Autism Conundrum
一群の奇妙な人たちに関する記録は、レオ・カーナー の1943年の論文を嚆矢とする。カーナーは、Kanner, L. (1943), Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact, Nervous Child, 2, pp.217-250.において、自閉障害という言葉をはじめて使った。では、情動的な接触が自閉により障害される(乱れる)とはどのようなことを意味す るのか。それは「発達(development)」と「精神ないしは心の正常/異常(psychotic normal / abnormal)」が交錯するところに登場する。
自閉症(autism)はもともと統合失調症の下位 分類(小児分裂病)としてスタートした。この30年間では、その分類をめぐっておよそ次のような変化がみられた。
すなわち、(1)広汎性発達障害 (pervasive developmental disorders, PDD):ICD-10, 1990と分類されるもの。そして、広汎性発達障害は、(小児)自閉症、アスペルガー症候群 、非定型自閉症およびその他の広汎性発達障害などに分けられていた。(ICD-10, F00-F99:日本語)
ICD10の2003年版。PDD(F84)の部分 のみ。
Pervasive developmental
disorders F84 広汎性発達障害
A group of disorders
characterized by qualitative abnormalities in reciprocal social
interactions and in patterns of communication, and by a restricted,
stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. These
qualitative abnormalities are a pervasive feature of the individual's
functioning in all situations.
Use additional code, if desired, to identify any associated medical
condition and mental retardation.
F84.0 Childhood autism
A type of
pervasive developmental disorder that is defined by: (a) the presence
of abnormal or impaired development that is manifest before the age of
three years, and (b) the characteristic type of abnormal functioning in
all the three areas of psychopathology: reciprocal social interaction,
communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour. In
addition to these specific diagnostic features, a range of other
nonspecific problems are common, such as phobias, sleeping and eating
disturbances, temper tantrums, and (self-directed) aggression.
Autistic disorder
. autism
Kanner's syndrome
autistic psychopathy ( F84.5 )
F84.1 Atypical autism
A type of pervasive developmental
disorder that differs from childhood autism either in age of onset or
in failing to fulfil all three sets of diagnostic criteria. This
subcategory should be used when there is abnormal and impaired
development that is present only after age three years, and a lack of
sufficient demonstrable abnormalities in one or two of the three areas
of psychopathology required for the diagnosis of autism (namely,
reciprocal social interactions, communication, and restricted,
stereotyped, repetitive behaviour) in spite of characteristic
abnormalities in the other area(s). Atypical autism arises most often
in profoundly retarded individuals and in individuals with a severe
specific developmental disorder of receptive language.
Atypical childhood psychosis
Mental retardation with autistic features
Use additional code (F70-F79), if
desired, to identify mental retardation.
F84.2 Rett's syndrome
A condition, so far found only in
girls, in which apparently normal early development is followed by
partial or complete loss of speech and of skills in locomotion and use
of hands, together with deceleration in head growth, usually with an
onset between seven and 24 months of age. Loss of purposive hand
movements, hand-wringing stereotypies, and hyperventilation are
characteristic. Social and play development are arrested but social
interest tends to be maintained. Trunk ataxia and apraxia start to
develop by age four years and choreoathetoid movements frequently
follow. Severe mental retardation almost invariably results.
F84.3 Other childhood
disintegrative disorder
A type of pervasive developmental
disorder that is defined by a period of entirely normal development
before the onset of the disorder, followed by a definite loss of
previously acquired skills in several areas of development over the
course of a few months. Typically, this is accompanied by a general
loss of interest in the environment, by stereotyped, repetitive motor
mannerisms, and by autistic-like abnormalities in social interaction
and communication. In some cases the disorder can be shown to be due to
some associated encephalopathy but the diagnosis should be made on the
behavioural features.
Dementia infantilis
Disintegrative psychosis
Heller's syndrome
Symbiotic psychosis
Use additional code, if desired,
to identify any associated neurological condition.
