understanding Islam. For about twenty years now,
Smith, professor of the comparative history of religion at Harvard and
an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada, the union of
Methodists, Congregationalists, and softer Presbyterians formed there
in the 1920s, has been developing a fideist view of Islam as centered
around the inner commitment of the individual Muslim to God, "the act
of dedication wherein he as a specific and live person in his concrete
situation is deliberately and numinously related to a transcendent
divine reality which he recognizes, and to a cosmic imperative which he
accepts." |
セイ集"On Understanding
分が受け入れる宇宙の命令とを、意図的に、かつ能動的に結びつけるための献身的な行為」である。 |
Smith, canvassing texts, sorting
out grammar, anatomizing words, traces this conception of what Islam as
a faith amounts to through a series of subjects central to Muslim
thought from the Prophet's time to ours: the foundations of law, the
nature of truth and reality, the significance of the Confession of
Faith, the relative importance of inward attitude and outward behavior,
and the meaning of the term "Islam" itself. Relentlessly, and with a
scholastic intensity that may not entirely serve his cause (a fair
amount of the book's Arabic is left untranslated and precious little
help is given the reader who may not know Ibn Battah from Ibn Babawah),
Smith builds an ingenious case for an ingenious argument: Islam, once a
human response to a divine summons, or supposed to be such, has been
steadily transformed into a reified system of moralized cultural
ideals. Its history is that of the progressive, if yet incomplete,
triumph of religio over pietas. |
の本のアラビア語のかなりの部分は翻訳されておらず、Ibn BattahとIbn
たシステムへと着実に変容してきた。その歴史は、まだ不完全ではあるが、religioがpietasに勝利するという進歩的なものである。 |
Smith is able in this way to
clarify much that is obscure in Islamic history—the crystallization of
religious communalism in Mughal India, the peculiar rigidity of Islamic
modernism, the equivocal nature of the encounter with Christianity. But
the question is whether this deeply Protestant notion of what faith is,
and what history does to it, does not itself impose on Islam something
alien to it and to its development. The replacement of a primitive
vision of the Divine Word and an immediate response to it by a
conceptual prison of abstract beliefs, the dogmas of scribes and
pedants, is too reminiscent of other faiths to be entirely credible.
And when this religious reification of personal faith is discerned as
well in every tradition from the Hindu to the Hebraic, so that the
history of Islam becomes but "one link in a total chain" of something
called "the world history of religion," the sense of Muslim facts
supporting Christian ideas merely grows. |
がキリスト教の思想を支えているという感覚が強まるだけである。 |
Yet, for all that, one does see
something of what Smith means when one turns to what, for the moment
anyway, is the paradigm expression of "Islamic revivalism," the
writings of Imam Khomeini, now given a scholarly and felicitous
translation under the title Islam and Revolution by Hamid Algar, and to
the discreetly apologetic commentary and notes, a sort of Muslim
catechism, which Algar, an English-born convert to Islam, educated at
Cambridge and teaching at Berkeley, appends to them. The ideological
quality of Khomeini's own writings is, of course, intense; even his
most purely religious discourses, the "Lectures on the Surat al-Fatiha"
(the first verse of the Koran), for example, are laced with references
to current conflicts and contemporary enemies ("There's many a [Sufi]
cloak that deserves the fire"). But in Algar's commentary, extensive,
