John F. Embree, 1908-1950
F. Embree, 1908-1950: Source University of Chicago Archive
1908 ジョン出生。Born in New Haven, Connecticut. 父エドウィン・ロジャーズ・エンブリー、母ケイト・スコット・クラーク(家族等の記録は田中一彦『忘れられた人類学者』 2017による)
1909 2月20日ニコラエフスク(シ
ベリア、アムール)において、エラ・メイエロブナ・ルーリー(Ella Lury)誕生(ユダヤ系ロシア人一家)
1910 妹エドウィナ誕生
1917 父エドウィン、ロックフェラー財団(Rockefeller Foundation)に在籍(事務局長、副理事長を歴任、〜1927年。その後、ユリウス・ローゼンウォルド基金初 代理事長、リベリア財団理事長)
1917 エラの一家、日本に移住(実質 的亡命)横浜に居住。
1917 北京協和医学院(Peking
Union Medical Colloge
1919 妹キャサリン誕生(後に日系ア メリカ人強制収容所で働く)
1924 エラの家族は、横浜から神戸に
1926 1-2月、エンブリー高校生時 に、家族とともに日本訪問。父エドウィン「ロックフェラー財団研究員長」。その後、インド・フラン スを歴訪。
Ella Lury Wiswell, 1926 Graduated from the Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan
1927 カナダ McGill Universityに入学
Lury Wiswell, 1927-1929 Attended University of California, Berkeley
1929 University of Hawaiiに転学。アグネッサ・ラーセンに求婚中(6月にElla Luryと太平洋船上で出会 う)
Lury Wiswell, 1929-1931 Attended Sorbonne University
1931 アグネッサ・ラーセンは、パリ に旅立ち、エンブリーは失恋。ハワイで、ノルウェー女性グレイス・シオットと結婚(妹エドウィナの 友人)
1931 B.A (Univ. of Hawaii)——文学研究。
Lury Wiswell, Received diploma from the École des Professeurs de
Français à l’Étranger
1932 6-9月に日本(軽井沢)再 訪。田中(2017:41)によると軽井沢滞在中にエラに求婚。トロント大学で人類学を学ぶ。
1932 アリゾナ州ピマで、Ella Lury (のち再婚してElla Lury Wiswell, 彼女は東アジア学者)と結婚(1932年12月19日に結婚)
1933 12月28日娘 Clare Embreeが生まれる(〜1950)
1934 M.A. Univ. of Tronto卒業、University of Chicago大学院入学。ラドク リフ=ブラウン(Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, 1881-1955)の指導を受ける
1935 Aug. 三度目の日本入国。シカゴ大学社会学科の東アジア調査プロジェクト(8-10月日本国内を訪問)。
1935 12月2日須恵村覚井部落に落ち着く。須恵村でフィールドワーク開始(→「日本文化人類学史」)
Ella Lury Wiswell, Anthropological field work in Suye Mura, Japan, with
John Embree.
1936 Nov.2 須恵村を去る
1937 1月須恵村に関する最後の報告
1937 Ph.D University of Chicago (Link), Assistant? Professor of Univ. of Hawaii (Aug.1937-1941)
ca.1937 fieldwork for Japanese migrant communities in Kona Valley, Hawaii
Ella Lury Wiswell, Study in Acculturation among Japanese in Kona,
Hawaii, with John Embree.
Lury Wiswell, Taught night courses in Russian at the University of
1939 10月、Embree, John F. Embree. 1939. Suye mura : a Japanese village. Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press.
