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Lynn Hunt's "Writing history in the global era"


グローバリゼーションとは、地球(グローブ)におけ る距離の圧縮現象に伴う文化的・社会的変化のことをいう。とりわけ、モノ・人・情報の大規模な流通が、もたらす影響について考え、その制御や権利(=法や 正義)を考え、そして、その未来のあり方について考えるのが、グローバリゼーション研究のテーマになる。

ウィキペディア(英語)では次のように書いて、1つ の出典を明記している。:"Globalization (or globalisation; see spelling differences) is the increasing interaction of people through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas and culture. It involves goods and services, and the economic resources of capital, technology and data" - Globalization

"George Orwell wrote that "history is written by the winners". Even if that seems a bit too cut-and-dried, we can say that history is always written from a viewpoint but that viewpoints change, sometimes radically. The history of workers, women and minorities challenged the once unquestioned dominance of the tales of great leaders and military victories. Then cultural studies brought fresh perspectives but those too have run their course. With Globalization emerging as a major economic, cultural and political force, Lynn Hunt examines whether it can reinvigorate the telling of history. In tandem, she proposes a sweeping re-evaluation of individuals' agency and their place in society as the keys to understanding the way people and ideas interact. Writing History in the Global Era is bound to shake up the discipline and break new ground for historical studies."- Nielsen BookData.

序論 歴史学の運命

第1章 文化理論の盛衰

第2章 グローバリゼーションの挑戦

第3章 社会と自己を再考する

第4章 新たな目的、新たなパラダイム





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