The Life and Spirit of Spinoza
『スピノザの生涯と精神』は、渡辺義雄に よる、スピノザが生きていた時代あるいはその直後に公刊されたドキュメントである。インターネットでの 書籍情報には「「最も哲学者らしい哲学者」と形容される人物の肉声と素顔が、同時代人たちの熱い証言によっていま静かに蘇る。苦悩する現代人のための第1 級のドキュメント」とあるが、そのとおりのなかなか貴重なアンソロジーである。
Rosi Braidotti |
Rosi Braidotti
(/braɪˈdɒti/; born 28 September 1954) is a contemporary philosopher and
feminist theoretician. Born in Italy, she studied in Australia and
France and works in the Netherlands. Braidotti is currently
Distinguished University Professor Emerita at Utrecht University, where
she has taught since 1988, and Honorary Professor at RMIT University in
Australia. She was professor and the founding director of Utrecht
University's women's studies programme (1988–2005) and founding
director of the Centre for the Humanities (2007–2016). She has been
awarded honorary degrees from Helsinki (2007) and Linkoping (2013); she
is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities (FAHA) since
2009, and a Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE) since 2014. Her main
publications include Nomadic Subjects (2011) and Nomadic Theory (2011),
both with Columbia University Press, The Posthuman (2013), Posthuman
Knowledge (2019), and Posthuman Feminism (2022) with Polity Press. In
2016, she co-edited Conflicting Humanities with Paul Gilroy, and The
Posthuman Glossary in 2018 with Maria Hlavajova, both with Bloomsbury
Academic. |
ミー(MAE)会員。主な著書に『Nomadic Subjects』(2011年)、『Nomadic
Theory』(2011年、ともにコロンビア大学出版局)、『The Posthuman』(2013年)、『Posthuman
Knowledge』(2019年)、『Posthuman Feminism』(2022年、Polity
Humanities』、2018年にはマリア・フラヴァジョヴァとの共編『The Posthuman
Glossary』(いずれもBloomsbury Academic)がある。 |
George Eliot |
Mary Ann Evans (22 November 1819
– 22 December 1880; alternatively Mary Anne or Marian[1][2]), known by
her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, poet, journalist,
translator, and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era.[3] She
wrote seven novels: Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860),
Silas Marner (1861), Romola (1862–1863), Felix Holt, the Radical
(1866), Middlemarch (1871–1872) and Daniel Deronda (1876). As with
Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy, she emerged from provincial England;
most of her works are set there. Her works are known for their realism,
psychological insight, sense of place and detailed depiction of the
countryside. Middlemarch was described by the novelist Virginia Woolf
as "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people"[4] and
by Martin Amis[5] and Julian Barnes[6] as the greatest novel in the
English language. Scandalously and unconventionally for the era, she lived with the married George Henry Lewes as his conjugal partner, from 1854 to 1878, and called him her husband. He remained married to his wife and supported their children, even after she left him to live with another man and have children with him. In May 1880, eighteen months after Lewes's death, George Eliot married her long-time friend, John Cross, a man much younger than her, and she changed her name to Mary Ann Cross. |
ス(Mary Ann Evans, 1819年11月22日 - 1880年12月22日: アダム・ベデ』(1859年)、『The Mill
on the Floss』(1860年)、『Silas Marner』(1861年)、『Romola』(1862-1863年)、『Felix
Holt, the Radical』(1866年)、『Middlemarch』(1871-1872年)、『Daniel
偉大な小説」と評された。 1854年から1878年まで、当時としてはスキャンダラスで型破りなことに、彼女は既婚者であったジョージ・ヘンリー・ルイスと夫婦として同棲し、彼を 夫と呼んだ。妻が別の男と暮らし、彼との間に子供ができた後も、彼は妻との結婚生活を続け、子供たちを養った。1880年5月、ルイスの死から18ヵ月 後、ジョージ・エリオットは長年の友人であった年下の男性ジョン・クロスと結婚し、メアリー・アン・クロスと改名した。 |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
(German: [ˈɡɔthɔlt ˈʔeːfʁa.ɪm ˈlɛsɪŋ] ⓘ; 22 January 1729 – 15 February