(この 当時の状況は、文化人類学年表【リ ンク】でチェックしてください)以下はラドクリフ-ブラウンの序文です。
「はじめに 日本に関する書籍は数多くあり、日本の生活をさまざまな側面から扱っている。エンブリー博士の著書は、これまで試みられたことのない種類の書籍である。そ れは、直接的な観察に基づく、日本の村落共同体の生活の描写である。その主な目的は、社会人類学として知られる人間社会の形態の比較研究のための資料を提 供することであるが、日本文明に対する新たな視点からの洞察を追加するものとして、より幅広い一般読者にもアピールするはずである。なぜなら、私たちは文 学や芸術作品、貿易の規模、あるいは軍事的功績によってその国民の文明を判断しがちだが、もしその国民を理解したいのであれば、そのルーツは一般市民の日 常にあるということを忘れてはならない。エンブリー博士が観察し、この本で記述しているのは、日本の村で一般市民である男女が日々どのように共に暮らして いるかということである。 |
There is a widespread idea that social anthropology is, or should be, concerned only with the simpler societies which we refer to as primitive, savage, or uncivilized, and that the study of the more advanced societies is to be left to historians, economists, and sociologists. It is true that until about fifteen years ago the field researches of social anthropologists were confined to the preliterate peoples of the world. But in recent years, under the leadership of Professor Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor Redfield, and Professor W. Lloyd Warner, social anthropologists of the University of Chicago and of Harvard University have carried out important field studies of communities . in Sicily, Mexico, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Ireland, and Quebec. In 1935 it was decided to extend this kind of investigation to the literate peoples of eastern Asia, and Dr . Embree's study of a Japanese village is the first of what was planned as a series of connected researches in that region./ | 社会人類学は、あるいはそうあるべきだという考え方が広く浸透してい
ものである。 |
What is now known as social anthropology began in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with writers who sought to use the accounts of uncivilized peoples given by travelers for the purpose of gaining insight into the nature of social institutions. But it did not become an established study until the second half of the nineteenth century, and it acquired its name only some fifty to sixty years ago. Throughout a great part of the nineteenth century the social anthropologists, with a few exceptions, such as Bastian, did not themselves observe the facts with which their theories were concerned but sought them in the accounts of missionaries and travelers. By the beginning of the present century, however, it had come to be recognized that for the progress of the science it was essential that systematic observations of social life should be made by trained observers having in mind the hypotheses to be tested and the problems to be solved. Field research has thus become just as important to social anthropology as laboratory experiments are to physics and chemistry./ | 現在、社会人類学として知られている学問は、17世紀と18世紀に、社
なった。 フィールドワークは、物理学や化学における実験室での実験と同様に、社会人類学においても重要となった。 |
Social anthropology has for its aim to discover valid and significant generalizations about human society and its institutions. The only method by which this aim can ever be attained is by the comparison of a sufficient number of sufficiently diverse types of society. The relatively simpler societies of backward peoples are, for several reasons, of extreme importance to the social anthropologist, but his comparative studies must extend over the whole range of known human societies. Therefore, since the kind of knowledge which he requires about the more advanced societies is not otherwise available, he has to extend his field researches to these./ | 社会人類学は、人間社会とその制度に関する妥当かつ有意義な一般化を発
た社会に関する彼が必要とする種類の知識は、それ以外では入手できないため、彼は現地調査をそれらの社会にまで拡大しなければならない。 |
What is required for social anthropology is a knowledge of how md1v1dual men, women, and children live within a given social structure. It is only in the everyday life of individuals and in their behavior in relation to one another that the functioning of social institutions can be directly observed. Hence the kind of research that is most important is the close study for many months of a community which is sufficiently limited in size to permit all the details of its life to be examined./ | 社会人類学に必要なのは、特定の社会構造の中で男性、女性、子供たちが
最も重要な研究は、生活のあらゆる詳細を調査できるほど十分に限定された規模のコミュニティを数か月間、綿密に調査することである。 |
An assumption, or methodological postulate, that guides those connected researches of which Dr. Embree's is one is that in social anthropology at the present stage of it~ development the scientifically most profitable undertaking is the comparative and detailed investigation of forms of social structure. This term-"social structure"-is sometimes used without any clear definition, but is here meant to refer specifically to the network of direct and indirect social relations linking together individual human beings. The method of field anthropology is to investigate the social structure in the concrete observable behavior of individuals, and this necessitates a close study of a community of limited size. The result in the present work is a picture of Japanese social structure in the perspective provided by a single village./ | エンブリー博士の研究もその一つである、こうした関連研究を導く仮定、
