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Learn about the Ainu's indigenous rights


テッサ・モーリス=スズキ (著), 市川 守弘 (著), 北大開示文書研究会 (編集)『アイヌの権利とは何か : 新法・象徴空間・東京五輪と先住民族』2020年

アイヌを初めて日本の先住民と認めた「アイヌ新法」 が昨2019年施行され、国立アイヌ民族博物館も今春(2020)完成するなど、東京五輪(2020年が延期され2021年に開催)を含め国はアイヌとの 共生を演出します。しかし、国連宣言が認める先住権は認められていません。本当の共生への道を探ります。

I アイヌ新法と日本政府

第1章 演出された民族共生

第2章 世界の先住民族とアイヌ

第3章 「共生の五輪」と先住権

II 先住権とアイヌ民族

第1章 アイヌの誇りを胸に

第2章 アイヌ先住権の本質

アイヌの権利とは何か : 新法・象徴空間・東京五輪と先住民族  / テッサ・モーリス=スズキ, 市川守弘 [著] ; 北大開示文書研究会編, かもがわ出版 , 2020

先住民族の言語の権利 : 世界と日本  / 反差別国際運動(IMADR)編, 反差別国際運動(IMADR) , 2019 . - (IMADRブックレット, 18)

原由利子「アイヌ・部落・在日コリアン・沖縄 の女性による調査提言活動 : 欠如する歴史性の考慮と政策」特集複合差別とジェンダー, 信山社 , 2016 . - (ジェ ンダー法研究 / 浅倉むつ子責任編集, 第3号)

アイヌの遺骨はコタンの土へ : 北大に対する遺骨返還請求と先住権  / 北大開示文書研究会編著, 緑風出版 , 2016

常本照樹「憲法はアイヌ民族について何を語っているか : 個人の尊重と先住民族」スターバックスでラテを飲みながら憲法を考える  / 松井茂記編著、有斐閣 , 2016

アイヌ民族・先住民族教育の現在  / 日本社会教育学会年報編集委員会編、東洋館出版社 , 2014 . - (日本の社会教育 / 日本社会教育学会編, 第58集)

 津田仙好「先住民族アイヌの権利と政策の諸問題」東アジア における市民社会の形成 : 人権・平和・共生  / 内藤光博編, 専修大学出版局 , 2013 . - (専修大学社会科学研究所社会科学研究叢書, 15)

アイヌモシリと平和 : 「北海道」を平和学する!  / 越田清和編、法律文化社 , 2012

アイヌ民族の権利回復と持続可能な地域づくり : オホーツク・紋別におけるESDの取組み2009-2011  / さっ ぽろ自由学校「遊」編集, さっぽろ自由学校「遊」 , 2012

瀬川拓郎「アイヌの一万年 : 植民都市の景観に読む民族的世界の変容と断絶」;大塚和義「『夷酋列像』から読む道東アイヌの経済的ポテンシャル」;中村和之「骨嵬・苦兀・庫野 : 中国の文献に登場するアイヌの姿」;佐々木史郎「ヘジェ・フィヤカ・エゾ : 近世における日本と中国の北方民族に対する認識」;大西秀之「植民地支配とアイヌ民族のエスニシティ : 殖民都市に包摂される上川アイヌ社会の生活実践」『東 アジアの民族的世界 : 境界地域における多文化的状況と相互認識』  / 佐々木史郎, 加藤雄三編, 有志舎 , 2011 . - (人間文化叢書, . ユーラシアと日本 : 交流と表象)

 アイヌ研究の現在と未来  / 北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター編 ; 阿部ユポ [ほか著]、北海道大学出版会 , 2010 . - (北大アイヌ・先住民研究センター叢書, 1)

 先住民族アイヌの権利確立に向けて  / 反差別国際運動日本委員会編、反差別国際運動日本委員会 , 2009 . - (現代世界と人権, 23)

常本照樹「個人の尊重とアイヌ政策」第30号、平和文庫  / [札幌独立キリスト教会, 札幌福音的教育・平和研究会編]、札幌独立キリスト教会 , 2008

瀬川拓郎「アイヌ文化の成立と交易」;中村和之「アイヌの北方交易とアイヌ文化 : 銅雀台瓦硯の再発見をめぐって」;大西秀之「アイヌ社会における川筋集団の自律性」;『東アジア内海世界の交流史 : 周縁地域における社会制度の形成』  / 加藤雄三, 大西秀之, 佐々木史郎編、人文書院 , 2008

