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2019 Ethics for Academic Research (in English)

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Intensive course of the Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University, 2020

[Lecture] Ice-Breaking [introduceyourself.pdf]; Let's make your dialogic workshop more fun!;
1 [Lecture] The three axioms for the modern research ethics
1 [Workshop] A Change of Plans
[Workshop] The Selection of Data
2 [Workshop] Discovering an Error
[Workshop] Fabrication in a Grant Proposal
3 [Workshop] Is It Plagiarism?
[Workshop] A Career in the Balance
4 [Workshop] Tests on Students
[Workshop] A Change of Protocol
5 [Workshop] Publication Practices
[Workshop]  Who Gets Credit?
6 [Workshop] A Commercial Opportunity?
[Lecture & Workshop]  The Elemental Form of fieldworkers' Ethics
7 [Lecture] "Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research"
[Workshop] A Conflict of Commitment
Free study  Free study period [Short Lecture] Useful dicta for Young Scientists
Free study  Free study period [Short Lecture] “Stealing remains is criminal”/ Spirituality and Materiality among Human Remains: Reflection on repatriation activism for the Ainu and the Ryukyu
Free study  Free study period [Short Lecture] Protect Human Rights in Academic Research Context

Free study  Loin du Fukushima
Free study  The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara
Free study DRkiriko_robot.pdf]with password 3.3MB

Mitzub'ixi Qu'q Ch'ij

Eligibility/ 履修対象
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies 東北大学大学院国際文化研究科[地図
From Feb. 4 to Feb. 8, 2020, II (10:30-12:00) , III (13:00-14:30), IV(14:40-16:10)
マルチメディア教育研究棟6階 M601 右 [Map]
Department /部局
Course Name/講義題目
Introduction to Research Ethics/研究のための倫理
Language of the Course/開講言語
Type of Class/授業形態
Seminar Subject
Course Objective/授業の目的と概要
We will present you an introduction to research ethics for graduate students. We take a standardized teaching protocol for understanding research ethics borrowed from Japanese text books by use of case discussion method. We welcome for not only graduate students of liberal arts and humanities but also for students from the faculties of science, technology, and inter-/trans-disciplinary sciences.
Learning Goals/学習目標
1. Students can understand the philosophies and histories of modern research ethics by participating with case studies conferences.
2. Through considering on various cases of misconducts in research contexts the students can elaborate and understand about the meaning of "research integrity."
3. Students can write concrete research proposal with ethical concerns even though that students' plans would be virtual or planned in near future.
Requirement / Prerequisite/履修条件・受講条件
There is no requirement in this class.
Independent Study Outside of Class/授業外における学習
We provide and arrange a resource web-page [ ] for students attending this class outside from this virtual syllabus. The Students can use this web-site for preparations and reviews of each class.

Textbooks, materials/教科書・教材

You can get and read hand-outs and assigned papers from web-site [] chiefly in Japanese.
-Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl, The ethics toolkit : a compendium of ethical concepts and methods. Blackwell, 2007
Files with pasword
- JJBaggini_Fosl_Toolkit_Ehics_2007_Part1.pdf
- JJBaggini_Fosl_Toolkit_Ehics_2007_Part2.pdf
- JJBaggini_Fosl_Toolkit_Ehics_2007_Part3.pdf
On-line educational resource is situated in [ ] entitled, "Introduction to Research Ethics."
Curriculum in pdf: with password 190225-3.pdf .
Your friendly glossary of applied ethics
Glossary of Ethics
- On being a scientist : a guide to responsible conduct in research [pdf with password]
- How to write a thesis / Umberto Eco ; translated by Caterina Mongiat Farina and Geoff Farina ; foreword by Francesco Erspamer, Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press , c2015 [pdf with password]
Grading Policy/成績評価
Grading of qualification will be evaluated from self-evaluation points from each students' portfolios, 50%, and attainment points of student's reports, 50%
Other Remarks/コメント
[Contents of "The ethics toolkit"][Contents of "The philosopher's toolkit"][Your friendly glossary of applied ethics][Glossary of Ethics]
Special Note/特記事項
If special consideration regarding the taking of this course is necessary due to reasons such as a disability, please consult in advance with the academic affairs related contact point for the department belonged to (such as the school affairs section or graduate school affairs section) or else with Trans-disciplinary Education Division of Purser Department in the Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences. In addition, please inform the teacher responsible for the class at an early stage, such as at the first class.
Special Note/特記事項
research ethics, research integrity, compliance, conflict of interests (COI), research writer's ethics.
Messages to Prospective Students/受講生へのメッセージ
Do you know the motto printed in T-shirt of a used book store in Berkeley, California, "Moe's" that I found ? - "Reading is Sexy." It's Great that I think. I will add in our class, "Understanding Research Ethics is also agapic [in Greek sence]Sexy, Philo-Sophy." This is my motto of objectivity of this class.
0. Ice-Breaking [ introduceyourself.pdf]
1. Introducing to Workshop Style Class, and The three axioms for the modern research ethics
2. A Change of Plans (01)
3. The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, documentary narrative of Slavoj Zizek, 2012
4. The Selection of Data (02) & Discovering an Error (03)
5. The Fog of War, documentary narrative of Robert S. Robert McNamara, 2003
6. Discussion on The Fog of War.
7. Fabrication in a Grant Proposal (04) & Who Gets Credit? (05)
8. Zero Dark Thirty, 157 min, 2012.
9. Discussion on Ethics of Warfare and Terrorism
10. Is It Plagiarism ? (06) & A Commercial Opportunity ? (07)
11. China's Van Gogh, 2016
12. Fine Arts: Authors' identities and its authenticities
13. A Conflict of Commitment (09) and Discussion
14. The Young Karl Marx, 118 min, 2016
15. Concluding remarks
1. The Perver's Guide to Ideology, 136 min., documentary narrative of Slavoj Zizek, 2012
2. The Fog of War, documentary narrative of Robert S. Robert McNamara, 2003
3. China's Van Gogh, 2016
4. The Young Karl Marx, 118 min, 2016
5. Outbreak, 1995 , 128 min, [tentative]
6. Valkyrie, 124 min, 2008,[tentative]
7. Zero Dark Thirty, 157 min, 2012.
Curriculum detail
Introducing to Workshop Style Class, and The three axioms for the modern research ethics.
Topic: A Change of Plans
Topic: The Selection of Data
Topic: Discovering an Error
Topic: Discovering an Error in the CFP
Topic: Is It Plagiarism?
Topic: A Career in the Balance
Topic: Tests on Students
Topic: A Change of Protocol
Topic: Publication Practices
Topic: Publication Practices
Topic: A Commercial Opportunity?
Topic: The Elemental Form of fieldworkers' Ethics
Topic: Animal experiment, experimental trial by using animals instead human object
Topic: A Conflict of Commitment
Topic: Subjective Maxims for you, a scientist