査する必要がある。 今回の調査の結果、ひとつの村から見た日本の社会構造の全体像が明らかになった。 |
What may be called the basic structure of any society is constituted by personal relations as they are determined by neighborhood, kinship or family ties, and sex and age. The most important unit in the social structure of rural Japan seems everywhere to be a limited neighborhood group which is exemplified by what Dr. Embree describes under the term buraku, which we might translate "hamlet." The internal organization of the ham.let, as it still exists in Suye, with its elected headman, and its households linked together by mutual aid in many economic_and social activities and by the social conviviality of parties for the drinking of rice wine, in all probability comes down from very ancient times. The kinship system, which links together households belonging ~o the s~me or to different hamlets has taken on a peculiar form in Japan as the result of the widespread custom of adoption in various forms; this also seems to be an ancient and characteristic feature of Japanese life./ | あらゆる社会の基本構造と呼ばれるものは、近隣、親族、家族のつなが
になった。これもまた、日本人の生活における古くからの特徴的な特徴であるようだ。 |
The hamlet is part of a much larger and highly comp_lex structure which is and has for some time been undergoing fairly rapid change. The effects or repercussions of these changes as they are seen in the hamlet and m the lives of its inhabitants, have been excellently descried and analyzed by Dr. Embree and are summarized in his eigth chapter. In abstract structural terms :he hamlet is steadily losing its relative independence, and it as a group and its members as individuals are becoming more and more involved in and dependent upon relations with the wider social environment . The immense increase m the facilities for communication, by roads, railways, omnibuses, bicycles; the consolidation of the hamlets into the organized and centrally controlled village (mura); the national consolidation which is being effected through the army, nation-wide associations, and official Shinto and emperor worship; the replacement of the local dialect by standard Japanese---all these and many other of the changes that Dr. Embree has recorded are components of a single process./ | この村落は、より広大で複雑な構造の一部であり、ここしばらく急速な変
エンブリー博士が記録したこれらの変化やその他の多くの変化は、すべてひとつのプロセスの構成要素である。 |
This process itself, in the particular form that it has in contemporary Ja pan, is one example of a general kind that has occurred thousands of times in the course of history and is at the present time observable all over the world. It may reasonably be held that it is the constant and most important constituent of social evolution. The relative isolation, autonomy, and independence of small local communities is the distinguishing feature of the simplest and least-developed societies. The concrescence of these into larger and larger social structures by political economic religious, or other organizations is the outstanding feature of human history. One of the major problems of social anthropology is the investigation of processes of this kind in order to determine their general character; this can only be done by the comparative study of a considerable number of concrete instances each of which has been carefully observed and analyzed. The scientific value of Dr. Embree's monograph as providing important material for such a comparative study should commend it to those who have any interest in the fundamental problems of a science of society./ | このプロセス自体は、現代の日本における特定の形ではあるが、歴史の中
て推奨すべき科学的価値がある。 |
I have drawn
attention to this aspect of Dr. Embree's
work because its importance may easily be overlooked.
But there is much else in his book that is both of general
scientific value and of interest to those who wish to know
something of the civilizations of eastern Asia. It gives, to
my mind very effectively, a synoptic picture of life in a
rural community of a country which it is very desirable
that we should all know something about. |
ある。この本は、私たちが皆、何かを知っておくべきであると強く望まれる、ある国の農村社会の生活について、非常に効果的に概観的な絵を与えてくれる。 A. R. RADCLIFFE-BROWN、オックスフォード大学オール・ソウルズ・カレッジ 「ix-Xiiiページ、1939年 |
1941 Sep. University of Tronto
1941 Dic. Office of Strategic Services, Washington D.C.(戦時転住区文書課から[新設された]コミュニティ分析課長へ)
Ella Lury Wiswell, Research Analyst on Japan, Board of Economic
Warfare, Washington, D.C.
