On Military Organizations
スタニスラフ・アンジェイエフスキー(Stanislav Andreski, 1919-2007)の『軍事組織と社会(Military organization and society)』1954,1968)を手がかりにして、軍事組織について考えるのがこのページの目的である。
ウィキペディア(日本語に)「軍事組織と社会」の項目があるので、 そこから引用していこう。「『軍事組織と社会』(Military Organization and Society)とは1954年に刊行された社会学者スタニスラフ・アンジェイエフスキー(Stanislav Andreski)による軍事社会学の著作である。本書はアンジェイエフ スキーによる軍事組織の社会学的研究をまとめたものであり、ローズ大学の勤務中に執筆されたものである。/アンジェイエフスキーはポーランドで生まれ、大 学教育を受けてからポーランド軍に入隊する。第二次世界大戦が勃発した1939年には陸軍の砲兵隊に下士官として勤務していた。後にソビエト赤軍の戦時捕 虜となった際には敵地脱出して物乞いと密輸で生き延びながらハンガリーに亡命する。ハンガリーでも警察に逮捕されるが、再度脱走してフランスへ入国し、自 由フランス軍に参加してナチス・ドイツと戦った。しかし1940年にフランスがナチス・ドイツに降伏してからはイギリスへ逃れることになり、イギリスでは 語学要員として連合軍の総司令部での通訳の仕事に従事する。戦後にドイツの占領行政に携わった後にイギリスへ帰国し、その後は南アフリカへ移住して同国の ローズ大学で社会学を教授する。」
第1章 闘争の普遍性
第2章 階層構成
第3章 政治的単位の規模と凝縮性
第4章 服従と階統構造
第5章 政府による規制の範囲
第6章 軍事参与率と戦争の苛烈性
第7章 軍事組織の形態の分類
第8章 暴力支配性と臨戦性
第9章 階層間の移動
第10章 軍事組織の類型と社会構造の類型
第11章 革命
第12章 結語
Andreski, who has died aged 88, was a Polish-born sociologist whose
varied and intriguing academic career was inspired by the works of the
great German sociologist Max Weber. Both an outstanding scholar and a
politically astute man, he selected critical contemporary issues, such
as Aids, for intellectual scrutiny. He had little time for trends and
fashions, remaining faithful to his own knowledge of history and
sociology. He was a polyglot, an internationalist and a British scholar
with eastern European roots and a worldwide perspective.
Arriving in Britain during the second world war, he joined the Polish
forces here and enrolled on an extramural course at the London School
of Economics, studying economics, but with a primary interest in
sociology. Fascinated by Weber's General Economic History, he was
encouraged by the famous German sociologist Karl Mannheim, whom he met
at the LSE, to study more of Weber's work, in particular Wirtschaft und
Gessellschaft. Posted to Germany with the British forces of occupation
after the war, Andreski was given the chance to do so - purchasing
Weber's books with food and cigarettes. He
attained his PhD at the LSE in 1953 and immediately joined Rhodes
University College in South Africa. There he met the anthropologist
Alfred Radcliffe-Brown and introduced him to Weber's works.
Subsequently Andreski lectured in Chile, Nigeria, the US, Canada and
Japan. Co-founding the department of sociology at Reading University in
1964, he remained there as professor and then head of department until
his retirement in 1984.
Retirement, however, did not halt his teaching or writing. In the 1980s
he taught at the Polish University in Exile in London; through the
1990s he lectured at the Monterey Business School in Mexico; and in the
new millennium at the College of Languages at Czestochowa, his
In this way he closed the circle of a philosophical and geographical
Andreski's early books, Parasitism and Subversion: the Case of Latin
America (1966) and The African Predicament: a Study in Pathology of
Modernisation (1968), could not have been written without first-hand
knowledge of the social and economic reality of both continents - and
also reflected a profound insight into the Weberian school of thought.
Max Weber, Insights and Errors (1984) is Andreski's most personal work.
Weber was his great intellectual love, but this love was not a blind
one: Andreski demonstrated that Weber deserved sober analysis and not
only the "ritual genuflection" that some afforded him. This book has
been widely translated, most recently into Chinese.
Weber differentiates capitalism into two types: predatory and
productive, arguing that productive capitalism was born in medieval
free cities which were strong enough to resist external domination but
too weak to exploit their neighbours. Andreski generalised this
observation, and stated that new forms of production and trade (that
is, industrially oriented capitalism) develop only where the business
class is too strong to be fettered and exploited, but not strong enough
to accumulate wealth by forcibly extracting it from others, and where
in consequence, production and trade offer to the members of this class
the most promising road to a satisfactory livelihood.
Andreski's most popular book is Social Sciences as Sorcery (1972). This
work brought Andreski international recognition but did not please many
fellow sociologists due to his indictment of the "pretentious and
nebulous verbosity" endemic in the modern social sciences.
An equally original work is Syphilis,
Puritanism and Witch Hunts (1989), written in the light of the Aids
epidemic. Syphilis appeared at the turn of the 15th century and spread
all over the world in the following two centuries. Andreski argued that
while this led to the social hysteria of witch-hunts, it also
stimulated the rise of puritanical thrift and industry, and thus
inadvertently encouraged the development of capitalism. He argued that
the social consequences of the Aids epidemic could be similarly
Later, Andreski turned his attention to the role of women in the
development of civilisation, his thesis being that the more access
women have to public life within a society the greater the social and
scientific development that society is likely to enjoy. Sadly, his book
on this subject remains incomplete.
Andreski was born into the family of a Polish merchant. When his
father's firm went bankrupt, the family moved to Poznan, where Andreski
continued with his education until the outbreak of the second world
war. While studying economics at Poznan University, he was mobilised as
an officer cadet and sent to the eastern front. In September 1939, he
was captured by the Soviets but managed to escape; many of his comrades
were murdered in Katyn the following spring. Exchanging his uniform for
the rags of a tramp, he travelled through Soviet and German occupation
zones back to Poznan. When he fell ill near the town of Rzeszow, he
sought shelter, half starving, in a near-by barn. Fifty-three years
later, he referred to these experiences as a guest lecturer at Rzeszow
On New Year's eve, 1940, he escaped occupied Poland with one of his
school friends, crossed the "green border" into Slovakia
(semi-independent but controlled by Germans) and travelled by train to
Hungary. Without visas or travel documents they pretended to read
German newspapers, and, taken for Germans, they were left alone. On
reaching Britain, he joined the Polish forces.
As a man, he was free from greed or material acquisitiveness. He was
cheerful and buoyant, with a great sense of humour. And to his friends
and family, he was responsible, loving and loyal.
He is survived by his wife Ruth, whom he married in 1977, and his two
sons and two daughters from his previous two marriages.
· Stanislav Leonard Andreski (Andrzejewski), sociologist, born May 8
1919; died September 26 2007"
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