STEAMM: Science x Arts x Humanities
このページは、STEAMM: Science x Arts x Humanities(日本語:理系、芸術、文系を融合させた人材育成を考える)2018年9月7日(金)09:45-15:00, 千里ライフサイエンスセンター5F:山村雄一記念ライフホールで解される同名のシンポジウムへの招待講演者の2名の先生に関する情報を収集して、 そのシン ポジウムを256倍楽しむためのページです。(My closing remarks: )
STEAMMとは、もともと、米国での高校卒業要件としての理系基礎教育(STEM, Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine)の略号である。STEMM, abbreviation for Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine.
"Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines.[1]
This term is typically used to address an education policy or
curriculum choices in schools. It has implications for workforce
development, national security concerns (as a shortage of STEM-educated
Americans can reduce effectiveness in this area) and immigration
policy.[1] The science in STEM typically refers to two out of the three
major branches of science: natural sciences, including biology,
physics, and chemistry; and formal sciences, of which mathematics is an
example, along with logic and statistics. The third major branch of
science, social science such as: psychology, sociology, and political
science, are categorized separately from the other two branches of
science, and are instead grouped together with humanities and arts to
form another counterpart acronym named HASS (Humanities, Arts, and
Social Sciences), rebranded in the UK in 2020 as SHAPE.[2][3]" - Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering,
HASS(Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)という別の頭字語になる。s による
■STEAMM: Science x Arts x Humanities(日本語:理系、芸術、文系を融合させた人材育成を考える)
◎ Susan Albertine 先生
Senior Scholar, Office of Quality, Curriculum, and Assessment, AAC&U (Association of American Colleges & Universities)
"Albertine received her BA in English from Cornell University,
her MA in English from SUNY Cortland, and her Ph.D. in English from the
University of Chicago. She was active in AAC&U before joining the
association, serving as co-leader of the Educated Citizen and Public
Health initiative, a collaborative project co-sponsored by AAC&U
and the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, and other
organizations. She was dean of the School of Humanities and Social
Sciences and professor of English at the College of New Jersey from
2002 to 2008. Previously, she served as vice provost for undergraduate
studies, Temple University, and assistant to the provost, University of
Pennsylvania. She has held faculty positions at the University of North
Florida, St. Olaf College, and Susquehanna University, where she was
chair of the Department of English. Her scholarship in American
literature of the late 19th century led to research and an array of
publications on women’s work in print culture and on businesswomen’s
careers (in fiction and history) during the growth phase of
industrialization in the U.S. Her work in public health emphasizes the
contributions of the liberal arts and liberal education to public
health and global health education." - Dr. Susan Albertine
YouTube 動画:(インタビュー:8分13秒): AAC&U's Susan
Albertine describes the history and vision of the Faculty
Collaboratives initiative
◎ Jay B. Labov 先生
Senior Advisor for Education and Communication for the National Academies of
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine -
"He has directed or contributed to more than 25 Academies reports focusing on undergraduate education, teacher education, advanced study for high school students, K-8 education, and international education. He has served as Director of committees on K-12 and undergraduate science education, the Academies’ Teacher Advisory Council, and was Deputy Director for the Academy's Center for Education. He directed a committee of the NAS and the Institute of Medicine that authored Science, Evolution, and Creationismand oversees the National Academy of Sciences' efforts to confront challenges to teaching evolution in the nation’s public schools. He coordinates efforts at the Academies to work with professional societies and with state academies of science on education issues. He also oversees work on improving education in the life sciences under the aegis of the Academy’s Board on Life Sciences." - Dr. Jay B. Labov
"Dr. Labov is an organismal biologist by training. Prior to accepting his position at the Academy in 1997, he spent 18 years on the biology faculty at Colby College (Maine). He is a Kellogg National Fellow, a Fellow in Education of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, and a 2013 recipient of the "Friend of Darwin" award from the National Center for Science Education. In 2013 he was elected to a three year term beginning in 2014 in which he served as chair-elect for 2014, chair for 205 and past chair for 2016 of the Education Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2014 he was named a Lifetime Honorary Member by the National Association of Biology Teachers, that organization’s highest award and recognition. He received an Academies Staff Award for Lifetime Achievement in December, 2014 and was named by the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology as the John A. Moore Lecturer for 2016. He also received the Distinguished Service to Science Education Award from the National Science Teachers Association in April, 2016." -Dr. Jay B. Labov
彼の最新論文のひとつに、共著、Jay B. Labov, and Barbara Kline Pope, 2008[online 2017], Understanding Our Audiences: The Design and Evolution of Science, Evolution, and Creationism, CBE—Life Sciences EducationVol. 7, No. 1, (pdfはこちら)※ クリエーショニズム(神の創造説)と進化をめぐる科学教育の関係の議論ですので、日本の読者にはすこしなじみが薄いかもしれません。
How People Learn, by Clarissa Dirks and Jay Labov - 人が学ぶこととはどういうことを意味するのかについて若い学生たちと考えるパワポのスライドです(最初のクリッカーテストをスキップして本題に入ります)
One Year after Science's Grand Challenges in Education: Professional Empowerment of STEM Teachers Through Education Policy and Decision Making - NASでの彼らの仕事の紹介です。STEMに 関連するのでここでは重要なリンクです。
Report of the Treasurer for the Year Ended December 31, 2017(出版物へのポータルアクセスで す)
Community Colleges in the Evolving STEM Education Landscape: Committee & Staff Members(上掲のメンバー紹介です)
K–12 (spoken as "k twelve", "k through twelve", or "k to twelve"), for kindergarten to 12th grade, indicates the sum of primary and secondary education in several nations, such as Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Iran, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and the United States,[1] for publicly supported school grades prior to college. Wikipedia, K-12
■米国におけるSTEM 教育について
■なんのための大学教育か? ——大学教育改革5原則より
■CSCD自由文庫の開設について(興味のあ るひとは画面をクリック!)
なお、私がモデル(=お手本)とする教員と教育のデザインは、建築家ザハ・ ハディド(Zaha Hadid, 1950-2016)さんの影響をすごく受けています。でも以下の、YouTube映像を みても、みなさんは????と思うかもしれません。ヒントは、はじめから「既存の概 念を打ち破る」と考えるのではなく、「与えられた条件」から「夢を時間 的/空間的に展開する」というものです。そして、皆さんが考える「夢」を実現するためには、多くの仲間とプロジェクト組み立てるというもの です(→「共同研究を成功させるために!」)。
■私の終わりのスピーチについて(My closing remarks)
※画像をクリックしてください!(Natural Scientists need more general humanities skills! 2018)
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