1781) was a German philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic,
and a representative of the Enlightenment era. His plays and
theoretical writings substantially influenced the development of German
literature. He is widely considered by theatre historians to be the
first dramaturg in his role at Abel Seyler's Hamburg National
Theatre.[1] |
Ephraim Lessing、ドイツ語: [ˈɡɔeˈʔːɪŋ] ⓘ; 1729年1月22日 -
発展に多大な影響を与えた。演劇史家の間では、アベル・ザイラーのハンブルク国立劇場で最初のドラマトゥルクを務めた人物として広く知られている[1]。 |
Lordon |
Frédéric Lordon (born 15 January
1962) is a French economist and philosopher,[1] CNRS Director of
Research at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique
in Paris. He is an influential figure in France's Nuit debout movement
and has regularly contributed to French broadcast and print media on
French and European politics, and also writes a regular opinion column
for Le Monde diplomatique.[2][3][4] He has argued in favour of
Communism as an alternative to Capitalism in books, articles and media
appearances, and has been engaged in a project of re-grounding the
social sciences in a Spinoza-inspired materialism.[5] He is considered
one of the most prominent intellectual voices of the radical left in
France today.[6] |
派の最も著名な知的発言者の一人とみなされている[6]。 |
Robert Misrahi |
Robert Misrahi (French:
[miz.ʁa.i]; 3 January 1926 – 1 October 2023) was a French philosopher
who specialised in the work of 17th Century Dutch thinker Baruch
Spinoza. Born in Paris to Turkish-Jewish immigrants, Misrahi studied at
the University of Paris (Sorbonne), where he became a protege of
Jean-Paul Sartre. He was the emeritus professor of ethical philosophy
at the Université de Paris I (Sorbonne), he has published a number of
works on Spinoza and published the essentials of his work on the
question of happiness. He has published a number of works in
publications including Les Temps modernes, Encyclopædia Universalis, Le
Dictionnaire des philosophies "PUF", but also Libération and le Nouvel
Observateur. |
ロベール・ミスラヒ(仏: [miz.ʁa.i];
1926年1月3日 -
を務め、スピノザに関する著作を多数発表し、幸福の問題に関する著作のエッセンスを出版した。Les Temps
modernes』、『Encyclopædia Universalis』、『Le Dictionnaire des philosophies
「PUF」』をはじめ、『Libération』、『le Nouvel Observateur』など多くの出版物に著作を発表している。 |
Steven Nadler |
Steven Mitchell Nadler[1] (born
November 11, 1958) is an American/Canadian academic and philosopher
specializing in 17th-century philosophy. He is Vilas Research Professor
and the William H. Hay II Professor of Philosophy, and was (from
2004–2009) Max and Frieda Weinstein-Bascom Professor of Jewish Studies
at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is also director of their
Institute for Research in the Humanities.[2] Nadler has written extensively on Spinoza, Descartes and Cartesianism, and Leibniz, and engaged with medieval and early modern Jewish philosophy.[2] |
[2]。 ナドラーはスピノザ、デカルト主義、ライプニッツについて幅広く執筆し、中世および近世のユダヤ哲学に携わってきた[2]。 |
Lev Vygotsky |
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
(Russian: Лев Семёнович Выготский, [vɨˈɡotskʲɪj]; Belarusian: Леў
Сямёнавіч Выгоцкі; November 17 [O.S. November 5] 1896 – June 11, 1934)
was a Russian and Soviet psychologist, best known for his work on
psychological development in children and creating the framework known
as cultural-historical activity theory. After his early death, his
books and research were banned in the Soviet Union until Joseph
Stalin's death in 1953, with a first collection of major texts