アイヌ民族の碑を訪ねて : 権利回復への道程をたどる  / 杉山四郎著、[杉山四郎] , 2005

アイヌ民族の碑を訪ねて : 権利の回復をめざす  / 杉山四郎著, [杉山四郎] , 2002

アイヌ民族とエスニシティの社会学  / 松本和良, 江川直子編, 学文社 , 2001

アイヌ民族の歴史と文化 : 教育指導の手引  / 田端宏, 桑原真人監修, 山川出版社 , 2000

中川裕「アイヌ語復興の現状について(述)」ことばへの権利 : 言語権とはなにか  / 言語権研究会編, 三元社 , 1999

野村義一「アイヌ民族の歴史と未来」日本における差別と人権  / 部落解放研究所編、部落解放研究所 , 1995

中村睦男「アイヌと教育権」学校五日制と教育改革  / 日本教育法学会編、有斐閣 , 1994 . - (日本教育法学会年報, 第23号)

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明日を創るアイヌ民族  / アイヌ民族の現在と未来を考える会編, 未来社 , 1988





promulgated on May 14, 1997

enforced on June 1, 1997

(1997 act No.52)

As of May 10, 2015

§ 1.(Aim)

This Act, taking into consideration the situation of Aino heritage which is a source of pride to the Ainu, is aimed at the realization of society where such folk pride is held in high regard as well as the development of our country’s manifold civilization through the advancement of policies for the diffusion of knowledge of the said heritage among the people and the promotion of their cultures that are a part thereof(in this Act, called “the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise”).

§ 2.(Definition)

In this Act, “Aino cultures” mean—

(a)  the Aino language; and

(b)  music, dances, handicrafts and other cultural products handed down from generation to generation among the Ainu(including such ones as derived from the above).

§ 3.(Responsibilities of the State and local public entities)

(1)  The State shall endeavor to—

(a)  advance policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise, such as—

(i)   the upbringing of successors to Aino cultures,

(ii)  the enrichment of publicity activities for Aino heritage, and

(iii) the acceleration of inquiries useful for the said promotion;

(b)  give advice to local public entities and take other measures necessary for them to advance their policies for the said promotion.

(2)  Any interested local public entity shall work to implement policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise according to social conditions within its limits.

§ 4.(Care to policies)

The State and any interested local public entity must be careful to think much of the Ainu’s free will and folk pride on the occasion of implementing policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise.

§ 5.(Keynotes)

(1)  The competent Ministers” must establish the keynotes of policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise(hereinafter simply called “keynotes”).

(2)  The keynotes must contain—

(a)  fundamental matters concerning the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise;

(b)  an outline of policies for the diffusion of knowledge of Aino heritage among the people;

(c)  a summary of policies for the promotion of Aino cultures;

(d)  items concerning inquiries useful for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise; and

(e)  important matters to be considered on the occasion of implementing policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise.

(3)  The competent Ministers who will establish keynotes must in advance—

(a)  take counsel with the chief of any interested administrative organ; and

(b)  seek the opinion of any prefecture under section 6.(1).

(4)  The competent Ministers that have established keynotes must without delay—

(a)  publish the said keynotes; and

(b)  send the said keynotes to any prefecture under section 6.(1).

(5)  Subsections (3) and (4) shall apply correspondingly to the case where an alteration is or has been made in the keynotes.

(6)  In this Act, “the competent Ministers” mean—

(a)  the Minister of Land and Traffic; and

(b)  the Minister of Art and Science.

§ 6.(Master plan)

(1)  A master plan shall be mapped out by any such prefecture as will be laid down in a cabinet order(hereinafter called an “interested prefecture”) comprehensively to implement its policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise in accord with social conditions within its limits in pursuance of the keynotes.

The Order to Laid down Prefectures on the ground of Section 6.(1) of the Act for the Promotion of Aino Cultures and Otherwise

Any “prefecture” under subsection (1) of section 6. of the Act for the Promotion of Aino Cultures and Otherwise that is a delegated matter to this order on the strength of the said subsection shall be Hokkaidō.

(2)  Such a master plan as prescribed in subsection (1)(hereinafter called a “master plan”) shall contain—

(a)  basic lines of the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise;

(b)  matters concerning the implementation of—

(i)  policies for the diffusion of knowledge of Aino heritage from the people, and

(ii) policies for the promotion of Aino cultures; and

(c)  other important matters to be considered on the occasion of implementing policies for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise.

(3)  Any interested prefecture that has mapped out or revised its master plan must without delay submit to the competent Ministers and publish it.

(4)  The competent Ministers must make efforts to give any interested prefecture advice, recommendations and information necessary to facilitate the formation and smooth enforcement of a master plan.

§ 7.(Designation and others)

(1)  The competent Ministers may upon application make designation of only a general body corporate or foundation whose purpose is the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise all over the country as what has the ability to conduct such affairs as specified in section 8.(a) to (e) properly and surely.

