On Slavoj Žižek's "The plague of fantasies"
書誌:幻想の感染 / スラヴォイ・ジジェク著 ; 松浦俊輔訳、青土社 , 1999年/The plague of fantasies, Slavoj Žižek, Verso 1997 Wo es war.
"S. Augustine._ In the first place it is perhaps because you look on
death as something remote, whereas when one thinks how very short life
is and how many divers kinds of accidents befall it, you ought not to
think death is far away. "What deludes almost all of us," as Cicero
says, "is that we regard death from afar off." Some correctors--I would
prefer to call them corruptors--of the text have wished to change the
reading by inserting a negative before the verb, and have maintained
that he ought to have said, "We do NOT regard death from afar off." For
the rest, there is no one in his senses who does not see death one way
or another, and in reality Cicero's word _prospicere_ means to see from
afar. The one thing that makes so many people suffer illusion in their
ideas on death is that they are wont to forecast for their own life
some limit, which is indeed possible according to nature, but at which,
nevertheless, very few arrive. Hardly any one, in fact, dies of whom
the poet's line might not be quoted-- Petrarch's Secret by Francesco Petrarca
フロイトの技法論 / ジャック・ラカン [述] ; ジャックーアラン・ミレール(Jacques-Alain Miller, b.1944)編 ; 小出浩之 [ほか] 訳
る」(ジジェク 1999[1997]: 32)松浦俊輔訳『幻想の感染』青土社。
Jacques-Alain Miller (French: [milɛʁ]; born 14 February 1944) is a psychoanalyst and writer. He is one of the founder members of the École de la Cause freudienne (School of the Freudian Cause) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis which he presided from 1992 to 2002. He is the sole editor of the books of The Seminars of Jacques Lacan.
Jacques-Alain Miller is a French psychoanalyst,
・MASH 批判 p.44
・ユーゴスラビア人民軍のホモフォビア p.47
としてのユダヤ人を引き合いに出すことを通してすべてを説明しつくせる」(ジジェク 1999[1997]: 60)
・エイゼンシュテイン「遠心分離器あるいは聖杯」エイゼンシュテイン全集 / エイゼンシュテイン全集刊行委員会訳、キネマ旬報社、
"Slavoj Žižek
(/ˈslɑːvɔɪ ˈʒiːʒɛk/ (About this sound listen) SLAH-voy ZHEE-zhek;
Slovene: [ˈslaʋɔj ˈʒiʒɛk]; born 21 March 1949) is a Slovenian
continental philosopher. He is a senior researcher at the Institute for
Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Global
Distinguished Professor of German at New York University,[2] and
international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of
the University of London.[3] He works in subjects including continental
philosophy, political theory, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, film
criticism, Marxism, Hegelianism and theology."
Birkbeck Institute for the
Humanities, University of London