published in 1956. His major ideas include: The Social Origin of Mind: Vygotsky believed that human mental and cognitive abilities are not biologically determined, but instead created and shaped by use of language and tools in the process of interacting and constructing the cultural and social environment.[1] The Importance of Mediation: He saw mediation as the key to human development, because it leads to the use of cultural tools and becomes a pathway for psychological development through the process of interiorization. The Zone of Proximal Development: Vygotsky introduced the concept of the ZPD which refers to the gap between a child's current level of development and the level they are capable of reaching with tools provided by others with more knowledge. The Significance of Play: Vygotsky viewed play as a crucial aspect of children's development, as he thought of it as the best sandbox to build and develop the practice of mediation. |
レフ・セミョーノヴィチ・ヴィゴツキー(ロシア語: Лев
Семёнович Выготский, [vɨˈɡotskʲɪj; Belarusian: Ле↪Ll_45E Сямёнавіч
Выгоцкі; November 17 [O.S. 1896年11月5日 -
の第一集が出版された。 彼の主な思想は以下の通りである: 『心の社会的起源』である: ヴィゴツキーは、人間の精神的・認知的能力は生物学的に決定されたものではなく、文化的・社会的環境との相互作用や構築の過程において、言語や道具を使用 することによって創造され、形成されると考えた[1]。 調停の重要性 媒介は文化的道具の使用につながり、内面化の過程を通じて心理的発達の道筋となるからである。 最近接発達領域: ヴィゴツキーはZPDの概念を導入した。ZPDとは、子どもの現在の発達水準と、より多くの知識を持つ他者から提供されたツールを用いて到達できる水準と のギャップを指す。 遊びの意義 ヴィゴツキーは、遊びを子どもの発達の重要な側面とみなし、遊びを媒介の実践を構築し発展させるための最良の砂場と考えた。 |
Eric Walten |
Eric Walten (1663–1697) was a
Dutch Enlightenment thinker and pamphleteer, notably accused of
blasphemy and of secretly following the philosophical thinking of
Benedict Spinoza in the 1690s. Little information survives of Walten's life. He told the court that he was born in Ham, Munsterland, now in Germany. The Dutch scholar Wiep van Bunge suggests that Walten may have been of English descent. He lived in Utrecht until 1685, and from 1688 in The Hague and Rotterdam.[1] Though influenced by Enlightenment writers such as Descartes and Spinoza in his philosophical thought, Walten denied the latter as his primary political influence and professed to admire Juan de Mariana as the greatest writer on the powers and responsibilities of kings. He was one of the most ardent defenders of the Glorious Revolution, justifying the expedition of William of Orange to England in many pamphlets.[1][2] Walten's fate as a controversialist was sealed when his vigorous defense of Balthasar Bekker against the various accusations against him invited a legal prosecution on blasphemy charges against himself. Most damagingly, he had called the Reformed Synod a lunatic asylum ('Een Sothuys van de gekken') for its attack against Bekker. Walten died in prison, probably by suicide, while awaiting trial.[1][3] According to the historicians Margaret Jacob, Wiep van Bunge, and Silvia Berti, Walten belonged to a partly clandestine group of Holland Enlightment philosophers that were strongly influenced by Adrian Koerbagh and Lodewijk Meyer.[4] |
で、1690年代にベネディクト・スピノザの哲学的思想を密かに信奉していたとして、神を冒涜した罪で告発された。 ヴァルテンの生涯についてはほとんど情報が残っていない。彼は法廷で、現在はドイツにあるミュンスターラントのハムで生まれたと語った。オランダの学者 ヴィープ・ファン・ブンゲは、ヴァルテンはイギリス系であった可能性を示唆している。彼は1685年までユトレヒトに、1688年からはハーグとロッテル ダムに住んだ[1]。 哲学思想においてデカルトやスピノザといった啓蒙主義作家の影響を受けたが、政治的な影響については後者を否定し、王の権限と責任に関する最大の著作家と してフアン・デ・マリアナを賞賛していた。彼は栄光革命の最も熱心な擁護者の一人であり、多くのパンフレットでオレンジ公ウィリアムのイングランド遠征を 正当化した[1][2]。 バルタザール・ベッカーに対する様々な非難に対して精力的に弁護したことで、バルタザール自身に対する冒涜の罪で法的訴追を受けることになり、論争家とし てのヴァルテンの運命は封印された。最も不利だったのは、彼が改革派シノドスを精神病院('Een Sothuys van de gekken')と呼んだことだった。ヴァルテンは裁判を待つ間に獄中でおそらく自殺と思われる死を遂げた[1][3]。 歴史家のマーガレット・ヤコブ、ヴィープ・ファン・ブンゲ、シルヴィア・ベルティによれば、ヴァルテンはアドリアン・コールバーグとロデヴァイク・マイ ヤーに強い影響を受けたオランダ啓蒙思想の哲学者たちの一部秘密グループに属していた[4]。 |
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