Research Integrity
の研究からの窃盗(data theft)、そして論文共著者としての名義貸し(gift authorship)などからなる。
Research integrity may be defined as active adherence to the ethical principles and professional standards essential for the responsible practice of research.
ORIの定義によると、研究公正は〈倫理 の厳守〉と〈研究専門職の行動規範〉という2 つの側面をあわせもつことがよくわかる。研究公正(research integrity)は、科学的公正さ(scientific integrity)とほぼ同義である。
すなわち、研究を公正におこなうとは、 (1)組織の研究者としての倫理規範(コンプライアンス)と、(2)研究専門職の行動規範——研究不正を おこなわないという否定的面から公正で創造性を実現する肯定的側面へ——の遵守という側面がある。まとめると、次の2つの項目にリンクして議論しているの で、参考にされたい。
★Scientific Integrity at EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)【参考】
integrity at EPA is the responsibility of every employee, contractor,
grantee, volunteer and collaborator who conducts, utilizes, supervises,
manages, communicates, or influences scientific activities. The
Scientific Integrity Policy exists against a complicated regulatory
backdrop. For example, the Scientific Integrity Policy works in
conjunction with policies and procedures for addressing research
misconduct, information quality, quality assurance, and peer review.
The policy also works in conjunction with statutes such as the Freedom
of Information Act and Federal Advisory Committee Act. |
EPA における科学的公正さは、科学的活動を実施、利用、監督、管理、伝達、または影響を与えるすべての職員、請負業者、助成金受領者、ボランティア、および協力者の責任である。科学的公正さの方
針は、複雑な規制を背景に存在する。例えば、Scientific Integrity
問委員会法(Federal Advisory Committee Act)などの法令とも連動している。 |
What is Scientific Integrity? Scientific integrity results from adherence to professional values and practices, when conducting and applying the results of science and scholarship. It ensures: Objectivity Clarity Reproducibility Utility Scientific integrity is important because it provides insulation from: Bias Fabrication Falsification Plagiarism Outside interference Censorship Inadequate procedural and information security |
Scientific Integrity(科学的公正性)とは? 科学的公正さとは、科学と学問の成果を実施し、適用する際に、専門家としての価値観と実践を遵守することである。それは以下を保証するものである: 客観性 明確性 再現性 有用性 科学的完全性が重要であるのは、それが以下のものから遮断されるからである: バイアス 捏造 改ざん 盗作 外部からの干渉 検閲 不十分な手続きと情報セキュリティ |
Why is Scientific Integrity Important? Scientific integrity helps to build public support. People are more likely to support the Agency if they can trust the quality and integrity of its work. Scientific integrity, along with federal policies on research misconduct, conflicts of interest, and transparency help to ensure that EPA employees, contractors, and grantees can be held accountable to the public. Since EPA research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in different disciplines and institutions, scientific integrity promotes the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, and fairness. For example, data sharing policies, and confidentiality rules in peer review are designed to protect intellectual property interests while encouraging collaboration. Scientific integrity promotes the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote the truth and avoid error. Finally, scientific integrity promotes a variety of other important moral and social values, such as compliance with the law, and health and safety. |
なぜ科学的公正さが重要なのか? 科学的公正さは、国民の支持を得るのに役立ちます。人々は、EPA の業務の質と完全性を信頼することができれば、EPA を支持する可能性が高まります。 科学的公正さは、研究の不正行為、利益相反、および透明性に関する連邦方針とともに、EPA の職員、請負業者、および助成金交付対象者が、一般市民に対して説明責任を果たせるようにするための一助となる。 EPA 研究は、多くの場合、様々な分野や機関の様々な人々の協力や調整を伴うため、科学的公正さは、信頼、説明責任、公正さなど、共同作業に不可欠な価値を促進 する。例えば、データ共有ポリシーや査読における機密保持ルールは、共同研究を奨励しながら知的財産の利益を保護するように設計されている。 科学的公正さは、知識、真実、誤りの回避といった研究の目的を促進する。例えば、研究データの捏造、改ざん、虚偽表示の禁止は、真実を促進し、誤りを回避する。 最後に、サイエンティフィック・インテグリティ(科学的公正さ)は、法律の遵守や健康と安全など、その他のさまざまな重要な道徳的・社会的価値を促進する。 |
https://www.epa.gov/scientific-integrity/scientific-integrity-epa |
Integrity at EPA
■Scientific integrity : text and cases in responsible conduct of research / Francis L. Macrina, ASM , 2014.の紹介
書籍案内:"Allegations of fraud, conflict of interest, and other ethical dilemmas have troubled the scientific community. With increasing frequency, graduate programs in the biomedical sciences are offering formalized training in the principles of responsible scientific conduct. Scientific Integrity, Fourth Edition covers essential topics related to the conduct of scientific investigation, such as guidelines, policies, standards, and codes and contains highly relevant interactive case studies. This textbook covers broad areas of scientific integrity and meets the needs of students and scientists working in the biomedical sciences. Newly updated case studies that parallel the material presented in the chapters are included to illustrate the diversity of issues that have been identified under the umbrella of scientific integrity. All chapters have been thoroughly updated, especially with regard to the new technologies in data discovery and sharing, and the latest NIH and international best practices guidelines. This title is published by the American Society of Microbiology Press and distributed by Taylor and Francis in rest of world territories. "
機会が増えている。Scientific Integrity, Fourth
1. Methods,
Manners, and the Responsible Conduct of Research
2. Ethics and
the Scientist
3. Mentoring
4. Authorship
and Peer Review
5. Use of
Humans in Biomedical Experimentation
6. Use of
Animals in Biomedical Experimentation
7. Competing
Interests in Research
Collaborative Research
9. Research
Data and Intellectual Property
Scientific Record Keeping
11. Science,
Technology, and Society
Appendix I. Surveys as a Tool for Training in Scientific
Appendix II. Student Exercises
Appendix III. Standards of Conduct
Appendix IV. Sample Protocols for Human and Animal
Appendix V. Example of a U.S. Patent Specification
Appendix VI. Laboratory Notebook Instructions
Appendix VII. Safe Laboratory Practices Resources Index
出典:Scientific integrity : text and cases in responsible conduct of research / Francis L. Macrina, ASM , 2014
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