learned, carefully instructive, polite, the cast of mind—what I suppose
Smith would call, as he calls that of the rather similar Mughal
reformers such as Aurangzeb, "a rigid, structured, crystallized version
of Islam...not a [spiritual] revival but a revival...of the view of
Islam-as-a-closed-system"—appears in a less headlong and thus in some
ways less idiosyncratic form. |
ホメイニ師の著作は、"Islam and Revolution
い形で現れているのである。 |
The implicit movement of Algar's
commentary is toward portraying the sort of political religionism
Khomeini exemplifies as the recovered consensus of the Muslim
community. Himself a Sunni, Algar not only minimizes Sunni-Shi'i
tensions to the point of barely mentioning them (and then as vanishing
relics), but he conceives of the Ayatollah's doctrinal radicalism as
the essential Islam, constantly obscured by Egyptian traditionalists,
Iraqi Arabizers, Turkish separationists, and, of course, Western
evangelizers. (Khomeini himself is less reticent—"This is the root of
the matter: Sunni-populated countries believe in obeying their rulers,
whereas the Shi'is have always believed in rebellion.") Where Algar,
its exponent, and Smith, its historian, differ is not on what "Islamic
revivalism" is, but on what—authentic faith or flight from it—it is
that is being revived. |
アルガーの解説の暗黙の動きは、ホメイニが例示したような政治的宗教主義を、イスラム社会の回復されたコンセンサスとして描くことである。自身もスンニ派であるアルガーは、スンニ派とシーア派の緊張関係をほとんど言及しない程度に(しかも消えゆく遺物として)最小化するだけでなく、アヤトラの教義上の急進主義を、エジプトの伝統主義者、イラクのアラブ化主義者、トルコの分離主義者、そしてもちろん西洋の伝道者によって常に覆い隠されている本質的なイスラムとして考えているのである。(ホメイニ自身は、「これは問題の根源だ」と控えめに語っている。スンニ派の国々は支配者に従うことを信条としているが、シーア派は常に反逆を信条としている」と。) その提唱者であるアルガーとその歴史家であるスミスが異なるのは、「イスラム復興主義」とは何かということではなく、何が復興されようとしているのか、真の信仰なのか、それとも信仰からの逃避なのか、ということである。 |
The tendency has always been
marked among Western Islamicists, of whom Algar is one as much as
Smith, to try to write Muslim theology from without, to provide the
spiritual self-reflection they see either as somehow missing in it or
as there but clouded over by routine formula-mongering. D.B. Macdonald
made al-Ghazzali into a kind of Muslim St. Thomas. Ignaz Glodziher
centered Islam in traditionalist legal debates, and Louis Massignon
centered it in the Sufi martyrdom of al-Hallaj. Henri Laoust defended
puritan fundamentalism from the charge of heresy. A half-conscious
desire not just to understand Islam but to have a hand in its destiny
has animated most of the major scholars who have written on it as a
form of faith. |
の一形態としてのイスラム教について書いた主要な学者のほとんどを動かしている。 |
Something of the insights thus
gained and of the misunderstandings thus engendered, both of them
profound, can be seen from the excellent collection of French and
German "Orientalist" essays, carefully selected and fluently translated
by Merlin Swartz as Studies on Islam. The essays, which range in time
from 1913 (Goldziher's) to 1975 (one on Hanbali rigorism by Laoust's
student, George Makdisi) and in subject from Western interpretations of
Sufism (R. Caspar) to recent studies on Muhammad (Maxime Rodinson),
make any simple political interpretation of at least modern
"Orientalism" seem difficult to sustain; almost all are unworldly to a
fault. But they raise, as do Smith's and Algar's works, the even more
troubling question: how far can a wish to improve Islam comport with
the wish to understand it? If studies of "Islam" from the sociological
side have trouble getting close enough to their subject to avoid
schematizing it, those from the religious side have trouble maintaining
enough distance to avoid remaking it. |
遠なものである)の一部は、フランスとドイツの「オリエンタリズム」エッセイを厳選し、マーリン・スワルツが『Studies on
(Laoustの弟子であるGeorge Makdisiによるハンバリの厳格主義に関するもの)まで、テーマ的にはスーフィズムの西洋的解釈(R.