Rett's syndrome ( F84.2 )
F84.4 Overactive disorder
associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements
An ill-defined disorder of
uncertain nosological validity. The category is designed to include a
group of children with severe mental retardation (IQ below 35) who show
major problems in hyperactivity and in attention, as well as
stereotyped behaviours. They tend not to benefit from stimulant drugs
(unlike those with an IQ in the normal range) and may exhibit a severe
dysphoric reaction (sometimes with psychomotor retardation) when given
stimulants. In adolescence, the overactivity tends to be replaced by
underactivity (a pattern that is not usual in hyperkinetic children
with normal intelligence). This syndrome is also often associated with
a variety of developmental delays, either specific or global. The
extent to which the behavioural pattern is a function of low IQ or of
organic brain damage is not known.
F84.5 Asperger's syndrome
A disorder of uncertain
nosological validity, characterized by the same type of qualitative
abnormalities of reciprocal social interaction that typify autism,
together with a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of
interests and activities. It differs from autism primarily in the fact
that there is no general delay or retardation in language or in
cognitive development. This disorder is often associated with marked
clumsiness. There is a strong tendency for the abnormalities to persist
into adolescence and adult life. Psychotic episodes occasionally occur
in early adult life.
Autistic psychopathy
Schizoid disorder of childhood
F84.8 Other pervasive
developmental disorders
F84.9 Pervasive developmental
disorder, unspecified
DSM-III, 1980では、幼児自閉症・全症候群存在とされたが、重要なことは、自閉症は精神病のカテゴリーではなく広汎性発達障害(pervasive developmental disorders, PDD)という新カテゴリーに位置づけられるようになったことである。
次に、(2)広汎性発達障害:DSM-IV, 1995と分類されるもの。広汎性発達障害(PDD)は、自閉性障害、レット障害、小児期崩壊性障害、アスペルガー障害、特定不能の広汎性発達障害 (PDD-NOS)に五分類された。PDD-NOSとは、pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified のアクロニム(頭文字略号)であり、前二者の残余カテゴリーである。自閉性障害、アスペルガー障害は、古典的自閉症の三基準を満たしていた。
(3)DSM-IV-TR, 2000. は第4版の改訂版で、基本的にその枠組みが継承された。
そして、その13年後の(4)DSM-5, 2013の登場である。ここで重要なことは、自閉症スペクトラム障害(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)という新たなカテゴリーが登場し、以前は自閉症と診断されたものの大部分および以前はアスペルガー障害とされたものの大部分--具体的には上掲の 障害(自閉性障害、アスペルガー障害、特定不能の広汎性発達障害)--が含まれることになった。DSM-5では、ASDは、【1】社会性の障害と【2】常 同性の両方を満たす必要がある。このため、自閉症スペクトラム障害(ASD)という包括的カテゴリーが生まれるとともに、アスペルガー障害が独立した診断 としては排除されたのである(クーパー 2015:85-86)。
なお、スペクトラム概念の提唱者は、アスペルガー派 のローナ・ウィング(Lorna Wing, 1928-2014)である。ASDは、自閉症の3つの特徴(1:対人コミュニケーションの永続的な欠陥、2:限局された行動、興味あるいは活動の反復的 様式、そして、3:これらの徴候の小児期早期の発現、である)を満たすものとされている(大井 2013:24-25)
と同時に、(5)ASDとは別に、社会的(語用論 的)コミュニケーション障害(Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder, SCD)が設けられた。これらの用語法の策定以降、新しい定義から術語が除外される一方で別のところから加わるという状況があり、さらに支援団体のロビー 活動も加わったために、現場ではさまざまな混乱が生じた。DSM-5作成実行チーム委員長ディビッド・クッファーの度重なる発言にも見られる通り、この診 断基準の設定には(医療福祉関係の)それまでの過剰診断への対応、コスト低減なども目論まれたようである。このような混乱についてはクーパー(2015) の第5章に詳しい。