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Drug Law Reform in East and Southeast Asia, ca. 2013


Rahman, FifaとCrofts, Nick の編集になる"Drug Law Reform in East and Southeast Asia" という論文集がある。近年の「薬物使用者」「薬物利用者」(=薬物濫用者や中毒=依存者というス ティグマ的用法を避けて価値中立に表現しようとする)と、それを受け入れる社会全体の危害 をともに軽減しようとするハームリダクション政策(Harm reduction policies)の流れをうけて、厳罰主義をとってきた、東南アジアあるいは東アジアにおいても、法改正など、柔軟に制度を対応させていこうという流れ がある。この論集は、そのようなトレンドをもっともてっとりばやく、かつ包括的に把握するためのツールということもできる。

Nielsen BookData によると、本書は次のように解説されている。

Drug Law Reform in East and Southeast Asia is a multi-author look at drugs in East and Southeast Asia, on drug policy, patterns and trends, local problems, human rights abuses, treatment prospects, and potential reforms. From the history of drugs in Asia, the book examines recent trends in illicit drugs, especially the present enormous amphetamine problems. It addresses recent policy shifts, especially harm reduction responses to the devastating drug-associated HIV epidemics. It explores further necessary reform, especially in regard to the abysmally inhuman current emphasis on detention and the death penalty for drug offences, and present the most recent evidence on effective and humane approaches to drug treatments. As the first comprehensive collection on illicit drug and harm reduction in East and Southeast Asia, it will be a vital resource for health professionals, policymakers, and others working there-and elsewhere-on drug policy reform. As the first comprehensive collection on illicit drugs and harm reduction in East and Southeast Asia, it will be a vital resource for health professionals, policymakers, and others working on East and Southeast Asia-and elsewhere-on drug policy.










(c)Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j. Copy&wright[not rights] 2017

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