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Roland Barthes, 1915-1981


1915  11月12日シェルブール(Cherbourg in Normandy)に生まれ、バイヨンヌ(Bayonne)に育つ。Henriette Barthes, and his aunt and grandmother raised him in the village of Urt and the city of Bayonne.(以下の記述はウィキペディア「ロ ラン・バルトRoland Barthes, 1915-1980)」による)

1926  When Barthes was eleven, his family moved to Paris, though his attachment to his provincial roots would remain strong throughout his life.

1935 -1939 University of Paris, the Sorbonne: (licence in classical literature)

1939 - 断続的に、結核のための療養がはじまる;His life from 1939 to 1948 was largely spent obtaining a licence in grammar and philology, publishing his first papers, taking part in a medical study, and continuing to struggle with his health. He received a diplôme d'études supérieures (roughly equivalent to an MA thesis) from the University of Paris in 1941 for his work in Greek tragedy. その前にa licence in grammar and philologyを取得している。

1941  diplôme d'études supérieures  (roughly equivalent to an MA thesis) from the University of Paris in 1941 for his work in Greek tragedy.

1947  Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre's What Is Literature?_Qu'est-ce que la littérature?

1948  [H]e returned to purely academic work, gaining numerous short-term positions at institutes in France, Romania, and Egypt. During this time, he contributed to the leftist Parisian paper Combat, out of which grew his first full-length work, Writing Degree Zero (1953).

1953 -1954  Barthes settled at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), where he studied lexicology and sociology.

1952 -1959 

During his seven-year period there, he began to write a popular series of bi-monthly essays for the magazine Les Lettres Nouvelles, in which he dismantled myths of popular culture (gathered in the Mythologies collection that was published in 1957). Consisting of fifty-four short essays, mostly written between 1954–1956, Mythologies were acute reflections of French popular culture ranging from an analysis on soap detergents to a dissection of popular wrestling.

This web-page is dedicated to the memory of the Ariya', 1973-2018

The_World_of_Wrestling-roland-barthes-mythologies.pdf with password

1953  Le degré zéro de l'écriture

"Barthes argues that conventions inform both language and style, rendering neither purely creative. Instead, form, or what Barthes calls "writing" (the specific way an individual chooses to manipulate conventions of style for a desired effect), is the unique and creative act. A writer's form is vulnerable to becoming a convention, however, once it has been made available to the public. This means that creativity is an ongoing process of continual change and reaction."

1954  Michelet par lui-même, images et textes présentés par Roland Barthes, Paris. : Éditions du Seuil

"In Michelet, a critical analysis of the French historian Jules Michelet, Barthes developed these notions, applying them to a broader range of fields. He argued that Michelet's views of history and society are obviously flawed. In studying his writings, he continued, one should not seek to learn from Michelet's claims; rather, one should maintain a critical distance and learn from his errors, since understanding how and why his thinking is flawed will show more about his period of history than his own observations. Similarly, Barthes felt that avant-garde writing should be praised for its maintenance of just such a distance between its audience and itself. In presenting an obvious artificiality rather than making claims to great subjective truths, Barthes argued, avant-garde writers ensure that their audiences maintain an objective perspective. In this sense, Barthes believed that art should be critical and should interrogate the world, rather than seek to explain it, as Michelet had done"

1957  Mythologies;Knowing little English, Barthes taught at Middlebury College in 1957 and befriended the future English translator of much of his work, Richard Howard, that summer in New York City

1959 Am Nullpunkt der Literatur ; Objektive Literatur : zwei Essays / Roland Barthes, Hamburg : Claassen , [1959]


"Barthes spent the early 1960s exploring the fields of semiology and structuralism, chairing various faculty positions around France, and continuing to produce more full-length studies. Many of his works challenged traditional academic views of literary criticism and of renowned figures of literature. His unorthodox thinking led to a conflict with a well-known Sorbonne professor of literature, Raymond Picard, who attacked the French New Criticism (a label that he inaccurately applied to Barthes) for its obscurity and lack of respect towards France's literary roots. Barthes' rebuttal in Criticism and Truth (1966) accused the old, bourgeois criticism of a lack of concern with the finer points of language and of selective ignorance towards challenging theories, such as Marxism." - Roland Barthes.

1962  la VIe section de l'École pratique des hautes étudeshttps://www.ephe.fr/).

1963 Les romans de Robbe-Grillet / Bruce Morrissette ; préface de Roland Barthes./ Sur Racine, Roland Barthes.

1964  Essais Critiques; La Tour Eiffel

1965 零度の文学 / ロラン・バルト著 ; 森本和夫訳

1966  Critique et vérité

1967  Système de la mode

1967  La mort de l'auteur - The Death of the Author.

"[T]he 1967 essay "The Death of the Author," which, in light of the growing influence of Jacques Derrida's deconstruction, would prove to be a transitional piece in its investigation of the logical ends of structuralist thought."

神話作用 / ロラン・バルト著 ; 篠沢秀夫訳

1968 Elements of semiology / Roland Barthes ; Translated from the French by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith / Writing degree zero,  Roland Barthes ; preface by Susan Sontag ; translated by Annette Lavers, Colin Smith

1970  S/Z, L'Empire des signes.

"Barthes continued to contribute with Philippe Sollers to the avant-garde literary magazine Tel Quel, which was developing similar kinds of theoretical inquiry to that pursued in Barthes' writings. In 1970, Barthes produced what many consider to be his most prodigious work,the dense, critical reading of Balzac's Sarrasine entitled S/Z. Throughout the 1970s, Barthes continued to develop his literary criticism; he developed new ideals of textuality and novelistic neutrality. In 1971, he served as visiting professor at the University of Geneva."

"In 1975 he wrote an autobiography titled Roland Barthes and in 1977 he was elected to the chair of Sémiologie Littéraire at the Collège de France. In the same year, his mother, Henriette Barthes, to whom he had been devoted, died, aged 85. They had lived together for 60 years. The loss of the woman who had raised and cared for him was a serious blow to Barthes. His last major work, Camera Lucida, is partly an essay about the nature of photography and partly a meditation on photographs of his mother. The book contains many reproductions of photographs, though none of them are of Henriette."

1972  Nouveaux Essais critiques

1973  Le Plaisir du texte

1975  Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes

1977  コレージュ・ド・フランス教授(the chair of Sémiologie Littéraire at the Collège de France.);Fragments d"un discours amoureux


1980  2月25日、交通事故。;La Chambre claire

1980  3月26日死亡;LE GRAIN DE LA VOIX Entretiens 1962-1980

1982  L"Obvie et l"obtus

1984  Le Bruissement de la langue

1987  Incidents

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