ることが難しいとすれば、宗教的な側面から研究することは、対象を作り変えることを避けるために十分な距離を取ることが難しい。 |
www.DeepL.com/Translator |
Wilfred Cantwell Smith's Views on religion
his best known and most controversial work,[citation needed] The
Meaning and End of Religion: A New Approach to the Religious Traditions
of Mankind (1962),[16] Smith examines the concept of "religion" in the
sense of "a systematic religious entity, conceptually identifiable and
characterizing a distinct community".[28] He concludes that it is a
misleading term for both the practitioners and observers and it should
be abandoned in favour of other concepts.[16] The reasons for the
objection are that the word 'religion' is "not definable" and its noun
form ('religion' as opposed to the adjectival form 'religious')
"distorts reality". Moreover, the term is unique to the Western
civilization; there are no terms in the languages of other
civilizations that correspond to it. Smith also notes that it "begets
bigotry" and can "kill piety". He regards the term as having outlived
its purpose.[29] |
[citation needed]『宗教の意味と終焉』(The Meaning and End of Religion)において。A New
Approach to the Religious Traditions of Mankind (1962), [16]
スミスは「概念的に識別可能で、異なるコミュニティを特徴づける体系的な宗教的実体」という意味での「宗教」の概念について検討している。 [28]
できると指摘している。彼はこの用語がその目的を終えたとみなしている[29]。 |
contends that the concept of religion, rather than being a universally
valid category as is generally supposed, is a peculiarly European
construct of recent origin. Religion, he argues, is a static concept
that does not adequately address the complexity and flux of religious
lives. Instead of the concept of religion, Smith proffers a new
conceptual apparatus: the dynamic dialectic between cumulative
tradition (all historically observable rituals, art, music, theologies,
etc.) and personal faith.[30] |
式、芸術、音楽、神学など)と個人の信仰との間の動的な弁証法である[30]。 |
sets out chapter by chapter to demonstrate that none of the founders or
followers of the world's major religions had any understanding that
they were engaging in a defined system called religion. The major
exception to this rule, Smith points out, is Islam which he describes
as "the most entity-like."[31] In a chapter titled "The Special Case of
Islam", Smith points out that the term Islam appears in the Qur'an,
making it the only religion not named in opposition to or by another
tradition.[32] Other than the prophet Mani, only the prophet Muhammad
was conscious of the establishment of a religion.[33] Smith points out
that the Arabic language does not have a word for religion, strictly
speaking: he details how the word din, customarily translated as such,
differs in significant important respects from the European concept. |
ンに現れており、他の伝統と対立して、あるいはそれによって名づけられなかった唯一の宗教になっていることを指摘する[32]。 [32]
概念と重要な点で異なることを詳細に述べている。 |
terms for major world religions today, including Hinduism, Buddhism,
and Shintoism, did not exist until the 19th century. Smith suggests
that practitioners of any given faith do not historically come to
regard what they do as religion until they have developed a degree of
cultural self-regard, causing them to see their collective spiritual
practices and beliefs as in some way significantly different from the
other. Religion in the contemporary sense of the word is for Smith the
product of both identity politics and apologetics: |
て、現代的な意味での宗教は、アイデンティティ・ポリティクスと弁証論の両方の産物である。 |
own "religion" may be piety and faith, obedience, worship, and a vision
of God. An alien "religion" is a system of beliefs or rituals, an
abstract and impersonal pattern of observables. A dialectic ensues, however. If one's own "religion" is attacked, by unbelievers who necessarily conceptualize it schematically, or all religion is, by the indifferent, one tends to leap to the defence of what is attacked, so that presently participants of a faith – especially those most involved in argument – are using the term in the same externalist and theoretical sense as their opponents. Religion as a systematic entity, as it emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, is a concept of polemics and apologetics.[34] |
自分の "宗教 "は信心深さや信仰、服従、崇拝、そして神のビジョンかもしれない。異質な「宗教」とは、信念や儀式のシステムであり、観察可能な抽象的で非人格的なパターンである。 しかし、弁証法が生じる。もし自分の「宗教」が、それを必然的に図式的に概念化する不信心者から、あるいは無関心者からすべての宗教が攻撃された場合、人 は攻撃されたものの擁護に躍起になる傾向がある。したがって、現在ある信仰の参加者は、特に議論に最も関与している人々は、その用語を相手と同じ外在主義 的・理論的意味で使っているのである。17世紀と18世紀に登場した体系的な存在としての宗教は、極論と弁証の概念である[34]。 |
By way
of an etymological study of religion (religio, in Latin), Smith further
contends that the term, which at first and for most of the centuries
denoted an attitude towards a relationship between God and man,[35] has
through conceptual slippage come to mean a "system of observances or
beliefs",[36] a historical tradition which has been institutionalized
through a process of reification. Whereas religio denoted personal
piety, religion came to refer to an abstract entity (or transcendental
signifier) which, Smith says, does not exist. |
教はスミスによれば、存在しない抽象的な実体(あるいは超越的な意味づけ)を指すようになったのである。 |
argues that the term as found in Lucretius and Cicero was internalized
by the Catholic Church through Lactantius and Augustine of Hippo.
