
Making an Innovation Campus and Deconstructing Old fashioned University's Order


03:「空気と空間づくり」から考え るイノベーション・キャンパスの実現

10匹の猫のうち1匹ジョークがワカンねぇ奴がいる!:Uno de cada dies gatos no entendio el chiste...

池田光穂(Mitsuho IKEDA)・松浦博一(Hirokazu MATSUURA)・宮本友介(Yusuke MIYAMOTO)

Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2017-2019

For all undergraduate students!!!, you do not paste but [re]think my message.

Remind Wittgenstein's phrase, "I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own," - Ludwig Wittgenstein