Gender as one of sociological categories
『ジェンダー・トラブル』ポータル(正面玄関)はこちらです!!! |
クレジット:ジュディス・バトラーによる著作ノート;ジェン ダートラブル、あるいはジェンダーはとらぶっている(→Gender Trouble)各章のタイトルの下線をクリックするとリンクします。
ジェンダー・パフォーマティビティ(Gender performativity) とは、フェミニスト哲学者のジュディス・バトラーが1990年に出版した『ジェンダー・トラブル』の中で初めて使った言葉である。彼らは、男性や女性に生 まれたからといって行動が決まるわけではないと主張する。その代わり、人は社会に適合するために特定の振る舞いを学ぶ。ジェンダーの考え方は行為、つまり パフォーマンスである。その行為とは、人の歩き方、話し方、服装、振る舞いである。彼らはこの行為を "ジェンダーのパフォーマティビティ "と呼んでいる。社会がその人のジェンダーとみなすものは、社会的な期待を満足させるために行われるパフォーマンスにすぎず、その人のジェンダー・アイデ ンティティを真に表現しているわけではないし、「真の表現」が、何の社会的担保もなしに可能になるわけでもない。
1999年版の序文"1/2 Butler's Preface of Bender Trouble (1999)"+"2/2 Butler's Preface of Bender Trouble (1999)" →pdf withpassword JB_GT_preface1999.pdf |
第1章 セックス/ジェンダー/欲望の主体 One: Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire |
第2章 禁止、精神分析、異性愛のマトリクス の生産 Two: Prohibition, Psychoanalysis, and the Production of the Heterosexual Matrix |
第3章 撹乱的な身体行為 Three: Subversive Bodily Acts |
竹村和子あとがき(kazuko_takemura1999.pdf)with password |
●これ以外の関連する説明は「ジェンダー・とらぶって る!!」 を御参照ください。
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity[1][2]
is a book by the philosopher Judith Butler in which the author argues
that gender is performative, meaning that it is maintained, created or
perpetuated by iterative repetitions when speaking and interacting with
each other. |
つまり、ジェンダーは互いに話したり、相互作用したりする際の反復的な繰り返しによって維持され、創造され、永続するものだと主張している。 |
Summary Butler criticizes one of the central assumptions of feminist theory, that there exists an identity and a subject that requires representation in politics and language. For Butler, "women" and "woman" are categories complicated by factors such as class, ethnicity, and sexuality. Moreover, the universality presumed by these terms parallels the assumed universality of the patriarchy and erases the particularity of oppression in distinct times and places. Butler thus eschews identity politics in favor of a new, coalitional feminism that critiques the basis of identity and gender. They [c] challenge assumptions about the distinction often made between sex and gender, according to which sex is biological while gender is culturally constructed. Butler argues that this false distinction introduces a split into the supposedly unified subject of feminism. Sexed bodies cannot signify without gender, and the apparent existence of sex prior to discourse and cultural imposition is only an effect of the functioning of gender. Sex and gender are both constructed. |
要約 バトラーは、フェミニズム理論の中心的な前提のひとつである、政治や言語における表象を必要とするアイデンティティや主体が存在するということを批判して いる。バトラーにとって、「女性」や「女」は、階級、民族性、セクシュアリティなどの要素によって複雑化されたカテゴリーである。さらに、これらの用語に よって想定される普遍性は、家父長制の想定される普遍性と類似しており、異なる時代や場所における抑圧の特殊性を消し去ってしまう。バトラーはこのよう に、アイデンティティとジェンダーの基礎を批判する新しい連合的フェミニズムを支持し、アイデンティティ政治を避けている。ジェンダーは文化的に構築され たものであるのに対して、セックスは生物学的なものである。バトラーは、この誤った区別が、フェミニズムの統一されたはずの主題に分裂をもたらすと主張す る。性別のある身体は、ジェンダーなしには意味づけられず、言説や文化的な押し付けに先立つセックスの見かけ上の存在は、ジェンダーの機能の効果にすぎな い。セックスもジェンダーも構築されたものなのだ。 |
Examining the work of the
philosophers Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray, Butler explores the
relationship between power and categories of sex and gender. For de
Beauvoir, women constitute a lack against which men establish their
identity; for Irigaray, this dialectic belongs to a "signifying
economy" that excludes the representation of women altogether because
it employs phallocentric language. Both assume that there exists a
female "self-identical being" in need of representation, and their
arguments hide the impossibility of "being" a gender at all. Butler
argues instead that gender is performative: no identity exists behind
the acts that supposedly "express" gender, and these acts constitute,
rather than express, the illusion of the stable gender identity. If the
appearance of “being” a gender is thus an effect of culturally
influenced acts, then there exists no solid, universal gender:
constituted through the practice of performance, the gender "woman"
(like the gender "man") remains contingent and open to interpretation
and "resignification". In this way, Butler provides an opening for
subversive action. They call for people to trouble the categories of
gender through performance. |
ラーは破壊的な行動のための入り口を提供する。パフォーマンスを通して、ジェンダーのカテゴリーに問題を起こすよう人々に呼びかけているのだ。 |
Discussing the patriarchy,
Butler notes that feminists have frequently made recourse to the
supposed pre-patriarchal state of culture as a model upon which to base
