Sookja Suh and Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j (Mitsuho Ikeda)
Harm reduction is a powerful approach to enhance the
intervention options for addiction problems and has been introduced to
the majority of the countries that report drug use problem. Yet in
Japan, the programs under harm reduction approach has not officially
implemented despite the growing interests in harm reduction as a
possible means to increase the care options available for drug users in
Japanese situation. Based on a series of fact-finding studies
including literature survey, document investigation, site visit and
interviewing, authors made accurate monographs on harm reduction. Then,
an interview survey with maximum eight questions was applied to two groups,
(a) service users and (b) service providers of addiction related health
and social care, in Japan and in the Netherlands in order to identify
the difference and the variation of discourse regarding harm reduction.
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Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j
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