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Uncychropedia of Slavoj Zizek 0x


●トニー・マイヤーズ『スラヴォイ・ジジェク』村山 敏勝ほか訳、青土社、2005年/Slavoj Žižek, by Tony Myers, Routledge , 2003 . - (Routledge critical thinkers : essential guides for literary studies / series editor ; Robert Eaglestone)

"Slavoj Zizek is no ordinary philosopher. Approaching critical theory and psychoanalysis in a recklessly entertaining fashion, Zizek's critical eye alights upon a bewildering and exhilarating range of subjects, from the political apathy of contemporary life, to a joke about the man who thinks he's a chicken, from the ethicial heroism of Keanu Reeves in Speed, to what toilet designs reveal about the national psyche. Tony Myers provides a clear and engaging guide to Zizek's key ideas, explaining the main influences on Zizek's thought (most crucially his engagement with Lacanian psychoanalysis) using examples drawn from popular culture and everyday life. Myers outlines the key issues that Zizek's work has tackled, including: What is a Subject and why is it so important? The Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real What is so terrible about Postmodernity? How can we distinguish reality from ideology? What is the relationship between men and women? Why is Racism always a fantasy? Slavoj Zizek is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the thought of the critic whom Terry Eagleton has described as "the most formidably brilliant exponent of psychoanalysis, indeed of cultural theory in general, to have emerged in Europe for some decades." - https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA62758005 .

Part 1:

Why Zizek? 01

When Zizek Shudders (We Don't Have To):

Popular Culture and Philosophy?

Is This Not The Way To Read Zizek?

Subject Of A Biography: Biography Of A Subject

This Book


Part 2:

Key Ideas  13

Who Are Zizek's Influences And How Do They Affect His Work? (邦訳、第1章)15

What Is A Subject And Why Is It So Important? (第2章)31

What Is So Terrible About Postmodernity? (第3章)47

How Can We Distinguish Reality From Ideology? (第4章)63

What Is The Relationship Between Men And Women? (第5章)79

Why Is Racism Always A Fantasy? (第6章)93

tony-myers-S_zizek_2005.pdf 第1章 ジジェクの発想源、彼らはどのよ うに影響を与えたか?35

第2章 主体とはなにか、なぜそれほど主体は重要なのか?59

第3章 ポストモダニティのなにがそれほどおろしいのか?85

第4章 現実とイデオロギーをどのように区別できるのか?111

第5章 男女のあいだの関係とはなにか?137

第6章 なぜ人種差別は常に幻想なのか?161



Part 3:

After Zizek  111

The Curse of Jacques: Limitations On The Influence of Zizek


Universal Criticism

The Retroactive Zizek

Furher reading 127

tony-myers-S_zizek_2005.pdf ジジェク以降 191

◎キー概念:ヘーゲル/マルクス/ラカン(Jacques Lacan, 1901-1981) /〈想像 界〉/〈象徴界〉/2つの他者/〈現実界〉/トラウマ/コギト/神/ポストモダン/楽しめ!/法/パラノイア/行為/シニシズム/虚偽意識/シニカルな主 体/クッションの綴じ目/信仰機械/女は存在しない/パフォーマティブなもの/女は男の症候である/性的関係は存在しない(il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel)There is No Sexual Rapport/倒錯/幻想/他者/人種主義/ 人種差別/ラクラウ/バトラー/デリダ/フーコー/アイデンティティ・ポリティクス/ネイティブ・アメリカンと「インディアン」/ニールス・ボーアの馬蹄 のジョーク/柄谷行人/AI批判///////


Slavoj Žižek

文献(with password

●主体とは、あらゆる信念や関心、示差的特徴をとっ た後に残るものである






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