During the Middle Ages it was superseded by the term faith, which Smith
favours by contrast. In the Renaissance, via the Christian Platonist
Marsilio Ficino, religio becomes popular again, retaining its original
emphasis on personal practice, even in John Calvin's Christianae
Religionis Institutio (1536). During 17th-century debates between
Catholics and Protestants, religion begins to refer to an abstract
system of beliefs, especially when describing an oppositional
structure. Through the Enlightenment this concept is further reified,
so that by the nineteenth century G. W. F. Hegel defines religion as
Begriff, "a self-subsisting transcendent idea that unfolds itself in
dynamic expression in the course of ever-changing history ... something
real in itself, a great entity with which man has to reckon, a
something that precedes all its historical manifestation".[37] |
れ、スミスは対照的にこの言葉を好んだ。ルネサンス期には、キリスト教プラトン主義者Marsilio Ficinoを経て、John
CalvinのChristianae Religionis
W. F. ヘーゲルは宗教をベグリフ、「絶えず変化する歴史の過程において動的な表現でそれ自身を展開する自己存続する超越的な思想...
それ自体で実在する何か、人間が計算しなければならない大きな実体、そのすべての歴史的現れに先立つ何か」として定義している[37]。 |
Smith concludes by arguing that the term religion has now acquired four distinct senses:[38] 1. personal piety (e.g. as meant by the phrase "he is more religious than he was ten years ago"); 2. an overt system of beliefs, practices and values, related to a particular community manifesting itself as the ideal religion that the theologian tries to formulate, but which he knows transcends him (e.g. 'true Christianity'); 3. an overt system of beliefs, practices and values, related to a particular community manifesting itself as the empirical phenomenon, historical and sociological (e.g. the Christianity of history); 4. a generic summation or universal category, i.e. religion in general. The Meaning and End of Religion remains Smith's most influential work. The anthropologist of religion and postcolonial scholar[citation needed] Talal Asad has said that the book is a modern classic and a masterpiece.[39] |
スミスは、宗教という用語が現在では次の4つの異なる意味を獲得していると論じて結論付けている[38]。 1.個人的な信心深さ(例えば、「彼は10年前よりも宗教的だ」というフレーズによって意味されるように)。 2.神学者が定式化しようとするが、自分を超越していると知っている理想的な宗教として現れる特定の共同体に関連する信念、実践、価値の明白なシステム(例えば、「真のキリスト教」)。 特定の共同体に関連し、歴史的、社会学的な経験的現象として現れる信念、実践、 価値観の明白な体系(たとえば、「歴史の中のキリスト教」)。 4.一般的な総括または普遍的なカテゴリー、すなわち宗教一般。 宗教の意味と終焉』は、スミスの最も影響力のある著作である。宗教人類学者でありポストコロニアル研究者[citation needed]のタラル・アサドは、本書が現代の古典であり傑作であると述べている[39]。 |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilfred_Cantwell_Smith. |
https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator |
牧師でもあるウィルフレッド・キャントウェ ル・スミスのイスラーム理解は人格主義とも言われていて既視感あるとおもったらメラネシアの人格を議論したこれまた宣教師でのちに本部と仲違いし帰国しフ ランス高等研究院教授のモーリス・レーナルトと酷似しているという気がしてきた。
文献(Wilfred Cantwell Smithの著作)
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099