1943 Civil Affairs Training school for the Far East, The War Department. in Chicago. [n.d. Associate professor of Anthropology and head of Japanese Area Studies in the Civil Affairs Training School for the Far East at the University of Chicago.]
1943 THE
SEVEN(Publication 3702)
1945 The Office of War Information in the Pacific Area, Hawaii.
Ella Lury Wiswell, Japanese broadcast checker, U.S. Office of War
Information, Honolulu, Hawaii. Commercial Company, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1947 Cultural Attache' of the State Department, in Bangkok and Saigon
1950 SEAS?, Council on Southeast Asia Studies?, Yale University.(Link):エール大学東南アジア研究センター長
1950 Dec. 22 Died with his doughter by Traffic Accident 後に遺灰の一部は横浜の外国人墓地に葬られる。
1951 Ella Lury Wiswell, Editorial Assistant in preparing Planning Micronesian Future, (Cambridge University Press, 1951) U.S.
Ella Lury Wiswell, Associate Professor of Russian Language and
Literature, University of Hawaii
2005 Ella Lury
Wiswell, August 16 死去(ホノルル、ハワイ)
Ella Lury とJohn
Embree の墓。ともに墓碑にはダビデの星が飾られている(撮影:泉水英計氏, 2024年)
●ウィキペディアのエンブリーのエント リー
John Fee Embree
(August 26, 1908 – December 22, 1950) was an American anthropologist
and academic who specialized in the study of Japan. He was a professor
at Yale University when he was struck and killed by a motorist.[1] |
ジョン・フィー・エンブリー(1908年8月26日 -
[1] |
Career Born in New Haven, Connecticut, Embree received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Hawaiʻi in 1931, his Master of Arts from the University of Toronto in 1934 and his Ph.D from the University of Chicago in 1937. In 1935–36, as part of his doctoral thesis, he conducted field research in a rural area of Kumamoto on the southernmost Japanese island of Kyūshū. The study culminated in the seminal book Suye Mura: A Japanese Village,[2] published in 1939 by the University of Chicago Press. His wife, Ella Lury Embree (later, Wiswell) conducted the research in Suye Mura alongside him, and subsequently published her own ethnographical work on the subject, The Women of Suye Mura.[1] John Embree served as Professor of Anthropology at the University of Hawaii in 1937–41 and during World War II in 1943–45. He was also associate professor of Anthropology and head of the Japanese area studies of the Civil Affairs Training School for the Far East which the War Department set up at the University of Chicago for the training of military government officers for Japan and the Occupied Areas. He was associate professor of Sociology and Research Associate of Anthropology at Yale from 1948 to 1950 and, later in the year, was appointed the university's Director of Southeast Asia Studies.[1] |
