Institutional Ethnography
制度的民族誌( Institutional Ethnography)とは、学校、 会社、家庭などさまざまな組織内に、相互作用を記述することから得られる社会学的な考察とそのような研究領域のことをさす。
制度的民族誌は、フェミニスト社会学者のドロシー・スミス(Dorothy E. Smith, 1926- )により開発提唱された(Smith 2005)。彼女によると、組織内における民族誌の現場を、対話とテキストの間の反省的なプロセスとしてとらえて、調査者である行為者と、被調査者である 行為者の双方に対して(テクストと対話を通して)リフレクシブな思考に到達し、その現場を変えていこうとする姿勢をもたせる、あるいはそのような実践を生 起するようなアプローチこそが、制度的民族誌である。
ス(Dorothy E.
Smith, 1926- )にリンクする彼女の記述からお調べください。
on Institutional Enthnoraphy
"Institutional ethnography (IE) is a method of social research. IE explores the social relations that structure people's everyday lives, specifically by looking at the ways that people interact with one another in the context of social institutions (school, marriage, work, for example) and understanding how those interactions are institutionalized. IE is best understood as an ethnography of interactions which have been institutionalized, rather than an ethnography of specific companies, organizations or employment sectors, which would be considered industrial sociology or the sociology of work. For the institutional ethnographer, ordinary daily activity becomes the site for an investigation of social organization. IE was first developed by Dorothy E. Smith as a Marxist feminist sociology "for women, for people"; and is now used by researchers in social sciences, education, human services and policy research as a method for mapping the translocal relations that coordinate people's activities within institutions."
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_ethnography
Institutional ethnography
(IE) is an alternative approach of studying and understanding the
social. IE has been described as an alternative philosophical paradigm,
sociology, or (qualitative) research method. IE explores the social
relations that structure people's everyday lives, specifically by
looking at the ways that people interact with one another in the
context of social institutions (school, marriage, work, for example)
and understanding how those interactions are institutionalized. IE is
best understood as an ethnography of interactions which have been
institutionalized, rather than an ethnography of specific companies,
organizations or employment sectors, which would be considered
industrial sociology or the sociology of work. For the institutional
ethnographer, ordinary daily activity becomes the site for an
investigation of social organization. IE was first developed by Dorothy
E. Smith as a Marxist feminist sociology "for women, for people"; and
is now used by researchers in social sciences, education, nursing,
human services and policy research as a method for mapping the
translocal relations that coordinate people's activities within
institutions. |
の活動を調整するトランスローカルな関係をマッピングする方法として、この手法を用いている。 |
Campbell, Marie L. (2004) Mapping Social Relations: An introduction to Institutional Ethnography Altamira Press. Comber, B. (2012). Mandated literacy assessment and the reorganisation of teachers’ work: federal policy, local effects. Critical Studies in Education, 53(2), 119–136. Corman, M. K. (2017). Paramedics On and Off the Streets: Emergency Medical Services in the Age of Technological Governance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Hart, R. J., & McKinnon, A. (2010). Sociological epistemology: Durkheim's Paradox and Dorothy E. Smith's Actuality. Sociology, 44(6), 1038–1054. [1] Kearney, G. P., Corman, M. K., Hart, N. D., Johnston, J. L., & Gormley, G. J. (2019). Why institutional ethnography? Why now? Institutional ethnography in health professions education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 8(1), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-019-0499-0 Melon, K. A., White, D., & Rankin, J. (2013). Beat the clock! Wait times and the production of “quality” in emergency departments. Nursing Philosophy, 14(3), 223–237. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12022 Ng, Roxana (1996). The Politics of Community Services. Fernwood Press. Rankin, J. (2017). Conducting Analysis in Institutional Ethnography: Analytical Work Prior to Commencing Data Collection. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406917734484 Smith, D. E. (2005) Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People Lanham: Alta-Mira Press Smith, D. E. (editor) (2006). Institutional ethnography as practice Rowman and Littlefield LaFrance, M. (2019). Institutional Ethnography: A Theory of Practice for Writing Studies Researchers. Logan: Utah State University Press. |
キャンベル、マリー・L. (2004) 『社会的関係のマッピング:制度民族誌入門』アルタミラ・プレス。 コンバー、B. (2012). 「義務化された識字能力評価と教師の業務再編:連邦政策、地域への影響」。『教育における批判的研究』53(2)、119–136。 Corman, M. K. (2017). Paramedics On and Off the Streets: Emergency Medical Services in the Age of Technological Governance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Hart, R. J., & McKinnon, A. (2010). Sociological epistemology: デュルケームのパラドックスとドロシー・E・スミスの現実性. 社会学, 44(6), 1038–1054. [1] Kearney, G. P., Corman, M. K., Hart, N. D., Johnston, J. L., & Gormley, G. J. (2019). なぜ制度民族誌なのか?なぜ今なのか?医療専門職教育における制度民族誌. Perspectives on Medical Education, 8(1), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-019-0499-0 Melon, K. A., White, D., & Rankin, J. (2013). Beat the clock! 救急外来での待ち時間と「質」の生産。看護哲学、14(3)、223–237。https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12022 Ng, Roxana (1996). コミュニティサービスの政治学。Fernwood Press。 Rankin, J. (2017). 組織民族誌における分析の実施:データ収集開始前の分析作業。International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406917734484 スミス、D. E. (2005) 制度民族誌学:人々のための社会学 ランハム:アルタミラプレス スミス、D. E. (編集) (2006). 実践としての制度民族誌学 ロウマン・アンド・リトルフィールド ラフランス、M. (2019). 制度民族誌学:ライティング研究者のための実践理論。ローガン:ユタ州立大学出版。 |
Dorothy E. Smith Roxana Ng |
ドロシー・E・スミス ロクサーナ・ン |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_ethnography |
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