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この文献リストは「サブカルチャー研究」という授業科目で使われた資料の一部です(→シラバス ページに飛ぶ)。リスト作成に協力してくださった元同僚=友人の慶田勝彦さんに感謝します。
[1]Williams, Raymond. 1965. Individuals and Societies. in "The Long Revolution. " pp.89-119, Pelican Books. ・R・ウィリアムス「個 人と社会」『長い革命』若松繁信・妹尾剛光・長谷川 光昭訳、ミネルヴァ書房、pp.70-95、1983年
[2]Willis, Paul. 1977. Notes towards a theory of cultural forms and social reproduction. in "Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids get Working Class Jobs." pp.171-184, New York: Columbia University Press. ・P・ウィリス『ハマータウンの野郎ども』熊沢誠・山田潤 訳、筑摩書店(ち くま学芸文庫)、1996年
[3]Hebdige, Dick. 1993[orig.1973]. From Culture and to Hegemony. in "Cultural Studies Reader," S. During ed., pp.357-367, London: Routledge. D・ヘブディジ「文化からヘゲモニーまで」『サブカルチャー』山口淑子訳、 pp.17-37、未来社、1986年
[4]Bourdieu, Pierre. 1993[orig.1978]. How can one be a sports fan ? in "C ultural Studies Reader," S. During ed., pp.339-355, London: Routledge. ・P・ブルデュ「人はどのようにしてスポーツ好きになるのか」『社会学の社 会学』 田原音和監訳、pp.223-250、藤 原書店、1991年
[5] John Russell, 1992, Race and Reflexivity: The Black Other in Contemporary Japanese Mass Culture, in George E. Marcus(ed.), Rereading Cultural Anthropology, Durham and London, Duke University Press.
[6] ジョン・ラッセル 1991 『日本人の黒人観: 問題は「ちびくろサ ンボ」だけではない』 新評論。
[7] Colin Richards, 1995, Whose Subject?: Identities in Conflict in South African Visual Culture, in Buchler,P & Papastergiadis(eds.), Random Access, London, Rivers Oram Press.
[8] ヒューストン・ベイカー・Jr. 1997 「重大な記憶と黒人の公共圏」 一木順訳 『現代思想』vol.25-11、pp. 34-56。 [Houstone A. Baker Jr., 1994, Critical Memory and the Black Public Sphere, in The Black Public Sphere, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
のルポルタージュ!!」ー秋山 千佳『実像 広島の「ばっちゃん」中本忠子の真実』角川書店、2019年
Bacchan: Granny's Table
"Chikako Nakamoto, affectionately called "Bacchan" or "Granny",
is known as the city's Mother Theresa. For years she's been welcoming
juvenile delinquents with her homecooked meals. She believes that
hunger is a trigger for acts of assault, purse snatching, shoplifting
and prostitution, and that a warm meal is the first step toward
rehabilitation. Some of the youths Granny welcomes into her home
include a boy whose family is too poor to feed him and a girl who has
been abused by her parents. Under Granny's care, these youngsters get
to seek and find ways to overcome their despair. This documentary
drama, filmed over a span of eight years, shows how Granny's table has
changed the lives of these young people." - NHK World Documentary /
50mins, Japanese language with English subtitles.
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099