Visual Presentations for my class "Ethics for Academic Research (in English)"
0. Ice-Breaking [ introduceyourself.pdf]
1. Introducing to Workshop Style Class, and The three axioms for the modern research ethics
2. A Change of Plans (01)
3. The Afghan Alphabet, 45 min., dir. Mohsen Makhmalbaf, 2002.
- [Analysis on ideology through the Movie]
- The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, 136 min., documentary narrative of Slavoj Zizek, 2012
4. The Selection of Data (02) & Discovering an Error (03)
5. The Fog of War, documentary narrative of Robert S. Robert McNamara, 107 min, 2003
6. Discussion on The Fog of War.
7. Fabrication in a Grant Proposal (04) & Who Gets Credit? (05)
8. Zero Dark Thirty, 157 min, 2012.
9. Discussion on Ethics of Warfare and Terrorism
10. Is It Plagiarism ? (06) & A Commercial Opportunity ? (07)
11. China's Van Gogh, 84 min, 2016
12. Fine Arts: Authors' identities and its authenticities
13. A Conflict of Commitment (09) and Discussion
14. The Young Karl Marx, 118 min, 2016
15. Concluding remarks
01-01 授業のすすめ 方・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[対話・討議によるワークショップ技法 Introducing to Workshop Style Class
01-02 科学者になるというこ と・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[研究倫理の3つの公理 The three axioms for the modern research ethics
02 科学の社会的基 礎・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[計画の変更(原著:5) A Change of Plans
03 実験テクニックとデータの扱い 方・・・・・・・・・・・・[データの[恣意的]選別(原著:10) The Selection of Data
04 科学における価値 観・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[エラーの発見(原著:14) Discovering an Error
05 利害の衝 突・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[研究資金申請書における捏造(原 著:17) Discovering an Error in the CFP
06 出版と公 開・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[それは剽窃だろうか?(原著: 18) Is It Plagiarism?
07 業績評価とその表 記・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[十字路にたつキャリア(原著:22) A Career in the Balance
08 オーサーシップとはなにか 1・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[学生を被験者にしたテスト(原著:25) Tests on Students
09 科学上の間違いと手抜き行 為・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[実験プロトコルの変更(原著:26) A Change of Protocol
10 不正行 為・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[論文公表のやりかた(原著: 32) Publication Practices
10 オーサーシップとはなにか 2・・・・・・・・・・・[だれが論文著者として掲載されるか(原著:36) Publication Practices
11 倫理違反とその対 処・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[商業的営利チャンス(原著:42) A Commercial Opportunity?
12 フィールドワーク研 究・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[フィールドワークの倫理 The Elemental Form of fieldworkers' Ethics
13 動物実 験・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・[動物実験(解説)動物実験倫 理講義録 Animal experiment, experimental trial by using animals insted human object
14 社会に埋め込まれた科学者(および有機的知識人論)・・・ [関与することの対立(原著:45) A Conflict of Commitment
15 まとめの議論:科学者になるという こと・・・・・・・・[科学者の定言命法、あるいは主観的実践原則 Subjective Maxims for you, a scientist
16【番外】先住民の遺骨等の返還に関す る文化的主権と研究倫理[アイヌ遺骨等返還の研究倫理 について Research Ethics and the repatriation of human remains of ethnic minorities and indienous poeple
17【番外】研究上起こり得る人権侵害に ついて・・・[Violation ageist Human Rights in Academic Research Process Violation ageist Human Rights in Academic Research Proce
18【番外】サイバー空間上の倫理[How Does Cyberpunk act [Un]-ethically ?][Introduction to Media Literacy and Media Ethics

19【拷問に倫理は可能か?】[torture][The Culture of Violence][Pipel's death and taste of soup

20【反原発運動:Anti-nuclear social movements】
Loin du Fukushima
21【爆撃の倫理:Ethics of bombing】[The Fog of War
The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara
22【安楽死とロボット】Sanorin作画「第8話ロボットと死」 『Dr. キリコ(2)』秋田書店、2017年
DRkiriko_robot.pdf]with password 3.3MB

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