経歴 コネチカット州ニューヘイブン生まれのエンブリーは、1931年にハワイ大学で学士号、1934年にトロント大学で修士号、1937年にシカゴ大学で博士 号を取得した。1935年から36年にかけて、博士論文の一部として、彼は九州の最南端に位置する熊本県の農村地域で現地調査を実施した。この研究は、 1939年にシカゴ大学出版局から出版された画期的な著書『諏訪村:ある日本の村』[2]として結実した。彼の妻であるエラ・ルーリー・エンブリー(後に ウィズウェル)は、夫とともに須恵村で調査を行い、その後、このテーマに関する自身の民族誌学的研究『須恵村の女性たち』を出版した。 ジョン・エンブリーは、1937年から41年まで、および第二次世界大戦中の1943年から45年まで、ハワイ大学の文化人類学教授を務めた。また、米国 陸軍省がシカゴ大学に設置した極東市民訓練校(Civil Affairs Training School for the Far East)で、人類学の准教授および日本地域研究の責任者を務めた。1948年から1950年までは、イェール大学で社会学の准教授および人類学の研究員 を務め、同年末には同大学の東南アジア研究ディレクターに任命された。 |
Death John Embree was 42 when, at year's end 1950, he and his only daughter, Clare, were struck and killed by a car in Hamden, Connecticut.[1] |
死 ジョン・エンブリーは42歳だった。1950年の年末、彼と一人娘のクレアは、コネチカット州ハムデンで車にはねられ死亡した。[1] |
Suye Mura: A Japanese Village ,
1939; in PDF
at archive.org Acculturation Among the Japanese of Kona, Hawaii, 1941 The Japanese, 1943 The Japanese Nation: A Social Survey, 1945 Ethnology: A Visit to Laos, French Indochina, 1949 As editor: Japanese Peasant Songs, compiled and annotated by Embree, with the assistance of Ella Embree and Yukuo Uyehara, 1944 Bibliography of the Peoples and Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia with Lillian Ota Dotson, 1950 As commentator: Togo-mura, a village in northern Japan by Hideo Nishikiori, translated by Toshio Sano, annotated by John Embree, 1945 Also, based on the author's work: Loosely Structured Social Systems: Thailand in Comparative Perspective, edited by Hans-Dieter Evers, 1969, based on Embree's article Thailand - A Loosely Structured Social System, American Anthropologist, 1950[3] |
のPDF 1941年、ハワイ州コナの日系人における文化変容 1943年、日本人 1945年、日本国民:社会調査 1949年、民族誌:ラオス、フランス領インドシナ訪問 編集者として: 『日本農民の歌』、エンブリー編、注釈、エラ・エンブリーとユクオ・ウエハラの協力、1944年 『東南アジア大陸部の民族と文化に関する文献目録』、リリアン・オタ・ドットソンとの共著、1950年 解説者として: 西鋭夫著『東郷村』佐野利雄訳、ジョン・エンブリー注釈、1945年 また、著者の作品に基づくものとして: Hans-Dieter Evers編集『緩やかに構造化された社会システム:比較の視点から見たタイ』(1969年)は、エンブリーの論文『タイ - 緩やかに構造化された社会システム』(『アメリカン・アンソロポロジスト』、1950年)を基にしている。 |
Eggan, Fred (1951). "John
Fee Embree, 1908-1950". American Anthropologist. No. 53. pp. 376–382. Ezra F. Vogel in the introduction of Ruth Benedict: Chrysantheme und Schwert. Formen der japanischen Kultur., translated by Jobst-Mathias Spannagel, page 7, Suhrkamp Verlag, January 2008. First edition published in 2006. ISBN 978-3-518-12014-9 Embree, John F. (1950). "Thailand—a Loosely Structured Social System". American Anthropologist. 52 (2): 181–193. doi:10.1525/aa.1950.52.2.02a00030. ISSN 1548-1433. S2CID 162198035. |
1908-1950年」。『アメリカン・アンソロポロジスト』第53号、376-382ページ。 エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル著『ルース・ベネディクト:菊と刀。日本文化の諸相』序文、ヨプスト=マティアス・シュパンゲル訳、7ページ、スールカンプ・フェ アラーク、2008年1月。初版は2006年に出版。ISBN 978-3-518-12014-9 エンブリー、ジョン F. (1950年). 「タイ—ゆるやかに構造化された社会システム」. American Anthropologist. 52 (2): 181–193. doi:10.1525/aa.1950.52.2.02a00030. ISSN 1548-1433. S2CID 162198035. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Embree |
In this World of Constant Change May the Prosperity of the TSUNEMATSU Always Change for the BETTER John Embree エンブリーが須恵村の人に書き残した文章*(1936) |
* (牛島 1988:139)にある写真より判読したもの。
【文献】Selected bibliography for Japanese students.
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