a new, non-oppressive society. For this reason, accounts of the
original transformation of sex into gender by means of the incest taboo
have proven particularly useful to feminists. Butler revisits three of
the most popular: the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss's
anthropological structuralism, in which the incest taboo necessitates a
kinship structure governed by the exchange of women; Joan Riviere's
psychoanalytic description of "womanliness as a masquerade" that hides
masculine identification and therefore also conceals a desire for
another woman; and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic explanation of
mourning and melancholia, in which loss prompts the ego to incorporate
attributes of the lost loved one, in which cathexis becomes
identification. |
そして、ジークムント・フロイトの喪とメランコリアに関する精神分析学的説明。この説明では、喪失が自我に、失われた愛する人の属性を取り込むよう促す。 |
Butler extends these accounts of
gender identification in order to emphasize the productive or
performative aspects of gender. With Lévi-Strauss, they suggest that
incest is "a pervasive cultural fantasy" and that the presence of the
taboo generates these desires; with Riviere, they state that mimicry
and masquerade form the "essence" of gender; with Freud, they assert
that "gender identification is a kind of melancholia in which the sex
of the prohibited object is internalized as a prohibition",[1]: 63 and
therefore that "same-sexed gender identification" depends on an
unresolved (but simultaneously forgotten) homosexual cathexis (with the
father, not the mother, of the Oedipal myth). For Butler, "heterosexual
melancholy is culturally instituted as the price of stable gender
identities",[1]: 70 and for heterosexuality to remain stable, it
demands the notion of homosexuality, which remains prohibited but
necessarily within the bounds of culture. Finally, they point again to
the productivity of the incest taboo, a law which generates and
regulates approved heterosexuality and subversive homosexuality,
neither of which exists before the law. |
に、彼らは「ジェンダー識別とは、禁止された対象の性が禁止として内面化される一種のメランコリアである」と主張している[1]: 63
的な同性愛を生み出し、規制するものであるが、どちらも法律の前には存在しない。 |
In response to the work of the
psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan that posited a paternal Symbolic order and
a repression of the "feminine" required for language and culture, Julia
Kristeva added women back into the narrative by claiming that poetic
language—the "semiotic"—was a surfacing of the maternal body in
writing, uncontrolled by the paternal logos. For Kristeva, poetic
writing and maternity are the sole culturally permissible ways for
women to return to the maternal body that bore them, and female
homosexuality is an impossibility, a near psychosis. Butler criticizes
Kristeva, claiming that her insistence on a "maternal" that precedes
culture and on poetry as a return to the maternal body is essentialist:
"Kristeva conceptualizes this maternal instinct as having an
ontological status prior to the paternal law, but she fails to consider
the way in which that very law might well be the cause of the very
desire it is said to repress."[1]: 90 . Butler argues the notion of
"maternity" as the long-lost haven for females is a social
construction, and invokes Michel Foucault's arguments in The History of
Sexuality (1976) to posit that the notion that maternity precedes or
defines women is itself a product of discourse. |
望そのものの原因である可能性を、彼女は考慮していない」[1]: 90
。バトラーは、女性にとって長い間失われていた避難所としての「母性」という概念は社会的構築であると主張し、『セクシュアリティの歴史』(1976)におけるミシェル・フーコーの議論を引き合いに出して、母性が女性に先行する、あるいは女性を定義するという概念自体が言説の産物であるとする。 |
Butler dismantles part of
Foucault's critical introduction to the journals he published of
Herculine Barbin, an intersex person who lived in France during the
19th century and eventually committed suicide when she was forced to
live as a man by the authorities. In his introduction to the journals,
Foucault writes of Barbin's early days, when she was able to live her
gender or "sex" as she saw fit as a "happy limbo of
nonidentity."[1]: 94 Butler accuses Foucault of romanticism, claiming
that his proclamation of a blissful identity "prior" to cultural
inscription contradicts his work in The History of Sexuality, in which
he posits that the idea of a "real" or "true" or "originary" sexual
identity is an illusion, in other words that "sex" is not the solution
to the repressive system of power but part of that system itself.