(2)  The competent Ministers who have made such designation as provided by subsection (1)(in section 12., simply called “designation”) must announce the following matters publicly—

(a)  the appellation of a body corporate or foundation that is the object of the said designation (hereinafter called “the designated legal person”); and

(b)  the address of the principal and any other office of such a body corporate or foundation.

(3)  The designated legal person that will alter its appellation or any address of its offices must in advance make a notification to that effect to the competent Ministers.

(4)  Where there has been such a notification as provided by subsection (3), the competent Ministers must make a public announcement of the altered matter.

§ 8.(Affairs)

The designated legal person shall—

(a)  bring up successors to Aino cultures;

(b)  with respect to Aino heritage, do activities for publicity and enlightenment in any other way;

(c)  make inquiries useful for the promotion of Aino cultures and otherwise;

(d)  give advice, subsidies and other support to persons—

(i)   that promotes Aino cultures,

(ii)  that enlighten the public on Aino heritage, or

(iii) make such inquiries as prescribed in paragraph (c); and

(e)  conduct other affairs necessary for the said promotion.

§ 9.(Business scheme and others)

(1)  The designated legal person must every financial year to draw up a business scheme and revenue and expenditure budget, as will be laid down in an ordinance of the Ministries of Land and Traffic, and Art and Science, to submit them to the competent Ministers.

      The same shall apply to the case where it will make an alteration in the said scheme or budget.

(2)  Any such business scheme as prescribed in subsection (1) must be drawn up in pursuance of the keynotes.

(3)  The designated legal person must after the termination of every financial year make out a business report and statement of final accounts for revenue and expenditure, as will be laid down in an ordinance under subsection (1), to lay them before the competent Ministers.

§ 10.(Collection of report and on-the-spot inspection)

(1)  The competent Ministers may within limits necessary to enforce this Act give an order that—

(a)  the designated legal person make a report on its affairs; and/or

(b)  officials in charge enter any office of the said person to—

(i)  make an inspection of the situation of its affairs or books, documents and other articles, and/or

(ii) put questions to any interested person.

(2)  Any official who makes an on-the-spot inspection on the strength of subsection (1) must carry a certificate that proves his status to show the identification card when a demand has been made by an interested person.

(3)  It shall in no wise be understood that the power of the competent Ministers to make an on-the-spot inspection on the ground of subsection (1) is allowed for the purpose of criminal investigation.

§ 11.(Order for improvement)

The competent Ministers may give an order that the designated legal person take measures necessary to improve the conduct of such affairs as specified in section 8.(a) to (e) when thinking it vital.

§ 12.(Revocation of designation and another)

(1)  The competent Ministers may revoke designation if the designated legal person disobeys such an order as provided by section 11.

(2)  The competent Ministers who have revoked designation on the ground of subsection (1) must make a public announcement to that effect.

§ 13.(Punitive provisions)

(1)  A person—

(a)  who has made no or a false report in contravention of subsection (1) of section 10.;

(b)  who has refused, clogged or shirked such an inspection as provided by the said subsection; or

(c)  who has given no or an untrue answer to any question addressed on the ground of the said subsection,

shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding 20,000 yen.

(2)  Where a representative, or a procurator, employee or any other worker of a legal person has done any guilty act under subsection (1) in connection with its business, not only shall the actor be punished, but upon the person shall a fine under the same be imposed.


1.  Date of enforcement

This Act shall come into force on such date as will be laid down in a cabinet order within limits not exceeding three months.

2.  Repeal of laws

The following laws shall be repealed—

(a)  the Act to Protect Aborigines in Hokkaidō(1899 act No.27): and

(b)  the Act to Dispose of Land in Asahikawa City to Protect Aborigines in Hokkaidō (1934 act No.9).


The full text of the Act to Disposes of Land in Asahikawa City to Protect Aborigines in Hokkaidō:

We hereby ratify and promulgate the Act to Dispose of Land in Asahikawa City to Protect Aborigines in Hokkaidō with the approval of the Imperial Parliament to order its publication in the Official Gazette.


March 23, 1934



Saitō Makoto

Chancellor of the Exchequer


Takahashi Korekiyo

Minister of Home Affairs


Yamamoto Tatsuo


§ 1.  The Governor of Hokkaidō may with the approval of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Chancellor of the Exchequer grant any tract of land within the limits of Asahikawa City that has been leased thereto for the purpose of protecting aborigines in Hokkaidō without compensation to what have special connection as property they own solely or jointly.

§ 2.  Section 2.(1) of the Act to Protect Aborigines in Hokkaidō shall apply correspondingly land granted by virtue of section 1.

§ 3.  No registration and local taxes can be levied upon any person who has acquired the ownership of land on the ground of section 1.


This Act shall come into force on such date[November 1, 1934] as will be laid down in an Emperor’s ordinance.

Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2009-2019