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COVID-19, "our" World, and Post-COVID-19 Society

Mitzub'ixi Qu'q Ch'ij

- Public health information from CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19)

- Research information from NIH

World Economic Forum "Strategic Intelligence" took kit says on "COVID-19," today, May 6, 2020

The WEF says, "COVID-19, first detected in China in late 2019 and since declared a pandemic, threatens to become one of the most difficult tests faced by humanity in modern history. As confirmed cases of COVID-19 spread, it has the potential to take lives, overwhelm health systems, and trigger lasting geopolitical change. The International Monetary Fund says the global economy now faces its worst downturn since the Great Depression, and Oxfam International has warned that half a billion people could be pushed into poverty. Around the world, desperate efforts are underway to contain what has become a profoundly disruptive outbreak."

And they mentions the related areas as, "The Media’s Role During COVID-19," "Government Response to COVID-19,""COVID-19’s Workforce Impact," "Avoiding COVID-19 Infection and Spread,"Finding a Vaccine,""COVID-19’s Impact on Trade,""COVID-19’s Impact on Travel,""COVID-19’s Impact on Financial Markets."

"COVID-19’s Impact on Travel,"にはこんな関連項目があります。

●(上掲のダイアグラムから)旅行(トラベル)におけるCOVID-19 のインパクトには上手によると次のようなイシュー(テーマ)があります。

私が関心をもつのはFBの「旅と観光研究ネットワーク」 でメンバーに提案した「コロナ禍が観光に与える「プラスの影響」について」です。ベネチア水質や中国の大気汚染の改善、野生動物の回帰が報告されていま す。他方で、コ スタリカではポストコロナにおける観光客が大挙してやってくるので、将来の観光公害(オーバーキャパシティ)対策が検討されています。文化人類学者が「旅 と観光」の文化研究で、やれることはあるはず、というものです。多くはWEFの(1)芸術と文化などが、それ に相当します。日本政府は、内外の批判者から指摘されているように、公衆衛生的な観点から人の移動などについて、厳しい制限を設けず、かつ、感染者数の実 態調査(PCR検査)に消極的実施あるいは構造的妨害要因があるために、感染がさらに蔓延するだろうと予測されています。にも関わらず日本政府は、「コロ ナ終焉後に」大規模な国内外への旅行の推進や外食を中心とした飲食業への補助事業を予定し、総額で一兆円を超える予算を準備しているようです。


コロナ禍が変える観光の「プラス」の局面について (ロング版)

■ How to conduct an ethnography during social isolation, by Daniel Miller, updated 2020/05/03

Daniel Miller, How to conduct an ethnography during social isolation (20min)

Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19, SMA, AAA

"In an effort to highlight the vital perspectives of medical anthropology and neighboring disciplines, as well as to help manage the volume of material being published online, the Society for Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Somatosphere are collaborating to publish a weekly compilation of COVID-19-related materials across text, audio, and video formats. Each issue of “Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19” will consist of a list of pieces published roughly over the past week, grouped thematically and including keywords for easy searching. In this first issue, we’ve also included a list of ongoing series and resource sites. Each issue will also be published on the SMA, MAQ, and Somatosphere sites and distributed over multiple channels." by Eugene Raikhel, Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19, SMA.

■The WHO–UNICEF– Lancet Commissioners, "After COVID-19, a future for the world's children?"- DOI:

"The pandemic's effects have underscored the necessity for coordination across sectors and with communities. The breadth and speed of implementation of multisectoral social protection measures prompted by COVID-19 show what is possible—as do the communities mobilising to care for each other. Local governments are well placed to implement a child-centred agenda, with mayors of dozens of major cities warning there can be no return to ”business as usual”.21 Putting children at the centre implies radical change: redesigning neighbourhoods to give children spaces to play, valuing care work and ensuring families have time and resources to raise children, ensuring sustainable food systems to nourish growing bodies, and passing on a healthy planet for children to inherit./ Finally, COVID-19 underlines the need for greater international solidarity. World leaders, experts, elders, and ordinary people are calling for a “people's vaccine” for COVID-19 that is free and available to all, and for debt forgiveness to allow countries to improve citizens' lives today and in the future. Our Commission report called for a global movement, bringing together governments, civil society, communities, and children to put action for children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals. The policy choices being made today will shape our societies' wellbeing for years to come. As the world responds to COVID-19, we propose one overarching question to guide countries' efforts: are we making the world better for children?"

● Credit: Mitzub'ixi, COVID-19, "our" World, and Post-COVID-19 Society: An Anthropological Study, updated in May 06, 2020.







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