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The Media-Mix Method in Japanese Massmedica Marketing Strategies


The use of the "media-mix" is Japanese-made English (Wasei Eigo) means "a strategy to disperse content across multiple representations: different broadcast media, gaming technologies, cell phones, toys, amusement parks, and other methods" (Jenkins 2006:110). As you know Wiki say "It is know in United States as media franchise."

This marketing strategy was originally invented by many Japanese sub-culture producer and their companies. You can see more refer to "media-mix" by Wiki.

We can define the difference between advertising and marketing.. The balance company says..

"Advertising includes the placement of an ad in such mediums as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plans, with public relations following in a close second and market research not falling far behind," and...

"Marketing is the systematic planning, implementation, and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products. It's a step-by-step process that begins with a unique selling proposition — a compelling sentence that describes your business. This proposition then acts as a guiding theme, mission, which helps you identify target clients who are interested in your products and services." (Source:The Key Differences Between Marketing and Advertising)

So in our case, the Media-Mix strategy is a kind of hybrid between Marcketing and Advertising including products and concepts (images) selling by using various communication media and representation.

「メディアミックス(media mix)は、広告業界の用語で商品を広告・CMする際に異種のメディアを組み合わせることによって各メディアを補い合う手法が原義であるが、現在では特定 の娯楽商品(商業作品)が一定の市場を持ったとき、その商品から派生した商品を幾種類の娯楽メディアを通して多数製作することで、消費を混乱させて生産を 追求することを指す場合が多い。北米では、同様の商法をメディアフランチャイズ(media franchise)という。これは、キャラクターなどを他メディアにフランチャイズするという意味である」(メディア・ミックス)。

ただし、これはトランスメディア・ストーリーテーリングTransmedia storytelling)とは手法がことなる(牡蠣を参照)

"Transmedia storytelling (also known as transmedia narrative or multiplatform storytelling) is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies./ In other words, the study of Transmedia Storytelling, a concept introduced by Henry Jenkins (1958- ), author of the seminal book Convergence Culture, warns that this is an emerging subject and different authors have different understandings of it. He warns that the term "transmedia" per se means "across media" and may be applied to superficially similar, but different phenomena. In particular, the concept of "transmedia storytelling" should not to be confused with traditional cross-platform, "transmedia" media franchises,[1] or "media mixes". One example that Jenkins gives is of the media conglomerate DC comics. This conglomerate released comic books prior to the release of its films so the audience would have knowledge of the character's backstory. Much of transmedia storytelling is not based on singular characters or plot lines, but rather focuses on larger complex worlds where multiple characters and plot lines can be sustained for a longer period of time.[2] In addition, Jenkins focused on how transmedia extends to attract larger audiences such as DC comics releasing coloring books to attract younger audience members. Sometimes, audience members will feel as though some transmedia storylines have left gaps in the plot line or character development, so they begin another extension of transmedia storytelling, which would be something such as fan fiction.[3] Transmedia storytelling exists in the form of transmedia narratives, which Kalinov and Markova define as: "a multimedia product which communicates its narrative through a multitude of integrated media channels".[4]"

Transmedia Narratives: Definition and Social Transformations in the Consumption of Media Content in the Globalized World, Postmodernism problems, Volume 7, Number 1, 2017. (in pdf form)

Transmedia 202: Further Reflections, by Henry Jenkins (1958- )

●ここでヘンリー・ジェンキンス(Henry Jenkins, 1958- )先生入門(24分ぐらい)

︎▶Textual poachers : television fans and participatory culture︎Convergence culture : where old and new media collide︎︎︎Fans, bloggers, and gamers : exploring participatory cultureHop on pop : the politics and pleasures of popular culture︎︎▶︎The sonic color line : race and the cultural politics of listening︎︎From Barbie to Mortal Kombat : gender and computer gamesClassical Hollywood comedy︎Fandom : identities and communities in a mediated world ︎︎▶︎▶︎

Henry Jenkins, author of "Convergence Culture " is among one of the most influential media theorists exploring the new communicative praxis.  Within his work, Jenkins exposes his creative and innovative lines of thought on participatory cultures and the new communication environments.

●TEDxNYED - Henry Jenkins - 03/06/10 (17min)

TEDxNYED - Henry Jenkins - 03/06/10

"Henry Jenkins joins USC from the Massachusetts Institute of  Technology, where he was Peter de Florez Professor in the Humanities.  He directed MITs Comparative Media Studies graduate degree program from 1993-2009, setting an innovative research agenda during a time of fundamental change in communication, journalism and entertainment.  As one of the first media scholars to chart the changing role of the audience in an environment of increasingly pervasive digital content, Jenkins has been at the forefront of understanding the effects of participatory media on society, politics and culture. His research gives key insights to the success of social-networking Web sites, networked computer games, online fan communities and other advocacy organizations, and emerging news media outlets. "





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