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Ideological function of Misogyny

Not the scene of the Annunciation of Virgin Mary(Recanati Annunciation,c.1534) but escaping from the Pro-life Kingdom.


"Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred or contempt for women. It is a form of sexism used to keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the societal roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practiced for thousands of years. It is reflected in art, literature, human societal structure, historical events, mythology, philosophy, and religion worldwide. An example of misogyny is violence against women, which includes domestic violence and, in its most extreme forms, misogynist terrorism and femicide. Misogyny also often operates through sexual harassment, coercion, and psychological techniques aimed at controlling women, and by legally or socially excluding women from full citizenship. In some cases, misogyny rewards women for accepting an inferior status. Misogyny can be understood both as an attitude held by individuals, primarily by men, and as a widespread cultural custom or system. In feminist thought, misogyny also includes the rejection of feminine qualities. It holds in contempt institutions, work, hobbies, or habits associated with women. It rejects any aspects of men that are seen as feminine or unmanly. When directed against LGBT people, it may take the forms of homophobia and transmisogyny. Racism and other prejudices may reinforce and overlap with misogyny. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the English word "misogyny" was coined in the middle of the 17th century from the Greek misos ‘hatred’ + gunē ‘woman’. The word was rarely used until it was popularised by second wave feminism in the 1970s."-Misogyny.

ミソジニー(/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/)すなわち女性嫌悪差別とは女性に対する憎悪や軽蔑の念のこと。これは、女性を男性よりも低い社会的地位に置き、家父長制の社会的役割を維持するために用いられる性差別の一形態で ある。ミソジニーは何千年もの間、広く行われてきた。それは、世界中の芸術、文学、人間の社会構造、歴史的出来事、神話、哲学、宗教に反映されている。ミ ソジニーの例として、女性に対する暴力が挙げられる。これは家庭内暴力(DV)や、最も極端な形ではミソジニー主義者によるテロや女性の選択的殺人 (femicide)などがあります。また、ミソジニーは、女性を支配することを目的としたセクシャルハラスメント、強制、心理的手法、そして法的または社会的に女性を完全な市民権から排除することによっても行われることが多い。場合によっては、ミソジニーは、女性が劣った地位を受け入れることに対し対価や報酬を与えることもある。ミソジニーは、主に男性が個人的に持つ態度(→イデオロギー)として、また広く行き渡った文化的慣習や制度として理解することができる。フェミニスト思想では、ミソジニーには女性的な資質の否定も含まれる。女性に関する制度、仕事、趣味、習慣などを軽んじる。また、女性的または男性的でないとみなされる男性のあらゆる側面を否定する。LGBTに向けられる場合は、ホモフォビアやトランスミソジニーという形をとることもある。人種差別やその他の偏見がミソジニーを強化し、重なり合うことがある。オックスフォード英語辞典によると、「ミソジニー」という英語は、17世紀半ばにギリシャ語のmisos「憎しみ」+gunē「女性」から作られた造語である。この言葉は、1970年代に第二波フェミニズムによって広まるまで、ほとんど使われなかった。


■その後の理論的な展開を概観するのは、下記を参照 のこと。

Kristin J. Anderson, Modern Misogyny: Anti-Feminism in a Post-Feminist Era. Oxford University Press, 2014.

図書解説サイトより)"Pundits and politicians often opine on the irrelevance of feminism and the women's movement today. Some commentators describe the state of feminism as "post-feminist," alongside equally questionable claims of Barack Obama's election as signaling a "post-racial" America. Modern Misogyny examines contemporary anti-feminism in a "post-feminist" era. It considers the widespread notion that the feminist movement has ended, in large part because the work of feminism has been completed. In fact, the argument goes, women have been so successful in achieving equality, it is now men who currently are at risk of becoming irrelevant and unnecessary. These sentiments make up modern anti-feminism. Modern Misogyny argues that equality has not been fully achieved and that anti-feminism is now packaged in a more palatable, but stealthy form. This book addresses the nature, function, and implications of modern anti-feminism in the United States. Modern Misogyny explores the landscape of popular culture and politics, emphasizing relatively recent moves away from feminist activism to individualism and consumerism where "self-empowerment" represents women's progress. It also explores the retreat to traditional gender roles after September 11, 2001. It interrogates the assumption that feminism is unnecessary, that women have achieved equality, and therefore those women who do insist on being feminists want to get ahead of men. Finally, it takes a fresh look at the positive role that feminism plays in today's "post-feminist" era, and how feminism does and might function in women's lives. Post-feminist discourse encourages young women to believe that they were born into a free society, so if they experience discrimination, it is an individual, isolated problem that may even be their own fault. Modern Misogyny examines that rendering of feminism as irrelevant and as the silencing and marginalizing of feminists. Anderson calls for a revived feminism that is vigilant in combatting modern forms of sexism."




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