Butler instead places Barbin's early days not in a "happy limbo" but
along a larger trajectory, always part of a larger network of social
control. They suggest finally that Foucault's surprising deviation from
his ideas on repression in the introduction might be a sort of
"confessional moment", or vindication of Foucault's own homosexuality
of which he rarely spoke and on which he permitted himself only once to
be interviewed. |
自身がほとんど語らず、一度だけインタビューを許された同性愛の正当性を証明するものなのかもしれないと、彼らは最後に示唆する。 |
Butler traces the feminist
theorist Monique Wittig's thinking about lesbianism as the one recourse
to the constructed notion of sex. The notion of "sex" is always coded
as female, according to Wittig, a way to designate the non-male through
an absence. Women, thus reduced to "sex", cannot escape carrying sex as
a burden. Wittig argues that even naming body parts as sexual creates a
fictitious limitation of what body parts can be considered erogenous,
socially constructing the features themselves and fragmenting what was
really once "whole". Language, repeated over time, "produces
reality-effects that are eventually misperceived as 'facts'.[1]: 115 |
誤認される現実的効果を生み出す」のである[1]: 115 |
Butler questions the notion that
"the body" itself is a natural entity that "admits no genealogy", a
usual given without explanation: "How are the contours of the body
clearly marked as the taken-for-granted ground or surface upon which
gender signification are inscribed, a mere facticity devoid of value,
prior to significance?."[1]: 129 Building on the thinking of the
anthropologist Mary Douglas, outlined in her Purity and Danger (1966),
Butler claims that the boundaries of the body have been drawn to
instate certain taboos about limits and possibilities of exchange. Thus
the hegemonic and homophobic press has read the pollution of the body
that AIDS brings about as corresponding to the pollution of the
homosexual's sexual activity, in particular his crossing the forbidden
bodily boundary of the perineum. In other words, Butler's claim is that
"the body is itself a consequence of taboos that render that body
discrete by virtue of its stable boundaries."[1]: 133 Butler proposes
the practice of drag as a way to destabilize the
exteriority/interiority binary, finally to poke fun at the notion that
there is an "original" gender, and to demonstrate playfully to the
audience, through an exaggeration, that all gender is in fact scripted,
rehearsed, and performed. |
示されるのだろうか」[1]: 129
体、その安定した境界によってその身体を離散的なものにするタブーの結果である」ということである[1]: 133
化され、リハーサルされ、演じられるものであることを、誇張によって観客に遊び心をもって示す方法として、ドラッグの実践を提案している。 |
Butler attempts to construct a
feminism (via the politics of jurido-discursive power) from which the
gendered pronoun has been removed or not presumed to be a reasonable
category. They claim that even the binary of subject/object, which
forms the basic assumption for feminist practices—"we, 'women,' must
become subjects and not objects"—is a hegemonic and artificial
division. The notion of a subject is for them formed through
repetition, through a "practice of signification."[1]: 144 Butler
offers parody (for example, the practice of drag) as a way to
destabilize and make apparent the invisible assumptions about gender
identity and the inhabitability of such "ontological locales" as
gender.[1]: 146 By redeploying those practices of identity and
exposing as always failed the attempts to "become" one's gender, they
believe that a positive, transformative politics can emerge. |
する。主体という概念は、彼女らにとって「意味づけの実践」を通じて、反復によって形成されるものなのである[1]: 144
して、パロディ(例えば、ドラッグの実践)を提示している[1]: 146
しうると彼らは信じている。 |
Publication history Routledge first published Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity in 1990; other Routledge publications occurred in 1999, 2006 (Routledge Classics) and 2007.[2] |
Reception Gender Trouble was reviewed by Shane Phelan in Women & Politics.[5] The work has enjoyed widespread popularity outside of traditional academic circles, even inspiring a fanzine, Judy!.[6][7] Butler, in a preface to the second edition of the book, writes that they were surprised by the size of the book's audience and its eventual status as a founding text of queer theory.[2] Anthony Elliott writes that with the publication of Gender Trouble, Butler established themself at the forefront of feminism, women's studies, lesbian and gay studies, and queer theory. According to Elliott, the core idea expounded in Gender Trouble, that "gender is a kind of improvised performance, a form of theatricality that constitutes a sense of identity", came to be seen as "foundational to the project of queer theory and the advancing of dissident sexual practices during the 1990s."[8]: 150 On November 23, 2018, the playwright Jordan Tannahill read the entirety of Gender Trouble outside the Hungarian Parliament Building in protest of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's decision to revoke accreditation and funding for gender studies programs in the country.[9][10] |
レセプション(社会的受容) ジェンダー・トラブル』は、『Women & Politics』誌でシェーン・フェランによって書評された[5]。この作品は伝統的なアカデミックなサークル以外でも広く人気を博し、ファンジン 『Judy! [2]アンソニー・エリオットは、『ジェンダー・トラブル』の出版によって、バトラーはフェミニズム、女性学、レズビアン・ゲイ研究、そしてクィア理論の 最前線に立つ地位を確立したと書いている。エリオットによれば、『ジェンダーの問題』で明らかにされた「ジェンダーとは一種の即興的なパフォーマンスであ り、アイデンティティの感覚を構成する演劇の一形態である」という核となる考え方は、「1990年代におけるクィア理論のプロジェクトと反体制的な性実践 の前進にとって基礎的なもの」と見なされるようになった[8]: 150 2018年11月23日、劇作家ジョーダン・タナヒルは、ハンガリーのヴィクトール・オルバン首相が同国におけるジェンダー研究プログラムの認定と資金提 供を取り消す決定を下したことに抗議して、ハンガリー国会議事堂の外で『ジェンダー・トラブル』の全文を朗読した[9][10]。 |
Feminist philosophy Poststructuralism Third-wave feminism Undoing Gender |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Trouble |
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